The History Of Painting In Italy Volume Vi Part 49

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Olivieri, Domenico, of Turin, b. 1679, d. 1755. _Della Valle._ v. 489.

Omino, l', _see_ Lombardi.

Onofrio, di, Crescenzio. _Colonna Catalogue._ He signed his name also Crescenzi, living in 1712. _MS._ ii. 246.

Orbetto, _see_ Turchi.

Orcagna, or Orgagna, (those desirous of the utmost degree of minuteness in minute matters, may consult _Baldinucci_, _Bottari_, and _Manni_,) Andrea, a Florentine, d. 1389, aged 60. _Vasari._ i. 54.

Orcagna, Bernardo, an elder brother of Andrea. _Vasari._ i. 54.

Orioli, Bartolommeo, painted at Trevigi in 1616. _Federici._ iii. 272.

Orizzonte, _see_ Van Bloemen.

Orlandi, Odoardo, a Bolognese, b. 1660, living in 1718. _Orlandi._ d. 1736.

_Oretti, Mem._ v. 235.

---- Stefano, a Bolognese, b. 1681, d. 1760. _Crespi._ v. 272.

Orlandini, Giulio, of Parma, _Orlandi._ Lived in the seventeenth century.

iv. 139.

Orlando, Bernardo, painted at Turin in 1617. _MS._ v. 467.

Ornerio, Gerardo, a Frisian, painter of gla.s.s: painted in 1575. _Orlandi._ i. 228.

Orrente, Pietro, di Murcia, a supposed scholar of Ba.s.sano. _Conca._ iii.


Orsi, Benedetto, di Pescia, a pupil of Balda.s.sare Franceschini. _MS._ i.


---- Bernardino, da Reggio, painted in 1501. _Tiraboschi._ iv. 37.

---- Lelio, da Reggio, called Lelio da Novellara, d. 1587, aged 76.

_Tiraboschi._ iv. 52.

---- Prospero, a Roman, d. under Urban VIII., aged 75. _Baglione._ ii. 158.

Orsoni, Gioseffo, a Bolognese, b. 1691, d. 1755. _Crespi._ v. 272.

Ortolano, or Gio. Batista Benvenuto, a Ferrarese, painted in 1525. _Guida di Ferrara._ d. about 1525. _Baruffaldi._ v. 309.

Orvietani, Andrea and Bartolommeo, painted in 1405. _D. Valle._ ii. 16.

Orvietano, Ugolino, painted in 1321. _D. Valle._ ii. 15.

Ossana, Biffi, Ciniselli, Ciocca, followers of Procaccini, iv. 313.

Ottini, Felice, or Felicetto di Brandi, d. young about 1695. _Pascoli._ ii.


---- Pasquale, a Veronese, d. 1630, aged about 60. _Pozzo._ ii. 232, iii.



Pacchiarotto, Jacopo, a Sienese, went into France in 1435. _Della Valle._ i. 409.

Pace, del, or Paci Ranieri, a Pisan, painted in 1719. _Morrona._ i. 346.

Paccelli, Matteo, a Neapolitan, a pupil of Giordano, d. about 1731.

_Dominici._ ii. 432, 433.

Pacicco, or Pacecco, _see_ Di Rosa.

Paderna, Gio., a Bolognese, and scholar of Dentone, d. aged 40. _Malvasia._ v. 213.

---- Paolo Antonio, a Bolognese, b. 1649, d. 1708. _Orlandi._ v. 204.

Padova, da, Girolamo, called Girolamo dal Santo, d. about 1550, aged 70.

_Guida di Padova._ iii. 72, 73, 74.

---- Lauro, a scholar of Squarcione. _Sansovino._ iii. 74.

---- Maestro Angelo, painted in 1489. _Guida di Padova._ iii. 74.

Padovanino, _see_ Varotari.

Padovano, Giusto, or Giusto Menabuoi, a Florentine, d. about 1397. _Guida di Padova._ iii. 11.

---- Gio. and Antonio, painters of the same age. _ib._

---- del, or di Lamberto Federigo, of Flanders, lived in 1568. _Vasari._ i.


Paesi, da', _see_, Dal Sole, Muziano, Vernigo.

Paganelli, Niccolo, di Faenza, b. 1538, d. 1620. _Oretti Cart._ v. 92.

Pagani, Gasparo, a Modenese, painted in 1543. _Tiraboschi._ iv. 45.

---- Paolo, di Valsolda, in the Milanese, d. 1716, aged 55. _Orlandi._ iv.


---- Francesco, a Florentine, d. 1561, aged 30. _Baldinucci._ i. 289.

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