The History Of Painting In Italy Volume Vi Part 1

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The History of Painting in Italy.

Volume VI.

by Luigi Antonio Lanzi.


_Artists referred to in this work, noting the periods of their Birth and Death, and the authorities for the dates._


Abate (l') Ciccio, _v._ Solimene.

Abati, or dell'Abate, Niccolo, a Modenese, b. 1509 or 1512, d. 1571.

_Tiraboschi._ Vol. iv. p. 46, and vol. v. pp. 48, 57.

---- Giovanni, his father, d. 1559. _Tiraboschi._ iv. 48.

---- Pietro Paolo, brother of Niccolo. _Tiraboschi._ iv. 48.

---- Giulio Camillo, son of Niccolo. _Tiraboschi._ _ib._

---- Ercole, son of Giulio, d. 1613. _Tiraboschi._ _ib._

---- Pietro Paolo, son of Ercole, d. 1630, aged 38. _Tiraboschi._ iv. 50.

Abatini, Guido Ubaldo, of Citta di Castello, d. 1656, aged 56. _Pa.s.seri._ ii. 157.

Abbiati, Filippo, a Milanese, d. 1715, aged 75. _Orlandi._ iv. 315.

Adda, d', Conte Francesco, a Milanese, d. 1550. _MS._ iv. 257.

Agabiti, Pietro Paolo, of Sa.s.soferrato, painted in 1531. _Colucci._ ii. 44.

Agellio, Giuseppe of Sorento, pupil to Cav. Roncalli. _Baglione._ ii. 228.

Agnelli, N., a Roman artist of this age. _MS._ v. 483.

Agostino dalle Prospettive, painted at Bologna in 1525. _Masini._ iv. 231, v. 79.

Agresti, Livio da Forli, painted in 1551. _Vasari._ d. about 1580.

_Orlandi._ ii. 129, v. 85.

Alabardi, Giuseppe, called Schioppi, flourished towards the end of the sixteenth century. _Zanetti._ iii. 345.

Alamanni, Pietro, of Ascola, painted in 1489. _Guida d'Ascoli._ ii. 20.

Albani, Francesco, Bologn., b. 1578, d. 1660. _Malvasia._ i. 311, ii. 216, v. 135.

Alberegno, flourished in the fifteenth century, iii. 9.

Alberelli, or Albarelli, Giacomo, a Venetian, pupil to Palma. _Zanetti._ iii. 271.

Alberino, Giorgio, di Casale, pupil to Moncalvi. _MS._ v. 463.

Alberti, Cherubino da Borgo S. Sepolcro, d. 1615, aged 63. _Baglione._ i.


---- Gio., his brother, d. 1601, aged 43. _Baglione._ i. 274.

---- Durante da Borgo S. Sepolcro, d. 1613, aged 75. _Baglione_, i. 273.

---- Others of the same family, i. 275.

Alberti, Francesco, a Venetian, of whom is cited a single work, and this doubtful. He must have painted about 1550. _v._ Zanetti in the _Guida_, and in the greater work, p. 288. iii. 218.

---- Michele, a Florentine, pupil to Daniele di Volterra. _Guida di Roma._ i. 187.

Albertinelli, Mariotto, a Florentine, d. about 1512, aged 45. _Vasari._ i.


Albertoni, Paolo, Rom., a follower of Maratta, d. shortly after 1695.

_Orlandi._ ii. 284.

Albini, Alessandro, a Bolognese, pupil to the Caracci. _Malvasia._ v. 194.

Alboni, Paolo, a Bolognese, d. old in 1730. _Crespi._ Oretti, in his _Memorie MSS._ calls him Paolo Antonio. d. Sept 5th, 1734, and buried at S.

Procolo, v. 193.

Alboresi, Giacomo, a Bolognese, d. 1677, aged 45. _Crespi._ v. 212.

Aldrovandini, (more commonly Aldovrandini) Mauro, from Rovigo, b. at Bologna, d. 1680, aged 31. _Guida di Bologna._ v. 271.

---- Pompeo, son of Mauro, b. 1677, d. at Rome, 1739. _MS._ v. _ib._

---- Tommaso, cousin of Pompeo, b. 1653, d. 1736. _Zanotti._ v. _ib._

Ale, Egidio, di Liege, flourished the latter half of the seventeenth century. _See Guida di Roma._ ii. 309.

Alemagna, di, Giusto, painted at Genoa, 1451. _Soprani._ v. 361.

---- Zuan, _v._ Gio. Tedesco.

Aleni, Tommaso, of Cremona, painted in 1515. _Zaist._ iv. 158.

Alessi, Matteo Perez di, a Roman, painted in Spain in the time of Vargas, i. 181. _See_ Matteo da Lecce.

---- Pier Antonio da S. Vito, a pupil of Amatteo. _Cesarini._ iii. 132.

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