The Triads Of Ireland Part 7

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[Note 76: for doman BM dorn sair dorn gabonn dorn daim N degdaim BM]

77. Trede conaittig firinne: mess, tomus, cubus.

[Note 77: tri conaitig B]

78. Trede conaittig brethemnas: gais, feige, fiss.

[Note 78: a tri conaitig B]

79. Tri tuarascbala etraid: osnad, cluiche, ceilide.

[Note 79: osnaid N miad LBM]

80. Trede ara carthar escara: main, cruth, innraccus.

[Note 80: a tri BM treidi H gnas alaig erlabra HM airdearcus B]

81. Trede ara miscnigther cara: fogal, dognas, dimainche.

[Note 81: treidi H a tri M tri L fogail H dimainecht HM]

82. Tri buirb in betha: oc contibi sen, slan contibi galarach, gaeth contibi baeth.

[Note 82: contib BM contibe N gallrach BM gallrai N baeth contib gaeth BM]

83. Tri buidir in betha: robud do throich, airchisecht fri faigdech, cosc mna baithe do druis.

[Note 83: urchuidme ria foidhech N aercuidmed fri foigeaeh B mna druithi B]

84. Tri cain docelat eitchi: sobes la anricht, ane la doer, ecna la dodelb.

[Note 84: doceilead eitig B handracht B dodealb B dodeilb N]

85. Tri heitich docelat cain: bo binnech cen as, ech an amluath, sodelb cen tothucht.

[Note 85: doceiled BM beinnech N]

86. Tri oible adannat seirc: gnuis, alaig, erlabra.

[Note 86: haibne adannaid searc B adanta serce N alaid N]

87. Tri haithne co fomailt: aithne mna, aithne eich, aithne [.s]alainn.

[Note 87: haithneada Lec tomailt B salainn L]

88. Tri buada teiti: ben chaem, ech maith, cu luath.

[Note 88: teite N buadnasa tetnai HBMLec]

89. Tri segainni Herenn: fathrann, adbann a cruit, berrad aigthe.

[Note 89: segaind M tri comartha segainn N segraind B Herenn _om._ MB fatraind B fadbann N fadhbond MB aigthe _om._ BM a cruit _om._ MN]

74. Three holidays[51] of a landless man[52]: visiting in the house of a blacksmith, visiting in the house of a carpenter, buying without bonds.

[51] Or, perhaps, 'fairs, foregatherings.'

[52] Or 'vagrant.'

75. Three slender things that best support the world: the slender stream of milk from the cow's dug into the pail, the slender blade of green corn upon the ground, the slender thread over the hand of a skilled woman.

76. Three hands that are best in the world: the hand of a good carpenter, the hand of a skilled woman, the hand of a good smith.

77. Three things which justice demands: judgment, measure, conscience.

78. Three things which judgment demands: wisdom, penetration, knowledge.

79. Three characteristics of concupiscence: sighing, playfulness,[53]


[53] Or 'dalliance.'

80. Three things for which an enemy is loved: wealth, beauty, worth.[54]

[54] 'distinction,' B. 'familiarity, fame (leg. allad), speech,' H.

81. Three things for which a friend is hated: trespa.s.sing,[55] keeping aloof,[56] f.e.c.klessness.

[55] Or 'encroaching.'

[56] Literally, 'unfamiliarity.'

82. Three rude ones of the world: a youngster mocking an old man, a healthy person mocking an invalid, a wise man mocking a fool.

83. Three deaf ones of the world: warning to a doomed man, mocking[57] a beggar, keeping a loose woman from l.u.s.t.

[57] 'pitying,' L.

84. Three fair things that hide ugliness: good manners in the ill-favoured, skill in a serf, wisdom in the misshapen.

85. Three ugly things that hide fairness: a sweet-lowing cow without milk, a fine horse without speed, a fine person without substance.

86. Three sparks that kindle love: a face, demeanour, speech.

87. Three deposits with usufruct: depositing a woman, a horse, salt.

88. Three glories of a gathering: a beautiful wife, a good horse, a swift hound.

89. Three accomplishments of Ireland: a witty stave, a tune on the harp,[58] shaving a face.

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The Triads Of Ireland Part 7 summary

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