He Who Gets Slapped Part 40

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[_Pulling away her hand_]: Let me alone! I'll soon be---- Come here, HE. What did you say to him? They all laughed. I couldn't understand. What?


I joked, Consuelo.


Please don't, HE, don't make him angry; he is so terrible. Did you see how he pressed my arm? I wanted to scream. [_With tears in her eyes_] He hurt me!


It's not too late yet. Refuse him.


It is too late, HE. Don't talk about it.


Do you want it? I will take you away from here.


Where to? [_Laughs._] Ah, my dear little silly boy, where could you take me to. All right, be quiet. How pale you are! You too, love me? Don't HE, please don't! Why do they all love me?


You are so beautiful!


No, no. It's not true. They must not love me. I was still a little cheerful, but when they began to speak ... so nicely ... and about Italy ... and to bid farewell, as if I were dying, I thought I should begin to cry. Don't talk, don't talk, but drink to ... my happiness.

[_With a sad smile_] To my happiness, HE. What are you doing?


I am throwing away the gla.s.s from which you drank with the others. I shall give you another one. Wait a minute. [_Goes to pour champagne._ CONSUELO _walks about thoughtfully_. _Almost all are gone. Only the figures are left._]


[_Coming to her_]: But it is really becoming indecent, Veronica. Auguste is so nice, he is waiting for you, and you talk here with this clown.

Some stupid secrets. They're looking at you--it is becoming noticeable.

It is high time, Veronica, to get rid of these habits.


[_Loudly_]: Let me alone, Father! I want to do so, and will do so. They are all my friends. Do you hear? Let me alone!


Don't, Count. Please, Consuelo, talk to whomever you please and as much as you want. Would you like a cigar, Count? Dear Briquet, please order them to prolong the intermission a little more.


With pleasure, Baron. The orchestra crowd can be a little angry. [_Goes, and returns shortly._ _HE gives a gla.s.s to_ CONSUELO.]


Here is your gla.s.s. To your happiness, to your freedom, Consuelo!


And where is yours? We must touch our


You leave half.


Must I drink so much? HE, deary, I shall become drunk. I still have to ride.


No, you will not be drunk. Dear little girl, did you forget that I am your magician? Be quiet and drink. I charmed the wine. My witchery is in it. Drink, G.o.ddess.


[_Lingeringly_]: What kind eyes you have. But why are you so pale?


Because I love you. Look at my kind eyes and drink; give yourself up to my charms, G.o.ddess! You shall fall asleep, and wake again, as before. Do you remember? And you shall see your country, your sky....


[_Bringing the gla.s.s to her lips_]: I shall see all this; is that true?


[_Growing paler_]: Yes! Awake, G.o.ddess, and remember the time when, covered with snow-white sea-foam, thou didst emerge from the sky blue waters. Remember heaven, and the low eastern wind, and the whisper of the foam at thy marble feet....


[_Drinking_]: There! Look! Just a half! Take it. But what is the matter with you? Are you laughing or crying?


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He Who Gets Slapped Part 40 summary

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