My Book of Favorite Fairy Tales Part 11

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On being questioned he told them that all he had brought was a little White Cat.


They began to laugh at him, and drove on followed by the young Prince, while after him was brought the crystal rock.

Arrived at the Palace the two elder Princes dismounted with their marvellous Princesses.

The King received them graciously, and did not know to which to award the prize.

He looked at his youngest son and said, "This time, then, you have come alone." "Your Majesty will see in this rock a little White Cat who mews sweetly and has soft little velvet paws," answered the Prince.

The King smiled, and himself went to open the rock. But, as he came near, the Queen, with a touch, made it shatter to pieces, and from out of it she appeared like the sun that has been hidden by clouds; her fair hair was spread over her shoulders, and fell in waves to her feet, and she was robed in a gown of white and rose-colour.

She made a deep curtsey to the King who, struck with admiration, could not help exclaiming,

"Here is one who is matchless, and she deserves my crown."

"Sire," she answered, "I have not come to take away the throne that you fill with such dignity; I was born heir to six kingdoms, allow me to offer you one, and one of them I give to each of your sons. In return all I ask of you is this young Prince for my husband. We shall still have three kingdoms."

The King and all the Court uttered loud cries of joy. The marriage was at once celebrated, also that of the other two Princes; and in such a manner that the Court spent several months in fetes of all sorts.

Then each one of them departed to govern his kingdom, the White Cat making herself ever remembered as much by her kindness and generosity as by her rare merit and beauty.



In the long ago times, in a splendid house, surrounded by fine gardens and a park, there lived a man who had riches in abundance, and everything to make him popular except one, and that was his beard, for his beard was neither black as a raven's wing, golden as the sunlight, nor just an ordinary every-day colour, but it was blue, bright blue.

Of course had blue beards come into fas.h.i.+on his would have been considered beautiful beyond words, but, as far as we know, blue beards have never as yet been fas.h.i.+onable, nor are they likely to be so.

However, in spite of his blue beard this man had married several times, though what had become of his wives n.o.body could say.

Now, not far from Bluebeard's house there dwelt a widow with two very lovely daughters, and one of these Bluebeard wished to marry, but which he did not mind, they might settle that between themselves.

Neither of these girls had the least desire to have a husband with a blue beard, and also, not knowing the fate of the other wives, they did not like to risk disappearing from the world as those had done, but being very polite young women they would not refuse Bluebeard's proposals outright. The younger said, "I would not for a moment take away Sister Anne's chance of marrying such a wealthy man," while Sister Anne declared that, although the elder, she would much prefer to give way to her sister. And so it went on for some time.

Then Bluebeard invited the widow and her daughters to spend a week with him, and many of their neighbours he also invited.

Most sumptuous was the entertainment provided for them. Hunting and fis.h.i.+ng expeditions, picnics and b.a.l.l.s went on from morning till night, and all the night through, so that there was not time even to think of sleep, only feasting and pleasure the whole week long.

So well, indeed, did the younger sister enjoy this, that by the end of the week she had begun to think perhaps after all her host's beard was not so very blue, and that it would be a fine thing to be the mistress of such a magnificent mansion, and the wife of such a rich husband.

And so, not long afterwards, there was a grand wedding, and the widow's younger daughter became Mrs. Bluebeard.

About a month later, Bluebeard told his wife that he must leave her for several weeks, having to travel on business.

"While I am absent, my dear," said he, "invite your relations and friends and enjoy yourself just as you please in entertaining them.

See here are my keys, the keys of the rooms and of the chests where I keep my money, my gold and silver plate, and my jewels. Unlock rooms and chests and use freely what you will."


"This small key," he added, pointing to quite a little one, "is the key of the door at the end of the lower landing, you will not need to use this at all. In fact, should you open that door, or even put this key into the lock, I should be dreadfully angry, indeed I should make you suffer for it in a terrible way."

Then Bluebeard bid his wife good-bye, and departed.

As soon as Mrs. Bluebeard's friends and relations knew that her husband was away, they came flocking to visit her, for they longed to see all her splendid possessions, but had feared to come before.

They could not enough admire the magnificent apartments, and ran from one to another praising everything they beheld.

But the young wife heeded nothing they said or did, all she thought of was that little key which she must not use, wondering more and more why she ought not to open that one particular door.

At last she could bear it no longer, but slipping away from her visitors, she ran along the pa.s.sages and stairs, nearly falling down them, so great was her haste, until she came to that door at the end of the corridor.

Not pausing an instant, she thrust the key into the lock, and the door sprang open.

At first she could distinguish nothing, for the room was dark and gloomy, but then, all of a sudden, she knew what had become of Bluebeard's other wives, for there they lay, in a long, straight row, all dead. She stood horrified for a moment or two, gazing at the pale faces, and long hair spread out around them, then picking up the little key which she had taken from the lock but dropped in her fright, she hastily quitted the room, shut and locked the door, and ran to her own chamber to calm herself before returning to her guests.

But she was unable to rest for an instant, so dreadful were her feelings; then with terror she noticed that on the key there was a stain. She wiped it with her handkerchief, but alas! it was blood that would not be wiped away. She washed the key and rubbed it, and sc.r.a.ped it and polished it, but all to no purpose, if she succeeded in cleansing one side, the mark came out on the other. For the key was enchanted.

[Ill.u.s.tration: _Painted by Jennie Harbour_ BLUEBEARD]

That same evening Bluebeard returned saying he had met the man whom he was wanting to see, and so the long journey was unnecessary, and he was rejoiced to be at home again.

Next morning he called for the keys; his wife brought them to him, but not the little one; that she left behind. Bluebeard noticed this directly and sent her to fetch it. Trembling, and white as a sheet, she was forced to give it into his hand.

"Ha! what is this?" he cried, "what is this stain that I see!"

His poor wife trembled still more, and could not speak.

"Wretched woman!" shouted Bluebeard, "you have used this key, you have unlocked the door of that room at the end of the pa.s.sage. You shall die!!!"

In vain did his wife plead with him to spare her, kneeling before him with tears streaming from her eyes. "You shall die!" he cried again, more savagely than before.

"Let me have a few moments alone, to prepare for death,"

"Half a quarter of an hour, but not a moment longer," he replied, and left her.

The poor young woman hastened to a room at the foot of the turret stairs where was her Sister Anne, and called to her.

"Sister Anne, Sister Anne, look from the tower window. Can you see no one coming?" And Sister Anne, looking out, answered:

"Alas! No! Nothing but the green gra.s.s, and the sun which s.h.i.+nes upon it."

Bluebeard shouted from below that the time was almost up.

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My Book of Favorite Fairy Tales Part 11 summary

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