The History Of Painting In Italy Volume Vi Part 7

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---- Domenico, his brother. _Volta._ _ib._

Berto, di, Gio., called also _Bertus Joannis Marci_, of Perugia, painted as early as 1497, was living in 1523, and perhaps later. _Mariotti._ ii. 39.

Bertoia, or Bertogia, Jacopo, Parmigiano, lived in 1574. _Aff._ iv. 131.

Bertoli, a Venetian, painted in 157.... _MS._ iii. 196.

Bertolotti, Gio. Lorenzo, a Genovese, b. 1640. d. 1721. _Ratti._ v. 423.

Bertucci, Lodovico, da Modena, flourished in the seventeenth century.

_Tiraboschi._ iv. 68.

---- Jacopo, _see_ Da Faenza.

Bertusio, Gio. Batista, a Bolognese, was living about 1643. _Malvasia._ d.

1644. _Oretti, Mem._ v. 72.

Bertuzzi, Porino, of the school of Barocci. _MS._ ii. 188.

Besenzi, Paolo Emilio, of Reggio, d. 1666, aged 42. _Tiraboschi._ iv. 64.

Besozzi, Ambrogio, a Milanese, b. 1648, d. 1706. _Orlandi._ iv. 321.

Betti, Niccolo, a Florentine, and a.s.sistant to Vasari, i. 268.

---- P. Biagio, a Pistoiese Theatine, d. 1615, aged 70. _Baglione._ i. 276.

_See also_ Pinturicchio.

Bettini, Anton. Sebastiano, b. at Florence in 1707, d. ----. _Roy. Gall._ i. 348.

---- Domenico, a Florentine, b. 1644, d. 1705, at Bologna. _Orlandi._ v.


Beverense, Antonio, iii. 277.

Bevilacqua, Ambrogio, a Milanese, painted in 1486. _Orlandi._ iv. 222.

---- Filippo, his brother. _Lomazzo._ _ib._

---- Cav., _see_ Salembeni Ventura.

Bezzi, Gio. Franc., a Bolognese, called Il Nosadella, d. 1571. _Malvasia._ v. 62.

Bezzicaluva, Ercole, a Pisan, flourished about 1640. _Morrona._ i. 319.

Biagio, Mastro, _see_ Pupini.

Bianchi, Balda.s.sare, a Bolognese, b. 1614, was living in 1660. _Crespi._ d.

at Modena, 1679, aged 65. _Oretti, Memorie._ v. 213.

---- Carlantonio, a Pavese, lived 1754. _Pitture d'Italia._ iv. 325.

---- Cav. Federigo, a Milanese, painted in 1718. _Orlandi._ iv. 309.

---- Filippo, a Venetian, lived in 1660. _Boschini._ iii. 271.

---- Francesco, a Milanese painter of this century. _MS._ iv. 310.

---- Cav. Isidoro, da Campione, in the Milanese, was living in 1626.

_Orlandi._ iv. 318.

---- Pietro, called Bustini, lived in the eighteenth century. _Orlandi._ iv. 319.

---- Pietro, a Roman, b. 1694. _Florentine Dictionary._ d. 1740. _MS._ ii.


---- Bonavita Franc., a Florentine, d. 1658. _Baldinucci._ i. 288.

---- Gio., his father, a Milanese, d. 1616. _Baldinucci._ i. 334.

Bianchi, Ferrari, called Il Frari Francesco, a Modenese, painted in 1481, d. 1510. _Tiraboschi._ iv. 37.

Bianchini, Vinc., a Venetian mosaic painter in 1517, until 1552. _Zanetti._ iii. 253.

---- Domenico, his brother, called Rosso. Notices of him from 1537 until beyond 1563. _Zanetti._ iii. 253.

---- Gio. Antonio, son of Vincenzio, flourished in 1563. _Zanetti._ _ib._

Bianco, del, Baccio, a Florentine, b. 1604, d. 1656. _Baldinucci._ i. 331.

Biancucci, Paolo, a Lucchese, pupil to Guido. _MS._ d. about 1553, aged 70.

_Oretti, Memorie._ i. 321.

Bibiena, or Galli da Bibiena, Gio. Maria, b. 1625, d. 1665. _Crespi._ v.


---- Franc., his son, a Bolognese, b. 1656, d. 1729. _Crespi._ v. 273.

---- Ferdinand, another son, b. 1657, d. 1743. _Crespi._ _ib._

---- Alessandro, son of Ferdinand, d. at Vienna about 1760. _Crespi._ v.


---- Antonio, another son, b. 1700, d. 1774. _Guida di Bologna._ Or d.

1769. _Freddy._ _ib._

---- Giuseppe, another son, b. 1696, d. 1756. _Crespi._ _ib._

---- Carlo, son of Giuseppe, lived in 1769. _Crespi._ v. 274.

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