Jerusalem Explored Part 16

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[400] Note VIII.

[401] As for example, Maria the Portuguese, a nun of the third order of S. Francis, A.D. 1578, and Cosimo of Granada, a Franciscan friar, A.D.


[402] For details of the capitals of the columns in it see Plate x.x.xVI.

[403] See M. de Vogue's excellent description, Les eglises de la Terre Sainte, p. 199 et seq.

[404] Plates x.x.xII., x.x.xIII.

[405] Note IX.

[406] Note X.

[407] Plate x.x.xVI.

[408] Note XI.

[409] Liber Secretorum Fidelium Crucis, Lib. III. pars 14, c. 8; Note XII.

[410] Plates x.x.xIV., x.x.xV.

[411] Plate x.x.xV.

[412] S. Matt. xxviii. 2.

[413] Mabillon, Acta Sanctorum, Saec. 3, pars 2.

[414] Itinerarium Terrae Sanctae in Leo Allatius, Symmikta, ed. 1653, p.


[415] Itinerarium Hierosolymitanum, p. 40, ed. of 1486.

[416] Note XIII.

[417] Plates LVI., LIX.

[418] Plate LVI.

[419] S. Matt. xxviii. 2.

[420] S. Mark xvi. 1-6.

[421] S. Luke xxiv. 2, 3.

[422] S. John xx. 1, 4, 5, 6.

[423] Euseb. Theoph. See Lee's translation, p. 199, Camb. 1843.

[424] S. Cyril, Catechet. Lect. XIV. (Library of the Fathers, Vol. II.

p. 169).

[425] Plate x.x.xIV. (section).

[426] Plate LIX.

[427] Plate x.x.xV.

[428] Ezek. v. 5.

[429] Inferno, II. 1 (Wright).

[430] Plate x.x.xV.

[431] Plate x.x.xVI.

[432] I except the Latins from this reproach.

[433] Note XIV.

[434] Note XV.

[435] Gesta Francorum expugnantium Hierusalem (Gesta Dei per Francos, Tom. I. p. 573, ed. 1611).

[436] Les eglises de la Terre Sainte. De Vogue, pp. 249, 262 et seq.

[437] Lib. XII. c. 7 (Gesta Dei per Francos, Tom. II. pp. 819, 820, ed.


[438] Plate x.x.x.

[439] Note XVI.

[440] Plate x.x.xVII.

[441] Recueil de Voyages et de Memoires publies par la Societe de Geographie. 4to. Vol. IV. p. 789.

[442] Lib. XVIII. c. 4 (Gesta Dei per Francos, Tom. II. pp. 933, 934, ed. 1611).

[443] Page 125.

[444] Note XVII.

[445] William of Tyre, Lib. IX. c. 18 (Gesta Dei per Francos, Tom. II.

p. 773, ed. 1611).

[446] Albert of Aix, Lib. VI. c. 25 (Gesta Dei per Francos, Tom. I. p.

281, ed. 1611).

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Jerusalem Explored Part 16 summary

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