True Star Chapter 37 Part1

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Chapter 37 Pt.1: The ending of the movie

A story has a beginning, a process, and eventually an ending.

There is a beginning of cooperation between the two actors, the running-in in the process, and the final end.

Gino's agent was not happy with what happened that day. But in the end, both sides choose to settle. After all, if the two main owners are not going to argue with each other, there is no way for others to do anything.

Director Li Wei tried to reconcile the contradiction between Gino and Tang Feng by Communicating with them separately. Luckily, neither of them is a grudge holder, nor will they hate each other.

Movie: Satan's Alley
Scene 72, England, ending
“Chris… Chris…”

He hugged him, and his voice was suppressed and trembling. This moment he felt fall from heaven to h.e.l.l in a flash. He thought that they would be liberated after they left the small church on the beach and came to the big city, but it was heartbreaking in the end.

“You have a nice voice, Tang, and please continue to pa.s.s your voice to the world in the future.” Chris who was lying in the arms of Monk said. His mouth was constantly bleeding, and his face turned pale.

Just as they walked together on the street in the night, a group of people suddenly rushed over to them and dragged them into the alley. Those people were constantly punching and kicking at them while speaking cursed words.
“You disgusted g-y-s!”
“Go to h.e.l.l!”
“You should burn all of you!”
“People who betrayed G.o.d can only go to h.e.l.l!”

No one in the dark alley knew what happened. Pedestrians who pa.s.sed by occasionally were just hastily left unwilling to get into trouble

Advanced technology brings people hope for the future, but it is difficult to erase some of the deep-rooted old-fas.h.i.+oned ideas in a moment. Even in foreign countries, they have always lived in a low-key way, which was living a life of fear and working diligently. They only hope that they can continue to live a good life.

Monk Tang thought of an unexpected friend who met with Chris a week ago. That person was a colleague of who was once a Monk that had received church education with Chris in the three years Chris left. At that time, Chris was still immersed in the joy of seeing old friends in a foreign country, but Tang began to worry. He thought that the news that two of them fled the beach was circulating. He thought that there must be many people who knew that the two of them left at the same time, and even guessed why the two of them would leave.

He worried that Chris's friends knew the relations.h.i.+p between them, but did not want to destroy the joy of Chris when he saw his friend.

After the friend left, Tang told Chris about his worries, and Chris reacted at this time.

When they joined hands to betray G.o.d, it also means having to leave away the world of the Bible, but Chris was more willing to trust his friends.

When they were beaten, Chris took Monk Tang in his arms tightly. Their shouts for help couldn't be heard and finally mixed with the sound of beating and hurling together.

A patrolman accidentally pa.s.sed by and yelled at the group of people. Then the gangsters left, but they left a knife ferociously. That led to the patrolman to chase the gangster away. Only two of them were in the alley last.

“No, you can't leave me alone… Have you forgotten your vows? You promised me to live together, together! Not me alone, don't leave me alone…” There was only Monk 's hoa.r.s.e voice in the dark and cold alley. The pains and sorrows were constantly echoing in the alley, he felt annihilated despair with endless tears.

He tried to press Chris's b.l.o.o.d.y wounds, but those blood still flowed down from his fingers that meant Chris's body temperature was disappearing and life was running out.

He couldn't stop, he couldn't do anything about it, he shouted desperately, “help! Please… help!”

Such a cry for help has already been screamed countless times when they met the gangsters. Even now, only he can hear his own voice. “Tang”, the dying Chris took the man's hand with his last strength, and raised a smile to the lover difficulty, “I never regret my choices. Even if the outcome is still ruined, I will still choose to fall in love with you for a limited time. sorry, I can't go with you. For the rest of the day, please go with my love and hope, live…well”

When the lover in his arms who gave him unlimited hope and warm finally gets cold, he finally couldn't help but look up and scream hysterically.
If G.o.d is to give people the future and hope, Why did G.o.d take away everything from them?

“You can't take my… love away.”

The tears falling under the rogue fell on the face of the lover. Monk bowed his head and kissed Chris's forehead. He would not regret to make the choice between G.o.d's faith and self.

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True Star Chapter 37 Part1 summary

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