The History Of Painting In Italy Volume Vi Part 33

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Giron, M., a Frenchman, flourished in 1660. _Boschini._ iii. 338.

Gismondi, _see_ Perugino Paolo.

Giulianello, Pietro, a painter in the modern-antique style. _MS._ ii. 44.

Giuliano, Giorgio, da Civita Castellana, painted in 161... _MS._ ii. 213.

Giunta, _see_ Pisano.

Giuntalocchio, Domen., a Pratese, scholar of Soggi, d. old. _Vasari._ i.


Giusti, Antonio, a Florentine, d. 1705, aged 81. _Orlandi._ i. 326.

Gnocchi, Pietro, a Milanese, called also, as it seems, Luini, lived in 1595. _Morigia._ iv. 264.

Gobbi, Marcello, a Maceratese, lived about 1606. _MS._ ii. 222.

Gobbino, _see_ Rossi.

Gobbo, il, da Cortona, il Gobbo de' Caracci, il Gobbo da' Frutti, or Pietro Paolo Bonzi, d. aged 60, in the pontif. of Urban VIII. _Baglione._ _See Lett. Pitt._, tom. v. ii. 259, v. 205.

Gobbo, del, _see_ Solari.

Gori, Angiolo, a Florentine, lived in 1658. _Descrip. de la Gallerie Roy.

de Flor._, 1790. i. 325.

---- Lamberto, a Florentine, professor of scagliola work, d. 1801, aged 70.

i. 346.

Goro and Bernardo di Francesco, painters on gla.s.s, lived in 1434. _Moreni._ i. 226.

Goti, Maurelio, a Ferrarese, scholar of Facchinetti. _Cittadella._ v. 348.

Gotti, Vincenzio, a Bolognese, d. 1636. _Orlandi._ v. 197.

Gozzoli, Benozzo, a Florentine, d. aged 78. Tomb erected to him in 1478.

_Vasari._ i. 77.

Grammatica, Antiveduto, b. near Rome, of Sienese father, d. 1626, aged about 55. _Baglione._ i. 451, ii. 241.

Grammorseo, Pietro, painted in 1523, v. 452.

Granacci, Franc., a Florentine, b. 1477, d. 1544. _Bottari._ i. 184.

Grandi, Ercole, da Ferrara, d. 1531, aged 40. _Baruffaldi._ v. 294.

Granello, Nicolosio, a Genoese, pupil of Ottavio Semini. _Soprani._ v. 383.

Graneri, of Turin, lived in 1770. _MS._ v. 490.

Grano, del, _see_ Gandini.

Grappelli, a painter of the seventeenth century, ii. 234.

Gra.s.saleoni, Girolamo, a Ferrarese, d. 1629. _Baruffaldi._ v. 315., Gio. Batista, da Udine, lived in 1568. _Vasari._ iii. 128.

---- Tarquinio, painted at Turin in 1715. _Guida di Torino._ v. 482.

---- Gio. Batista, his son. _ib._

---- Nicola, a Venetian, pupil of Niccol Ca.s.sana. _Zanetti._ Called by Guarienti. In the _Guida di Udine_ he is called Della Carnia. iii. 382, v. 482.

Gratella, _see_ Filippi.

Grati, Gio. Batista, a Bolognese, b. 1681, d. 1758. _Crespi._ v. 229.

Graziani, scholar of Borgognone. _Catalogo Colonna._ ii. 254.

---- Ercole, a Bolognese, b. 1688, d. 1765. _Crespi._ v. 231.

Grazzini, Gio. Paolo, a Ferrarese, d. 1632. _Baruffaldi._ v. 338.

Grecchi, Marcantonio, a Sienese, his work of 1634. _MS._ i. 452.

Greche, delle, Domenico, or Domenico Greco, and Teoscopoli, d. 1625, aged 77. _Palomino_, who here mistakes, the engraving of Pharaoh drowning bearing date of 1549. i. 110, iii. 155.

Grechetto, _see_ Castiglione.

Greco, N., scholar of Pellegrino da Udine, iii. 134.

Grecolini, Antonio, painted at Rome in 1702. _Pascoli._ ii. 217.

Gregori, Girolamo, a Ferrarese, d. 1773, almost 80. _Cittadella._ v. 350.

Griffoni, Annibale, di Carpi, flourished in 1656. _Tiraboschi._ iv. 71.

---- Don Gaspero, his son, b. 1640, painted in 1677. _Tiraboschi._ _ib._

---- Fulvio, an Udinese, lived in 1608. _Renaldis._ iii. 295.

Grifoni, Girolamo, a Bergamese, scholar of Cavagna. iii. 333.

Grillenzone, Orazio, da Carpi, d. old in 1617. _Tiraboschi._ iv. 54.

Grimaldi, Gio. Francesco, a Bolognese, lived in 1678. _Malvasia._ d. at Rome, aged nearly 80. _Orlandi._ ii. 329, v. 203.

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