The History Of Painting In Italy Volume Vi Part 22

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Crespini, de', Mario, of Coma, flourished about 1720. _MS._ iv. 329.

Cresti, _see_ Da Pa.s.signano.

Creti, Cav. Donato, a Cremonese, b. 1671, d. 1749, at Bologna. _Crespi._ v.


Crevalcore, da, Piermaria, pupil to Calvart. _Malvasia._ v. 72.

Criscuolo, Gio. Angelo, a Neapolitan, d. about 1573. _Descrip. of Naples_, 1572. _Dominici._ ii. 383.

---- Gio. Filippo, his brother, b. at Gaeta, d. aged 75, about 1584.

_Dominici._ ii. 379.

Crispi, Scipione, of Tortona, painted in 1592. _Pitture d'Italia_; and in 1559. _Co. Durando._ v. 458.

Cristofori, or Cristofani, Fabio, del Piceno, a worker in mosaic, and academical painter of S. Luke in 1658. _Pascoli._ ii. 341.

---- Pietro Paolo, a Roman, his son, a mosaic worker, lived in 1736.

_Pascoli._ _ib._

Crivelli, Angiol Maria, called Il Crivellone, d. about 1730. _MS._ iv. 329.

---- Jacopo, his son, d. 1760. _MS._ _ib._

---- Cav. Carlo, a Venetian. _Ridolfi._ Painted in 1476. _MS._ ii. 20, iii.


Crivelli, Vittorio, also a Venetian. In the _Antichita Picene_, tom. xxix.

and x.x.x. mention is made of his paintings of date of 1489 and 1490. ii. 20, iii. 29.

---- Francesco, a Milanese, lived in 1450. _MS._ iv. 223.

Croce, Balda.s.sare, di Bologna, d. 1528, aged 75. _Baglione._ v. 125.

Crocifissaio, del, _see_ Macchietti.

Crocifissi, de', _see_ Da Bologna.

Cromer, called Il Croma, Giulio, a Ferrarese, d. 1632, aged about 60.

_Baruffaldi._ v. 326. Also Gio. Bat. Cromer, a Paduan, d. about 1750.

_Guida di Padova._

Crosato, Gio. Batista, of the Venetian school, d. 1756. _Catalogo Algarotti._ v. 491.

Cucchi, Antonio, or Gio. Antonio, a Milanese, painted in 1750. _Pitture d'Italia_. iv. 323.

Cungi, or Congi, or Cugni. In _Guarienti's Dictionary_, by mistake, called Cugini, Lionardo and Gio. Batista da Borgo S. Sepolcro, lived in the time of Vasari. i. 272.

---- Francesco, son of Lionardo, painted in 1587. _Guida di Volterra._ _ib._

Cuniberti, Franc. Ant. da Savigliano, d. 1745. _Pitture d'Italia_. v. 488.

Cunio, Daniello, a Milanese, pupil to Bernardino Campi. _Lomazzo._ iv. 287.

---- Rodolfo, a Milanese, lived about 1650. _MS._ iv. 288.

Curia, Franc., a Neapolitan, b. about 1538, d. about 1610. _Dominici._ ii.


Currado, Cav. Francesco, a Florentine, b. 1570, d. about 1661. _R. Gall. of Florence._ i. 262.

Curti, _see_ Dentone.

Cusighe, da, in the Bellunese, Simone. His notices from 1382 up to 1409.

_MS._ iii. 18.

Cusin, M., a landscape painter, flourished in 1660. _Boschini._ iii. 338.

Cutigliano, _see_ Carigliano.


Daddi, Bernardo, a Florentine, d. 1380. _Baldinucci._ i. 65.

---- Cosimo, a Florentine, pupil to Naldini. _Baldinucci._ Lived in 1614.

_Guida di Volterra._ i. 262.

Dallamano, Giuseppe, a Moden., b. 1679, d. 1758. _Tiraboschi._ iv. 69, v.


Dalmasio, Scannabecchi, a Bolognese painter, b. about 1325, living in 1353.

_Piacenza, nel tom._ ii. _p. 5_. v. 19.

---- Lippo, his son, commonly called Lippo Dalmasio, or Lippo dalle Madonne. His notices from 1376. _Malvasia._ His will in 1410, shortly before his decease. _See Piacenza, in place cited._ _ib._

Damiani, Felice, da Gubbio, his works from 1586 to 1606. _MS._ ii. 162.

Damini, Pietro, da Castelfranco, d. 1631, aged 39. _Ridolfi._ iii. 274.

---- Giorgio, his brother, d. 1631. _Ridolfi._ _ib._

Dandini, Cesare, a Florentine, b. about 1595, d. 1658. _Baldinucci._ i.

291, ii. 266.

---- Vincenzio, brother of Cesare, b. 1607, d. aged 68. _Orlandi._ i. 340.

---- Pietro, his son, b. 1646, d. 1712. _R. Gall. of Flor._ _ib._

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