Astounding Stories of Super-Science, March 1930 Part 24

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In his absorption Miko did not notice my light. Nor did I have the wit to try and fire along it. I was trembling. Snap under torture!

As the beam went deeper, Snap suddenly screamed. But he ended, "No! I will send--no message for you--"

It had been only a moment. In the chart-room window beside me again a figure appeared! No image. A solid, living person, undisguised by any cloak of invisibility. George Prince had chanced my fire and had crept up upon me.

"Haljan! Don't attack me."

I dropped my light connections. As impulsively I stood up, I saw through the window the figure of Coniston on the deck watching the result of Prince's venture.


Prince no more than whispered it. He stood outside on the deck; the low window cas.e.m.e.nt touched his waist. He leaned over it.

"He's torturing Snap! Call out that you will yield."

The thought had already been in my mind. Another scream from Snap chilled me with horror. I shouted,

"Miko! Stop!"

I rushed to the window and Prince gripped me.


I called louder. "_Miko!_ Stop!" My upflung voice mingled with Snap's agony of protest. Then Miko heard me. His head and shoulders showed up there at the helio-room oval.

"You, Haljan?"

Prince shouted, "I have made him yield. He will obey you if you stop that torture."

I think that poor Snap must have fainted. He was silent. I called, "Stop! I will do what you command."

Miko jeered, "That is good. A bargain, if you and Dean obey me. Disarm him, Prince, and bring him out."

Miko moved back into the helio-room. On the deck Coniston was advancing, but cautiously, mistrustful of me.


George Prince flung a leg over the cas.e.m.e.nt and leaped lightly into the dim chart-room. His small slender figure stood beside me, clung to me.


A moment, while we stood there together. No ray was upon us. Coniston could not see us, nor could he hear our whispers.


A different voice; its throaty, husky quality gone. A soft pleading.


"Gregg, don't you know me? Gregg, dear...."

Why, what was this? Not George Prince? A masquerader, yet so like George Prince.

"Gregg, don't you know me?"

Clinging to me. A soft touch upon my arm. Fingers, clinging. A surge of warm, tingling current was flowing between us.

My sweep of instant thoughts. A speck of human Earth-dust, falling free.

That was George Prince, who had been killed. George Prince's body, disguised by the scheming Carter and Dr. Frank, buried in the guise of his sister. And this black-robed figure who was trying to help us--

"Anita! Dear G.o.d! Anita, darling! Anita!"

"Gregg, dear one!"

"Anita! Dear G.o.d!"

My arms went around her, my lips pressed hers, and felt her tremulous, eager answer.

"Gregg, dear."

"Anita, you!"

The form of Coniston showed at our window. She cast me off. She said, with her throaty swagger of a.s.sumed masculinity:

"I have him, Sir Arthur. He will obey us."

I sensed her warning glance. She shoved me toward the window. She said ironically, "Have no fear, Haljan. You will not be tortured, you and Dean, if you obey our commands."

Coniston gripped me. "You fool! You caused us a lot of trouble, didn't you? Move along there!"

He jerked me roughly through the window. Marched me the length of the deck. Out to the stern-s.p.a.ce; opened the door of my cubby; flung me in and sealed the door upon me.

"Miko will come presently."

I stood in the darkness of my tiny room, listening to his retreating footsteps. But my mind was not on him....

All the Universe in that instant had changed for me. Anita was alive!

(_To be continued_)


[1] As early as 1910 it was discovered that an object magnetized under certain conditions was subject to a loss of weight, its gravity partially nullified. The Martel discovery undoubtedly followed that method.

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Astounding Stories of Super-Science, March 1930 Part 24 summary

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