Taste. Part 5

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Grier felt awful about his earlier outburst and even worse when the large sloe eyes brimmed with tears. "Hey, it's okay, buddy. Don't cry."

A fat drop rolled down the pudgy cheek and just about broke Grier's heart. He picked up Luca and hugged him tight. "Do you want breakfast?"


"Let's go see what we can rustle up. Is oatmeal okay?"

Luca nodded, rewarding Grier with a perfect S despite the sniffles. "You got maple and brown sugar?"

"You bet."

Chapter 5.

"LIL, I'm afraid I can't make it."

"Why not?"

"I'm babysitting for a friend," Grier explained. "I'm really sorry."

"Is it that kid I saw you with the other night?"

"Yeah, Luca."

"Bring him along."

"Are you serious?"

"Is he well-behaved?"


"Then bring him. What the h.e.l.l, I'm not child-phobic."

"That's good to know."

"See you in about an hour?"


Grier disconnected and stepped back into his room, where he'd left Luca happily watching The Penguins of Madagascar The Penguins of Madagascar on the Nickelodeon channel. He was sitting cross-legged on the floor with a Pop-Tart in hand. on the Nickelodeon channel. He was sitting cross-legged on the floor with a Pop-Tart in hand.

"Pick up your crumbs, okay, kiddo?"

"'Kay." Luca nodded as he chewed loudly.

"And close your mouth while you're chewing."

Luca shut his mouth instantly and proceeded to chew his food like a cow masticating gra.s.s, moving his jaw slowly from side to side."

"You don't need to exaggerate, buddy. You'll end up with TMJ problems."


Grier laughed and ruffled Luca's dark fringe. "You need a haircut."

Luca agreed with a nod. " A said I look like a girl." A said I look like a girl."

"When did he say that?" Grier frowned. Since when did Ali have a say in anything involving Luca? A girl? What the f.u.c.k!

"I don't remember... the other day."

"At the Taste?"

"No, at home. He came to have dinner with Mommy and me."

Grier froze. "Does he come around a lot?"

"Not tho tho much," Luca said, slipping on the S word. much," Luca said, slipping on the S word.

"How many times, Luca?" Grier raised his hand and spread his fingers. "This much?"

Luca folded down two of Grier's fingers leaving three standing. "That much."

What the h.e.l.l? How come n.o.body told him about this new development? "Finish up your breakfast, buddy, we've got to get going."

BY THE THE time the cab made its way to Bucktown, it was close to ten thirty in the morning. Lil was already waiting at the door, looking very summery in khakis and a Tommy Bahama s.h.i.+rt. He'd left his hair product-free, choosing to have it flop naturally, rather than dealing with a sticky mess that resulted from the high levels of humidity. The end result was more youthful, with the soft hair falling over his forehead. Grier couldn't help admiring the blond who'd captured his interest so acutely. He would have greeted him with a kiss but held back due to Luca's presence. "Hey." time the cab made its way to Bucktown, it was close to ten thirty in the morning. Lil was already waiting at the door, looking very summery in khakis and a Tommy Bahama s.h.i.+rt. He'd left his hair product-free, choosing to have it flop naturally, rather than dealing with a sticky mess that resulted from the high levels of humidity. The end result was more youthful, with the soft hair falling over his forehead. Grier couldn't help admiring the blond who'd captured his interest so acutely. He would have greeted him with a kiss but held back due to Luca's presence. "Hey."

"Hey, yourself." Lil smiled broadly. "And who is this young man?"

"I'm Luca." The boy stared at Lil with frank curiosity. "What's your name?"

Lil was charmed. "My name is Lil."

"Do I have to call him Lil?" Luca turned toward Grier. Lil?" Luca turned toward Grier.

"That would be best," Grier replied.

"" Lil inquired.

"It means 'Uncle' in Filipino."

"But I'm not his uncle."

"And neither am I, but we're adults, and in his culture it would be disrespectful if he addressed us without a formal salutation."

"I see."

"Everyone buckle up, and let's get this show on the road," Grier said, helping Luca into the cab and adjusting his seat belt. They headed toward the Loop, not very far distance-wise, but with the perennial gridlock, they inched their way across town. Finally, a few blocks away from Willis Tower, they asked the taxi driver to stop. Walking would be far more enjoyable than sitting in a stuffy cab. Lil paid and they exited onto the sidewalk.

"Wow," Luca said, craning his neck when they finally arrived in front of Willis Tower. "I can't see the top of the building."

"It's certainly impressive," Lil seconded. "This should prove very interesting."

"Why's that?" Grier replied, noting the tiny bit of apprehension in Lil's voice. "I thought you wanted to do this?"

"I'm not comfortable with heights," Lil confessed. "They make me queasy, and I always have this urge to throw myself over the edge."

"I'll hold your hand, Lil," Luca said solemnly. "Don't be afraid." Lil," Luca said solemnly. "Don't be afraid."

"Thank you, Luca. I need all the help I can get." Lil looked at Grier and mouthed, He's so f.u.c.king cute! He's so f.u.c.king cute!

Grier smiled. "He is."

They stood in the line with the other tourists waiting their turn to get into the elevator that would take them up to the Skydeck. Willis Tower, according to the brochure in Lil's hand, was the highest building in the western hemisphere, and the third tallest in the world. It was a big tourist attraction, and the lines were a small price to pay to get to the top and enjoy the magnificent view. The express elevator soared up to the hundred and third floor in less than sixty seconds. Luca held his head when the door slid open and turned to Grier. "Tight?"

"It's the pressure building up in your ears," Grier explained. "Try pinching your nose with your fingers and blowing."

Luca did as he was told and he looked at Grier and smiled. "They popped, G." G."


Luca moved quickly, heading toward the Ledge everyone was talking about. Lil held back when he realized what he was about to experience.

"Come on, Lil," Luca urged, pulling him along. Grier brought up the rear and watched in amus.e.m.e.nt as Lil stepped into the gla.s.s box with much trepidation. It extended approximately four feet over Wacker Drive allowing one to look through the floor to the street, one thousand plus feet below. Lil would have pa.s.sed out if not for Luca's innocent face looking up at him. Lil," Luca urged, pulling him along. Grier brought up the rear and watched in amus.e.m.e.nt as Lil stepped into the gla.s.s box with much trepidation. It extended approximately four feet over Wacker Drive allowing one to look through the floor to the street, one thousand plus feet below. Lil would have pa.s.sed out if not for Luca's innocent face looking up at him.

"How cool!" Luca exclaimed.

"Way cool, buddy," Lil croaked.

Grier put his arm around Lil's waist and drew him close. "I got you."

"Thank G.o.d," Lil whispered. He turned toward Grier and began to hyperventilate, so caught up in his fear he forgot how to breathe. The look on his face was priceless, and Grier couldn't help but chuckle.

"Can we please get out of here?"

"Come on," Luca sighed loudly, "you're a big baby, Lil." Lil."

Grier burst out laughing. "You tell him, buddy."

"Shut up," Lil hissed. "I have to maintain my dignity around this child."

"I think it's a lost cause," Grier joked.

"Oh my G.o.d," Lil clutched Grier's hand. "Let's go."

"Don't you want to see anything else? What kind of architect are you?"

"The kind that enjoys skysc.r.a.pers off a blueprint!"

Grier picked up Luca, and they entered the elevator, which hurled them down the many flights in record time. Lil felt like he'd left his stomach somewhere up on the eightieth floor. By the time he staggered out onto the street, he was paper white. "I think I need a drink. What time is it?"

"Who cares?" Grier replied. "It's after five somewhere in the world."

Lil broke out in a nervous laugh. "Let's find a beer joint."

They walked by Uno's Pizzeria and agreed that this was where they'd have lunch. Luca was eager to try the deep-dish pepperoni, and Lil ordered a pitcher of beer. It was a win-win situation for everyone. After the color came back into Lil's cheeks, Grier and Luca started to make fun of his hysterics, and soon the three of them were cracking up. "Remind me never to do this again," Lil wheezed. "What was I thinking?"

"Good thing I held your hand, huh, Lil?" Lil?"

"You're very brave, Luca. How old are you, anyway?"

"I just turned theven theven."

"Well, I'll make sure and tell your mommy and daddy how you kept me from flipping out."

"I don't have a daddy," Luca said softly.

"Oh. Well, I'll tell your mommy, then."

"You know my mommy?"

"No, but your G does. He can tell her how brave you were." G does. He can tell her how brave you were."

"Okay." Luca took a huge bite of his pizza and began to chew slowly, making sure he had his mouth closed the entire time.

Lil stared at Luca in silence, ignoring the abrupt s.h.i.+ft in Grier's body language. The boy's eyes were like black b.u.t.tons, exactly like Grier's, only almond shaped, and his lashes weren't as curly. His skin tone was a rich taupe, with a touch of copper, like over-ripe apricots, especially on his cheeks, and his pitch-black hair was bone straight. The boy was clearly of mixed race, a perfect combination of a Caucasian father and his Filipino mother. Lil wanted to kick himself for missing what was so obviously Grier's mouth. The shape of Luca's lips were the same. The pouty lower lip with the little dent right underneath the middle, a not-so-full-upper lip to match, and the tiniest hint of a cleft on his chin confirmed what Lil now suspected. Luca was Grier's son, and the mystery of his enigmatic hookup deepened even further.

Lil turned to Grier in time to see the man raise his gla.s.s of beer in a silent toast. "Figure it out?"

"Apparently so."

"Let's drink to that, shall we?"

"Indeed," Lil said, forcing a smile. "To fathers and sons everywhere."

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Taste. Part 5 summary

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