Astounding Stories of Super-Science, March 1930 Part 16

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And with blood pounding my temples and rus.h.i.+ng like ice through my veins, I recognized it.



_The Murder in A 22_

"Good G.o.d, what was that?" Dr. Frank's face had gone white in the starlight. Snap stood like a statue of horror.

The deck here was patched as always, silver radiance from the deck ports. The empty deck chairs stood about. The scream was stilled, but now we heard a commotion inside--the rasp of opening cabin doors; questions from frightened pa.s.sengers; the scurry of feet.

I found my voice. "Anita! Anita Prince!"

"Come on!" shouted Snap. "Was it the Prince girl? I thought so too! In her stateroom, A 22!" He was das.h.i.+ng for the lounge archway.

Dr. Frank and I followed. I realized that we pa.s.sed the deck door and window of A 22. But they were dark, and evidently sealed on the inside.

The dim lounge was in a turmoil; pa.s.sengers standing at their cabin doors. I heard Sir Arthur Coniston:

"I say, what was that?"

"Over there," said another man. "Come back inside, Martha." He shoved his wife back. "Mr. Haljan!" He plucked at me as I went past.

I shouted, "Go back to your rooms! We want order here--keep back!"

We came to the twin doors of A 22 and A 20. Both were closed. Dr. Frank was in advance of Snap and me. He paused at the sound of Captain Carter's voice behind us.

"Was it from in there? Wait a moment!"

Carter dashed up; he had a large heat-ray projector in his hand. He shoved us aside. "Let me in first. Is the door sealed? Gregg, keep those pa.s.sengers back!"

The door was not sealed. Carter burst into the room. I heard him gasp, "Good G.o.d!"

Snap and I shoved back three or four crowding pa.s.sengers, and in that instant Dr. Frank had been in the room and out again.

"There's been an accident! Get back, Gregg! Snap, help him keep the crowd away." He shoved me forcibly.

From within, Carter was shouting, "Keep them out! Where are you, Frank?

Come back here! Send a flash for Balch--I want Balch!"

Dr. Frank went back into the room and banged the cabin door upon Snap and me. I was unarmed--I had loaned my cylinder to the guard in the lower corridor. Weapon in hand, Snap forced the panic-stricken pa.s.sengers back to their rooms.

"It's all right! An accident! Miss Prince is hurt."

Snap rea.s.sured them glibly; but he knew no more about it than I. Moa, with a night-robe drawn tight around her thin, tall figure, edged up to me.

"What has happened, Set Haljan?"

I gazed around for her brother Miko, but did not see him.

"An accident," I said shortly. "Go back to your room. Captain's orders."

She eyed me and then retreated. Snap was threatening everybody with his cylinder. Balch dashed up. "What in the h.e.l.l? Where's Carter?"

"In there." I pounded on A 22. It opened cautiously. I could see only Carter, but I heard the murmuring voice of Dr. Frank through the interior connecting door to A 20.

The captain rasped, "Get out, Haljan! Oh, is that you, Balch? Come in."

He admitted the older officer and slammed the door again upon me. And immediately reopened it.

"Gregg, keep the pa.s.sengers quiet. Tell them everything's all right.

Miss Prince got frightened, that's all. Then go up to the turret. Tell Blackstone what's happened."

"But I don't know what's happened," I protested miserably.

Carter was grim and white. He whispered, "I think it may turn out to be murder, Gregg! No, not dead yet--Dr. Frank is trying--Don't stand there like an a.s.s, man! Get to the turret! Verify our trajectory--no--wait--"

The captain was almost incoherent. "Wait a minute, I don't mean that!

Tell Snap to watch his helio-room. Gregg, you and Blackstone stay in the chart-room. Arm yourselves and guard our weapons. By G.o.d, this murderer, whoever he is--"

I stammered, "If--if she dies--will you flash us word?"

He stared at me strangely. "I'll be there presently, Gregg."

He slammed the door upon me.

I followed his orders, but it was like a dream of horror. The turmoil of the s.h.i.+p gradually quieted. Snap went to the helio-room; Blackstone and I sat in the tiny steel chart-room. How much time pa.s.sed, I do not know. I was confused. Anita hurt! She might die.... Murdered.... But why? By whom? Had George Prince been in his own room when the attack came? I thought now I recalled hearing the low murmur of his voice in there with Dr. Frank and Carter.

Where was Miko? It stabbed at me. I had not seen him among the pa.s.sengers in the lounge.

Carter came into the chart-room. "Gregg, you get to bed--you look like a ghost!"


"She's not dead--she may live. Dr. Frank and her brother are with her.

They're doing all they can." He told us what had happened. Anita and George Prince had both been asleep, each in their respective rooms.

Someone unknown had opened Anita's corridor door.

"Wasn't it sealed?" I demanded.

"Yes. But the intruder opened it."

"Burst it? I didn't think it was broken."

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Astounding Stories of Super-Science, March 1930 Part 16 summary

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