The Secret Pact Part 28

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"Everything's all set," he told her with a wors.h.i.+pful grin. "Whenever you give the word, we can go to press."

"That's fine," Penny praised. "Louise and I have been having a few difficulties, financial and otherwise. But I hope it won't be long now."

She talked with Old Horney about various technical problems, then returned to her desk. Slipping a sheet of paper into her typewriter, she composed a letter to a well known steams.h.i.+p, the _Dorasky_.

Slipping it into her pocket, she opened the door of Louise's office.

"Do you mind staying here alone for awhile?"

"No, of course not. Where are you going?"

"To mail an important letter. Then I want to drive out to Fenestra's farm and see Mrs. Weems."

"I'll look after everything until you get back," Louise promised. She glanced curiously at the letter but did not ask to whom it was directed.

Penny dropped the stamped envelope into a convenient corner mailbox, and then drove toward the outskirts of the city. Nearing Drexel Boulevard it suddenly occurred to her that she never had found time to revisit Matthew Judson's home.

"Pauletta owes me an explanation for the way she acted the other day,"

she thought. "I have a notion to stop and see if she's alone."

Penny impulsively spun the wheel, and followed the boulevard to the Judson home. The iron gate stood open. She drove through, up the curve of cement to the house.

In response to her knock, an untidy colored maid admitted her to a dark, dusty living room. As she awaited Pauletta, her wandering gaze noted a number of significant details. The walls had not been decorated in many years, upholstered furniture had a.s.sumed a moth-eaten appearance, and the entire room seemed spiritless.

Pauletta came slowly down the circular stairway. She hesitated as she recognized Penny, but could not retreat.

"How do you do," she said somewhat stiffly. "Nice of you to call."

"I think you know why I came," said Penny. "We were unable to talk when I was here before."

"I've told you all there was to it," Pauletta declared, seating herself opposite the girl. "Frankly, I can't see that the affair is any of your concern. I wore the disguise because I didn't wish to be recognized on board the _Goodtime_."

"Your explanation isn't very satisfactory, I'm afraid. Tillie Fellows is staying at our home now."

"What of it?"

"She was robbed that night on the boat."

"We discussed it before," Miss Judson said in exasperation. "You insult me by suggesting that I may have s.n.a.t.c.hed the girl's pocketbook! Why should I steal when my father is wealthy? I've always had everything I want."

"I should like very much to believe you," said Penny quietly. "But unless you are willing to offer a complete explanation, I am afraid I can't."

"Very well, if I must, I'll tell," Miss Judson replied angrily. "You may have read in the newspapers that I am engaged to marry Major Howard Atchley?"

"The story escaped me."

"I admire Howard very much," resumed Pauletta, still in an icy tone. "He comes from an excellent family, is well-to-do, and in Father's opinion will make me a good husband."

"Your opinion differs?" Penny inquired softly.

"I do not love Howard, and I never shall. On the night you saw me aboard the _Goodtime_ I had gone with another friend of mine, Carl Feldman, intending to enjoy the excursion trip."

"Your father knew nothing about it?"

"I told him I was going with another girl."

"Oh, I see."

"There was nothing wrong about it," Pauletta said irritably. "But I'm fairly well known. I realized that if I were recognized, Father or Howard might learn about it. Then there would be trouble, for Howard is a very jealous person."

"So you resorted to the wig and"

"Yes, that was my sole reason. Major Atchley met me at the boat. Before joining him I threw the bundle of clothing into the river. Now are you satisfied with my explanation?"

"I am," said Penny. "In fact, I never believed that you had robbed Tillie."

"You certainly acted that way."

"Perhaps, I only wanted to learn the truth."

Miss Judson did not reply. Her cold stare made it evident that she disliked Penny and regarded her as a meddler.

"Is there anything else you wish to know?" she asked after a lengthy silence.

"Nothing, Miss Judson. I was only thinking that I would like to help you and your father."

"Thank you. We don't require a.s.sistance."

"Perhaps you don't," said Penny, "but your father needs friends. He admitted to me that if it weren't for you he would be tempted to end everything."

The words stunned Pauletta. "Father never said that!" she exclaimed.

"He did."

"I can't believe it. Why, Father's the most cheerful person in the world!"

"In your presence, possibly. The loss of the _Morning Press_ must have been a heavy blow to him."

"Father wasn't forced to give up the paper," Pauletta protested. "He did it because he was tired of working so hard."

"Was that what he told you?"

"Why, yes. I know of no other reason."

"The general belief seems to be that your father speculated on the stock market, losing large sums of money."

"That can't be true," denied Pauletta. "To my knowledge Father never gambled. He may have bought a few stocks from time to time, but only for investment."

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The Secret Pact Part 28 summary

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