The History Of Painting In Italy Volume Vi Part 43

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Melone, Altobello, a Cremonese, painted about 1497. _Vasari._ And about 1520. _Bottari._ iv. 154.

Meloni, Marco, di Carpi, lived in 1537. _Tiraboschi._ iv. 38.

Melozzo, _see_ Da Forli.

Melzi, Francesco, a Milanese, living at an advanced age in 1568. _Vasari._ iv. 353.

Memmi, that is Guglielmi Simone, a Sienese, d. 1344. _Della Valle._ Aged 60. _Vasari._ i. 41, 388.

---- Lippo, (Filippo,) a Sienese, a relation of the preceding, living in 1361. _D. Valle._ i. 388.

Menabuoi, _see_ Padovano.

Menarola, Cristof., da Vicenza. _Guida di Vicenza._ Living in 1727.

_Melchiori._ iii. 314.

Mengazzino, _see_ Santi.

Mengozzi, Colonna, or Colonna Mengozzi, Girolamo, a Ferrarese, native of Tivoli, and academician of Venice; his memorials there commence before 1733, and continue up to 1766, when he attained his 78th year. _Zanetti._ v. 348.

Mengs, Cav. Ant. Raffaello, b. in Aussig. 1728, d. 1779. _Cav. Azara._ ii.

313, 324.

Mengucci, Gianfrancesco, da Pesaro, a scholar of Lanfranc. _Malvasia._ ii.

215, v. 177.

---- Domenico, a landscape painter, flourished about 1660. _Malvasia._ v.


Menichino, del, Brizio, _see_ Ambrogi.

Menini, Lorenzo, a scholar of Gessi. _Malvasia._ ii. 397.

Menzani, Filippo, a Bolognese, living in 1660. _Malvasia._ v. 140.

Mera, Pietro, of Flanders, lived in the time of Aliense. _Ridolfi._ iii.


Merano, Gio. Batista, a Genoese, b. 1632, d. about 1700. _Ratti._ v. 401.

---- Francesco, called Il Paggio, b. 1619, d. 1657. _Soprani._ _ib._

Mercati, Gio. Batista, of Citta S. Sepolcro, a painter of the seventeenth century, i. 352.

Merli, Gio. Antonio, painted at Novara in 1488. _MS._ iv. 237.

Messina, da, Antonello, called by some Antonello degli Antoni, d. aged 49.

_Vasari._ Or b. in 1447, d. 1496. _Gallo._ On the authority of a _MS._ by an artist of Susi who lived at the close of the seventeenth century. i. 82, ii. 354. His notices in Venice from about 1470 to 1478. _Zanetti._ In Trevigi up to 1490. _Ridolfi._ iii. 42, _et seq._

---- Salvo di Antonio, nephew of Antonello, flourished about 1511.

_Hakert._ ii. 371.

---- da, P. Feliciano, a Capuchin (before he became a priest, called Domenico Guargena) b. 1610. _Hak._ ii. 425.

---- Pino, a scholar of Antonello. _Hakert._ iii. 42.

Messinese, _see_ Avellino, _see_ Gabrielli.

Metrana, Anna, of Turin, living in 1718. _Orlandi._ v. 491.

Mettidoro, Mariotto and Raffaello, Florentines, lived about 1568. _Vasari._ i. 214.

Meucci, Vincenzio, a Florentine, b. 1694, d. 1766. _R. Gall._ i. 349.

Meyer, or rather Meyerle (_Necrologio of Vercelli_) Fran. Anton. da Praga, d. 1782, aged 72. _MS._ v. 490.

Mezzadri, Anton., a Bolognese, living in 1688. _Crespi._ v. 205.

Michela, a painter of perspective. _Pitture d'Italia._ Flourished about 1740. v. 491.

Michelangeli, Francesco, of Aquila, a scholar of Luti, d. young. _Lett.

Pitt._, vol. vi., ii. 274.

Michele, Parrasio, a Venetian, scholar of Paul Veronese. _Ridolfi._ iii.


Michelini, Gio. Batista, of Foligno, flourished about 1650. _MS._ ii. 212.

Michelino, a Milanese, living in 1435. _Lomazzo._ iv. 214.

Micheli, _see_ Andrea Vicentino.

Micone, Niccolo, a Genoese, called Lo Zoppo (the cripple) of Genoa, d.

1730, aged 80. _Ratti._ v. 442.

Miel, Cav. Gio., of Antwerp, b. about 1599, d. 1644. _Baldinucci._ ii. 256, v. 474.

Miglionico, Andrea, a scholar of Giordano, d. soon after his master.

_Dominici._ ii. 433.

Mignard, Nicolas, of Troyes, d. 1668. _De Piles._ Aged 63. _Bardon._ ii.


---- Pietro, his brother, called Il Romano. _Orlandi._ _ib._

Milanese, Guglielmo, or Guglielmo della Porta, a pupil of Perino in design, a celebrated sculptor, and brother of Piombo, living in 1658. _Vasari._ _See also Baglione._ v. 370.

---- il, _see_ Cittadini.

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