The Triads Of Ireland Part 8

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[58] Literally, 'out of a harp.'

90. Tri comartha cluanaigi: buaidriud scel, cluiche tenn, abucht co n-imdergad.

[Note 90: tri comartha cluanaide N clu aenaigh M cluaenaige B teinn L tind BM abocht HLec abhacht M co n-imnead no imdergad HLec co n-uaithiss L co n-aitis N]

91. Tri gena ata messu bron: gen snechta oc legad, gen do mna frit iar mbith [.f]ir aili le, gen chon [.f]oilmnich.

[Note 91: ad mea.s.sam HMB mesom L drochmna LN frit _om._ L iar fes le fer n-aili H iar mbeith fri araile BM foleimnighe N foilmig dot letrad H foleimnigh (foilmnig B) agud rochtain dott ithe MB]

92. Tri bais ata ferr bethaid: bas iach, bas muicce meithe, bas foglada.

[Note 92: ad HBM beatha H iaich L bas iaich bas muici meithi bas fodhladlu L fogladai N fodalada B bas bithbenaig B luifenaich Lec]

93. Tri huathaid ata ferr sochaidi: uathad dagbriathar, uathad bo hi feor, uathad carat im chuirm.

[Note 93: uath ada N ad M is H deagbriathar H degflaith MB]

94. Tri bronaig choirmthige: fer dogni fleid, fer dia ndentar, fer ibes menip saithech

[Note 94: fleid _om._ B fer nostairbir H fer teid dia tairtiud minab saitheach M]

95. Tri cuitbidi in domain: fer lonn, fer etaid, fer dibech.

[Note 95: cuidmidi H]

96. Tri cuil tuaithe: flaith brecach, breithem guach, sacart colach.

[Note 96: flaitheamh BM sacart tuisledach N sagart diultach B diultadhach M]

97. Tri fuiric thige degduni: cuirm, fothrucud, tene mor.

[Note 97: fuiric .i. fleadh no feasta B daghduine N]

98. Tri fuiric thige drochduni: debuid ar do chinn, athchosan frit, a chu dot gabail.

[Note 98: achmusan NBM a cu dod ledrad N do congabail M drochscel lat immach L]

99. Tri gretha tige deglaich: grith fodla, grith suide, grith comeirge.

[Note 99: tri grith L tri gartha M fogla L suigidhe BM]

100. Tri dorchae na dlegat mna do imthecht: dorcha ciach, dorcha aidche, dorcha feda.

[Note 100: nach dleguid N narfacad do mnai imteact B d'imtecht NM]

101. Tri sailge boccachta: imgellad, immarbag, imreson.

[Note 101: soilge BM imgellad bag L imarbaid imreasain BM imarbaigh imressain N imreason no imraichni L]

102. Tri airisena boccachta: sircheilide, sirdecsain, siriarfaige.

[Note 102: haersenna BM hairisin N sirfiarfaighe M sirfiarfaigid N]

90. Three ungentlemanly things: interrupting stories, a mischievous game, jesting so as to raise a blush.

91. Three smiles that are worse than sorrow: the smile of the snow as it melts, the smile of your wife[59] on you after another man has been with her,[60] the grin of a hound ready to leap at you.[61]

[59] 'Of a bad woman,' LN.

[60] 'After sleeping with another man,' H.

[61] 'To tear you to pieces,' H. 'Coming up to devour you,' MB.

92. Three deaths that are better than life: the death of a salmon, the death of a fat pig, the death of a robber.[62]

[62] 'Of a criminal,' B.

93. Three fewnesses that are better than plenty: a fewness of fine words, a fewness of cows in gra.s.s, a fewness of friends around ale.[63]

[63] 'good ale,' MB.

94. Three sorrowful ones of an alehouse: the man who gives the feast, the man to whom it is given, the man who drinks without being satiated.[64]

[64] 'Who goes to it unsatiated,' M. _i.e._ who drinks on an empty stomach.

95. Three laughing-stocks of the world: an angry man, a jealous man, a n.i.g.g.ard.

96. Three ruins of a tribe: a lying chief, a false judge, a l.u.s.tful[65]


[65] 'Stumbling, offending,' N. 'Fond of refusing,' B.

97. Three preparations of a good man's house: ale, a bath, a large fire.

98. Three preparations of a bad man's house: strife before you, complaining to you, his hound taking hold of you.[66]

[66] 'Tearing you,' N. 'A bad story to speed you on your way,' L.

99. Three shouts of a good warrior's house: the shout of distribution, the shout of sitting down, the shout of rising up.

100. Three darknesses into which women should not go: the darkness of mist, the darkness of night, the darkness of a wood.

101. Three props of obstinacy[67]: pledging oneself, contending, wrangling.

102. Three characteristics of obstinacy[67]: long visits, staring, constant questioning.

[67] Literally, 'buckishness.'

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The Triads Of Ireland Part 8 summary

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