Jerusalem Explored Part 41

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892 Joram, king of Judah, reigns 8 years _Ib._ viii. 16, 17.

887 The Philistines and Arabians pillage Judah 2 Chron. xxi. 16, 17.

885 Ahaziah, king of Judah, reigns 1 year 2 Kings viii. 25, 26.

884 Usurpation of the throne by Athaliah; reigns 6 years _Ib._ xi. 1, 3.

878 Jehoash, king of Judah, reigns 40 years _Ib._ xii. 1.

856 Repairs of the Temple _Ib._ xii. 11-14.

840 Hazael, king of Syria, threatens Jerusalem _Ib._ xii. 18.

839 Amaziah, king of Judah, reigns 29 years _Ib._ xiv. 1, 2.

838 Jehoash, king of Israel, comes to Jerusalem as a conqueror _Ib._ xiv. 17.

811 Azariah, king of Judah, reigns 52 years _Ib._ xv. 2.

787 The Prophet Amos Amos i. 1.

785 The Prophet Hosea Hosea i. 1.

759 Jotham, king of Judah, reigns 16 years; fortifies Ophel 2 Kings xv. 32; 2 Chr. xxvii. 3.

743 Ahaz, king of Judah, reigns 16 years _Ib._ xvi. 2.

-- Isaiah the Prophet. Micah the Prophet, in the days of Jotham Isai. i. 1; Micah i. 1.

727 Hezekiah, king of Judah, reigns 29 years 2 Kings xviii. 2.

714 Judah invaded by Sennacherib the a.s.syrian _Ib._ xviii. 13.

713 Destruction of Sennacherib's army 2 Kings xix. 35.

698 Mana.s.seh, king of Judah, reigns 55 years; fortifies Ophel _Ib._ xxi. 1; 2 Chr. x.x.xiii. 14.

643 Amon, king of Judah, reigns 2 years _Ib._ xxi. 19.

641 Josiah, king of Judah, reigns 31 years _Ib._ xxii. 1.

629 The prophet Jeremiah Jer. i. 2.

-- The prophet Zephaniah Zephan. i. 1.

624 The Book of the Law found 2 Kings xxii. 8.

610-9 Josiah killed by Pharaoh-nechoh, king of Egypt _Ib._ xxiii. 29.

-- Jehoahaz, king of Judah, reigns 3 months _Ib._ xxiii. 31.

-- Jehoiachim (Eliakim), king of Judah, reigns 11 years _Ib._ xxiii. 34, 36.

606-5 Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, subdues Judea. Epoch generally used to indicate the commencement of the Seventy years' Captivity in Babylon _Ib._ xxiv. 1.

599-8 Jehoiachin, king of Judah, reigns 3 months. Jerusalem taken by Nebuchadnezzar. _Ib._ xxiv. 12.

-- Zedekiah, king of Judah under the Chaldeans, reigns 11 years _Ib._ xxiv. 18.

595 The Vision of the Prophet Ezekiel, in the thirtieth year after the reformation of Josiah, by the river Chebar, in Babylon Ezekiel i. 1.

589 The city of Jerusalem besieged by Nebuchadnezzar 2 Kings xxv. 1, 2.

588 Jeremiah in prison Jer. x.x.xvii. 15.

587 Destruction of Jerusalem; Zedekiah taken prisoner; the people carried captive to Babylon 2 Kings xxv. 6, 9-11.

536 Return of the Jews to Jerusalem with Zerubbabel in the 1st year of the reign of Cyrus Ezra i. 1; ii. 2.

521 The building of the Temple interrupted by order of Smerdis, called by Ezra, Artaxerxes _Ib._ iii. 8; iv. 1, 21, 24.

520 Recommencement of the building of the Temple in the 2nd year of Darius, king of Persia _Ib._ iv. 24; vi. 7-14.

517 Completion and Dedication of the Temple _Ib._ vi. 15, 16.

457 Ezra goes to Judea with many of the Jews, by order of Artaxerxes _Ib._ vii. 1-8.

444 Nehemiah returns to Jerusalem, rebuilds the walls, and governs the city until 432 Nehem. i. 1; ii. 1; iii.

332 The great high-priest Jaddua receives Alexander the Great at Jerusalem.

-- Palestine under Greek and Roman Dominion.

323 Ptolemy, one of the generals of Alexander the Great, surprises and takes Jerusalem.

320 Many Jews in captivity at Alexandria.

314 Antiochus the Great subdues Palestine.

301 Ptolemy Epiphanes recovers Palestine.

292 Death of Simon the Just.

170 Antiochus Epiphanes lays waste the city of Jerusalem, pillages the Temple, and builds a fortress to command it.

167 Mattathias begins the war of Jewish Independence.

165 Judas Maccabeus delivers his Country, purifies and restores the Temple at Jerusalem.

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Jerusalem Explored Part 41 summary

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