American Boy's Life of Theodore Roosevelt Part 23

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Written by Theodore Roosevelt and Henry Cabot Lodge:

Hero Tales from American History. (1895.)

Written by Theodore Roosevelt and G.B. Grinnell:

Trail and Camp Fire. (1896.) Hunting in Many Lands. (1896.) Magazine Articles:

Admiral Dewey. (McClure's Magazine.) Military Preparedness and Unpreparedness. (Century Magazine.) Mad Anthony Wayne's Victory. (Harper's Magazine.) St. Clair's Defeat. (Harper's Magazine.) Fights between Iron Clads. (Century Magazine.) Need of a New Navy. (Review of Reviews.)



1858. October 27. Theodore Roosevelt born in New York City, son of Theodore Roosevelt and Martha (Bullock) Roosevelt.

1864. Sent to public school, and also received some private instruction; spent summers at Oyster Bay, New York.

1873. Became a member of the Dutch Reformed Church; has been a member ever since.

1876. September. Entered Harvard College. Member of numerous clubs and societies.

1878. February 9. Death of Theodore Roosevelt, Sr.

1880. June. Graduated from Harvard College; a Phi Beta Kappa man.

September 23. Married Miss Alice Lee, of Boston, Ma.s.sachusetts.

Travelled extensively in Europe; climbed the Alps; made a member of the Alpine Club of London.

1881. Elected a member of the New York a.s.sembly, and served for three terms in succession.

1884. Birth of daughter, Alice Lee Roosevelt.

Death of Mrs. Alice (Lee) Roosevelt, Mr. Roosevelt's first wife.

Death of Mrs. Martha (Bullock) Roosevelt, Mr. Roosevelt's mother.

Made Delegate-at-large to the Republican National Convention that nominated James G. Blaine for President.

1885. Became a ranchman and hunter.

1886. Ran for office of mayor of New York City, and was defeated by Abram Hewitt.

Spent additional time in hunting.

December 2. Married Edith Kermit Carew, of New York City.

1888. Birth of son, Theodore Roosevelt, Jr.

September. Grand hunt in the Selkirk Mountains.

1889. May. Appointed by President Harrison a member of the Civil Service Commission; served for six years, four under President Harrison and two under President Cleveland.

1890. Birth of son, Kermit Roosevelt.

1891. September. Grand hunt at Two-Ocean Pa.s.s, Wyoming.

1892. Birth of daughter, Ethel Carew Roosevelt.

1895. May 24. Appointed Police Commissioner of New York City by Mayor William Strong. Served until April, 1897.

Birth of son, Archibald Bullock Roosevelt.

1897. April. Made First a.s.sistant Secretary of the Navy, under Secretary Long and President McKinley.

Birth of son, Quentin Roosevelt.

1898. April 25. Congress declared war with Spain. Roosevelt resigned his position in the Navy Department.

May. Helped to organize the Rough Riders, and was appointed Lieutenant-Colonel, May 6.

May 29. The Rough Riders left San Antonio, Texas, for Tampa, Florida.

June 2. In camp at Tampa.

June 7. Move by coal cars to Port Tampa; four companies left behind; board transport _Yucatan_.

June 13. Start for Cuba, without horses.

June 22. Landing of the Rough Riders at Daiquiri.

June 23. March to Siboney.

June 24. Advance to La Guasima (Las Guasimas). First fight with the Spanish troops.

July 1. Battles of San Juan and El Caney. Roosevelt leads the Rough Riders up San Juan Hill.

July 2. Fighting in the trenches by the Rough Riders, Roosevelt in command.

July 3. Sinking of the Spanish fleet off Santiago Bay.

July 8. Roosevelt made Colonel of the Rough Riders.

August 7. Departure of the Rough Riders from Cuba.

August 9. Spain accepts terms of peace offered by the United States.

August 16. Arrival of the Rough Riders at Montauk, Long Island.

September 15. Mustering out of the Rough Riders.

September 27. Nominated by the Republican party for governor of New York.

October. Grand campaigning tour through the Empire State.

November. Elected governor of New York by seventeen thousand plurality.

1899. January 1. a.s.sumed office as governor of New York.

April 10. Delivered famous address on "The Strenuous Life,"

at Chicago.

September 29 and 30. Governor appointed these days as holidays in honor of a reception to Admiral Dewey; grand water and land processions.

1900. June 19. Republican Convention met at Philadelphia; Roosevelt seconded the nomination of McKinley for President (second term), and was nominated for the Vice-Presidency.

July, August, and September. Governor Roosevelt travelled 20,000 miles, delivering 673 political speeches at nearly 600 cities and towns.

November 6. McKinley and Roosevelt carried 28 states, Democratic opponents carried 17 states; Republican electoral votes, 292, Democratic and scattering combined, 155.

December. Presided over one short session of the United States Senate.

1901. January 11. Started on a five weeks' hunting tour in Northwest Colorado; bringing down many cougars.

April. Attended the dedication of the Pan-American Exposition buildings at Buffalo, New York, and delivered an address.

September 6. Received word, while at Isle la Motte, Vermont, that President McKinley had been shot; hurried at once to Buffalo; a.s.sured that the President would recover, joined his family in the Adirondacks.

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American Boy's Life of Theodore Roosevelt Part 23 summary

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