Francezka Part 2

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And what is quite as curious, the crowd was on the side of the pseudo-gentleman, and was rather pleased that he got the better of the notary's son, who supped with dukes.

"Tell me this," cried Monsieur Voltaire in his loud voice and very angrily, "how comes it that this young girl, whom I know to be the niece of Madame the Countess Riano, should be acting in your trumpery plays?"

He had taken out his snuff-box and opened it to appear calm, and Jacques Haret, before answering, coolly helped himself to the snuff--at which the crowd was lost in admiration.

"Monsieur," answered Jacques Haret, "do you think if Mademoiselle Lecouvreur came sneaking to the manager of the Theatre Francais and asked to act without pay, for the love of the thing, she would be turned away? Well, Monsieur, this young lady is the Adrienne Lecouvreur of her age and cla.s.s. She is the best child actress I ever saw, and she came to me--not begging, if you please, but haughtily demanding that she be allowed to take, when it pleased her ladys.h.i.+p, the leading parts in the plays I give. I allowed her to try once.

Since then, whenever I can get her, she is welcome on the stage of my theater. She asks no pay, but I would give her more than all the child actors in my company get, if I could always command her services."

"And when Madame Riano finds it out?" asked Monsieur Voltaire.

"Then, G.o.d be my help!"

"But, Monsieur Haret," said Mademoiselle Lecouvreur, "truly, it is not right that a young girl of her condition should be allowed to mix with the cla.s.s of children you have here."

"Mademoiselle, she does not mix with them. She is the haughtiest little lady you ever saw. Besides, old Peter, the servant who comes with her, watches her with the eye of a hawk."

"It is but this, Haret," continued Monsieur Voltaire, with impatience; "you have got an admirable little actress for nothing. Whether she comes to ruin, you care not; whether it lands you in prison, you are willing to take the chances; you are, in short, a scoundrel. Come, Mademoiselle Lecouvreur."

"Sir," replied Jacques Haret, following them to the gate, "I am in this business for my living, not for my health, which is admirable, thank you. There are risks in all trades--a wit is always liable to get in prison in these days, especially if he cracks his wit on his betters. I believe you have had two sojourns in the Bastille yourself, Monsieur Voltaire. Well, you survive and smile, and I may be as fortunate. Good evening, Monsieur; good evening, Mademoiselle."

Neither Mademoiselle Lecouvreur nor Monsieur Voltaire replied to him, but getting into the coach in which they came, were driven away under a narrow archway and were out of sight in a minute.

Jacques Haret's mention of a serving-man directed my attention to an elderly man in the well-known purple and canary livery of Madame Riano, who stood close to the stage, never budging from his place. He was a respectable looking creature, with faithfulness writ large all over him. Homely, as well as elderly, he had the most speaking and pathetic eyes I have ever seen in any head. Just now, his expression of anxiety would have melted a heart of stone. And if he were in any way responsible for his young mistress's being in that place, he did well to be anxious.

There was still another piece to be given, and the audience was awaiting it impatiently. The rays of the declining sun were level then, and the sweet, green, retired place looked sweeter and greener and more retired than ever. In the midst of the hush the stage was thwacked and the curtain parted. I happened to glance toward Lafarge, the actor. He stealthily raised his hands and brought them noiselessly together. All at once, the garden seemed full of soldiers. Lafarge pointed out Jacques Haret to an officer, who laid a heavy hand on him, saying:

"I arrest you for giving a theatrical performance without a license."

Jacques Haret began to bl.u.s.ter. It was no use. He grew sarcastic.

"This, I presume, is at the instigation of that rascal Lafarge," he cried. "The people pa.s.sing by here stop and pay a few pence, and see a better performance than can be seen at the Comedie Francaise, around the corner. So the audiences have been falling off. I hear there is scarcely any one in the house the nights Mademoiselle Lecouvreur does not play."

Nothing availed. The thunder of carts resounded in the narrow streets.

"Come," said the officer. "No matter where the information came from--get you and all your company into the carts outside--and you can sleep on a plank to-night in the prison of the Temple, and to-morrow morning you can give an account of yourself to the Grand Prieur de Vendome."

There was, of course, a frightful uproar. The soldiers seized the children and carried them toward the carts, the youngsters screaming with terror, especially the cobbler's boy, who was the biggest boy, and yelled the loudest--the parents shouting, crying and protesting.

There was a terrible scene.

As soon as the commotion began, I walked toward the old serving-man.

The confusion was great, but in the midst of it I heard a calm, imperious little voice saying:

"Peter, come and take me home at once."

It was the young Mademoiselle Capello, standing on the edge of the stage platform. She was very white, but perfectly composed.

Old Peter took her arm respectfully, when up stepped a brawny soldier--one of those stout fellows from Normandy--and catching Mademoiselle Capello by the other arm, said rudely:

"She must go, too!"

I thought old Peter would have dropped dead. As for the young girl, she fixed her eyes intrepidly upon the soldier, but she was trembling in every limb.

I could have felled the man with a single blow, but I saw that to make a brawl with a common soldier about Mademoiselle Capello would be fatal. Old Peter then managed to gasp out:

"This young lady is Mademoiselle Francezka Capello del Medina y Kirkpatrick, niece of the Countess Margarita Riano del Valdozo y Kirkpatrick, and she must be instantly released."

"Well, then," replied the soldier, laughing, "why doesn't the Countess Margarita Riano del Valdozo y Kirkpatrick keep an eye on her niece, Mademoiselle Francezka Capello del Medina y Kirkpatrick, instead of letting her play with these little vagabonds of actors? But, my old c.o.c.k, I think you are lying--so here goes!"

And he dragged Francezka off toward the carts, in which the rest of the children were being tumbled. Peter turned to me.

"For the love of G.o.d--" he began, and could say no more for terror and grief.

"I will follow her," said I, "and no harm shall come to her unless my right hand loses its cunning. No doubt as soon as her ident.i.ty is known she will be released. But, it must be kept quiet, you understand? Her absence must be concealed if possible."

"O G.o.d! O G.o.d!"

The misery of old Peter was piteous. First, he would run toward the carts, swearing he would follow them on foot; then he would totter back, crying:

"I must tell Madame Riano!"

Meanwhile I had gone out, had engaged the first coach for hire and followed the odd procession as it started toward the Temple. In the first cart sat, besides the soldier driving, the officer, Jacques Haret, and Lafarge, who was to lodge the information. Jacques Haret and Lafarge got to fighting in the cart, but that was speedily stopped. Then Jacques took to sharpening his wit on Lafarge and his bad acting, and the first thing I saw, the officer and the soldier were near tumbling out of the cart with laughter at their prisoner. I thought this boded ill for Lafarge, as the case would be heard before the Grand Prieur de Vendome, and this Grand Prieur was not the great grandson of Henri Quatre for nothing--he, too, loved wit as well as wine and women. In the next cart were several children including the cobbler's boy, who continued to yell vociferously and to beg that he should not be hanged. On the plank with the soldier driving sat Francezka Capello.

She wore no hat, and still had on her blond wig, and her fresh cheeks were raddled with paint--she had been unpainted in the first piece.

But I could see her pallor under her rouge. She had on a large crimson mantle, which she wrapped around her, and sat perfectly still and silent. After all, she was the only creature in the party who had anything to fear, and yet she was the calmest of them all. The soldier driving, who was a good-natured fellow, began to cheer up the weeping children, and soon had them all smiling except the cobbler's boy and Francezka.

"Come now," he said. "This is nothing but a pleasant ride to a nice place, called the Temple, where there will be plenty of bread and cheese for you, and some nice clean straw for you to sleep on--and early to-morrow morning you will be sent home to your fathers and mothers, and you will each have a penny--or perhaps a whole livre, so don't be crying, but hold on now--"

Then he whipped up the horse so as to give the children a merry jolt, and the youngsters all began to laugh--still excepting the two co-stars of the troupe.

Mademoiselle Capello confessed to me, years afterward, that she fully expected to be executed, although she did not look for the ignominy of hanging, but rather decapitation--and she firmly resolved to die with the courage of the Capellos and the Kirkpatricks. To heighten this, she kept repeating to herself all the names, t.i.tles and dignities in her family, and thanked G.o.d that she was not as the other children were, or even the cobbler's boy. And to render her exit more dignified, she wiped the paint from her lips and cheeks and managed to throw away her blond wig as the cart rolled under the dark and forbidding archway of the Temple, between the two peaked towers that had frowned there for five centuries.



The prison of the Temple was a huge gloomy building, fronting on two streets. Monsieur, the Grand Prieur de Vendome, was governor of the prison, and had a whole wing of it fitted up very luxuriously for himself--for the Temple was the very pleasantest quarter of Paris, and the wits, the songs, the plays of the Temple have been celebrated ever since I knew Paris. Mirepoix was the deputy governor--there is always in these places a governor who draws the money and a deputy who does the work. Mirepoix was a great fool--I knew him well.

When the carts rattled under the archway which led into the courtyard on which the great hall of the prison fronted, I had dismissed my coachman and was waiting to see what could be done to screen Mademoiselle Capello. A few minutes after I arrived, old Peter came, breathless and almost speechless. I told him to remain in the courtyard until I should deliver his young mistress into his hands.

The sight of the black archway, the great, silent courtyard dimly lighted with lanterns--for night had fallen by that time--frightened the children. They stopped laughing and some of them began to whimper; the cobbler's boy had never stopped howling a moment.

I stood close and saw Mademoiselle Francezka descend, and I made her a low bow, pointing to old Peter who stood close to me and made her a sign. She understood, and flashed me a tremulous little smile as she led the procession into the vast dark hall of the prison which opens on the courtyard.

I went in too. It was but dimly lighted. Mirepoix was already there--a weak, irresolute man of fifty or thereabouts, completely off his head, listening first to Lafarge, then to Jacques Haret, and seemingly not knowing whether the giving of a theatrical performance without a license was a misdemeanor or high treason. He knew Jacques Haret, however, and his reputation or want of reputation, and was inclined to take Lafarge's side of the case.

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Francezka Part 2 summary

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