Jerusalem Explored Part 30

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[802] Evagrius, Hist. Eccl. Lib. I. c. 22.

[803] Ibid.

[804] Hist. Eccl. Lib. XIV. c. 50.

[805] Vita Sabae, c. lx.x.xii.

[806] Historia Hierosol. Lib. IX. (Gesta Dei, &c. Tom. I. p. 74, ed.


[807] Early Travels in Palestine. 'Bohn's Ant. Lib.' p. 43.

[808] Hist. Hierosol. Lib. V. c. 46 (G. D. &c. Tom. I. p. 274); cf. Lib.

VI. c. 9, and William of Tyre, Lib. VIII. c. 12.

[809] De Vogue, Les eglises, &c. p. 333.

[810] Cartulary of the Holy Sepulchre, p. 306.

[811] La Citez de Jherusalem, quoted by De Vogue, p. 333.

[812] Leo Allatius, Sym. p. 146.

[813] La Citez de Jherusalem, quoted by De Vogue, p. 441; Cartulary, p.


[814] Plates VIII., IX.

[815] Page 38.

[816] Jewish War, V. 5, -- 6.

[817] Page 38.

[818] Jewish War, V. 4, -- 2.

[819] Hist. Eccl. Lib. VIII. c. 30.

[820] Jer. x.x.xviii. 6.

[821] Jer. x.x.xviii. 6, 28.

[822] Jewish War, V. 4, -- 2.

[823] Jerusalem, p. 36.

[824] Jewish War, V. 7, -- 3.

[825] Ant. XIII. 16, -- 1.

[826] Page 14.

[827] This grotto is still called _el-Oezerie_, and is known to the Arabs as the Tomb of Lazarus.

[828] Plates LV., LVI.

[829] Narrative of a Journey round the Dead Sea, &c. (edited by Count E.

de Warren, Vol. II. pp. 137, 138).

[830] Plate LX.

[831] My remarks may appear to resemble closely those made by M. Gerardy Saintine, Trois Ans en Judee, p. 224. As he has used information given to him by me, without any acknowledgment, I feel ent.i.tled to resume my own.

[832] The term 'sepulchral niche' is used to denote an arched recess excavated in the wall of a tomb; the body was laid on the slab beneath the arch, so that it resembled one of the monuments with rec.u.mbent figures, not very uncommon in the walls of churches. The term 'casemate vault' is used (in default of a better) to denote a narrow, deep, and rather low excavation, into which the body was thrust head foremost.

Brick vaults are sometimes built on this pattern in the present day.

[833] Plate LVIII.

[834] Mariti, p. 216 seq.

[835] Page 210.

[836] Jewish War, I. 9, -- 1.

[837] See Plate LVIII. for Plan and Section.

[838] Page 38; Plate LVII.

[839] Trois Ans en Judee, p. 214.

[840] Plate LIX.

[841] I advise the visitor to take with him an Arab to beat the ground, in order to make the reptiles conceal themselves, and frighten away the jackals which frequent it, before he enters the place.

[842] Jewish War, V. 3, -- 2.

[843] See Plan, Plate LIX. Frontispiece, Plate LVIII.

[844] Plate LIX.

[845] Plates LVIII., LIX.

[846] Page 226.

[847] Page 13.

[848] Plate II.

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