True Star Chapter 3

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omfortable room always makes one feel relaxed. After staying in the hospital for several days, Tang Feng had to admit, he was fully satisfied with the odorless room, the warm bed, and the bathroom with that nice bathtub.
He changed out of his clothes and enjoyed himself in a bath. Since the maid already told him that he could use anything in this villa to his heart’s content, then he might as well follow along. He won’t touch things in the other parts of the villa, but as for the bathroom in his own room, he’d utilize it well.
After taking a relaxing hot-water bath and changing into the soft pajamas the maid prepared for him, he stepped back into the room in his slippers. Food that looked amazingly delicious was placed at the head of the bed.
This villa’s owner must be a pretty nice person. He still hasn’t met him yet, but these little services gave Tang Feng a good impression of Charles.
He wasn’t particularly hungry, so he felt full after eating a small amount. Not long afterwards, the maid knocked on the door and came in to clean up the plates and utensils. She even poured him a cup of warm milk, while telling Tang Fend to rest a bit, since Mr. Charles won’t be back until late today due to some matters.
“Thank you,” Tang Feng politely expressing his grat.i.tude.
The maid had no expressions when she looked at Tang Feng. She watched him finish the milk and left.
Although the maid’s att.i.tude was a bit cold, it didn’t affect the feelings of excitement Fan Tong felt from gaining a new life. Nothing was better than living, and nothing could be luckier than possessing a healthy body. Nothing in this world could bring him down.
He felt a little drowsy as soon as he finished drinking the milk. He pressed lightly on his brows in an attempt to wake himself. In the end, he couldn’t fight the drowsiness and fell asleep.
Tang Feng slept very deeply. He felt that he hadn’t slept this deep in a very long time, but sometimes, he also felt like he wasn’t sleeping. His consciousness was blurry, and a little jumbled.
In his haziness, it seemed that he heard the door unlocking and someone coming in. The door was shut again, and that person moved step by step towards the side of his bed. He seemed to have said something, though Tang Feng couldn’t hear it clearly. In fact, he wasn’t sure if he was awake or asleep.
This feeling was too strange, as though he was dreaming. That man flipped away the blankets and pressed himself on his body. A slightly cool palm traced the collar of his pajamas and then slipped inside it. The sometimes light and sometimes heavy touches made him feel very uncomfortable. His body felt hot and intolerable as if it was lit on fire.
Tang Feng wanted to struggle and get up, but his body couldn’t move, as if it were sucked of all its energy. He heaved deep breaths, wis.h.i.+ng to soothe the dry heat on his body, but it was no use at all.
He dreamt of this man kissing him, plundering his mouth in a soft and fiery attack. He was about to suffocate.
Was it a dream? If it was, then why did that feel so real?
But if this was reality, then why couldn’t he wake up? Why was he in this half-awake state, as though caught in a muddy nightmare, struggling to no avail?
Tang Feng couldn’t help but cry out with the stab of dull pain in a certain section of his body. Dreams couldn’t be this real. In dreams, you wouldn’t feel such severe pain.
He struggled to wake up, but a transparent wall always blocked him in the end. He was only a step away from consciousness, but this short step was something he couldn’t cross no matter how hard he tried.
How extremely strange. A man raped him in a dream, and aside from being a bit rough in the beginning, the guy’s technique wasn’t half bad.

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True Star Chapter 3 summary

You're reading True Star. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): Wan Mie Zhi Shang. Already has 3091 views.

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