The History Of Painting In Italy Volume Vi Part 31

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Gellee, Claudio, commonly called Claude Loraine, b. 1600, d. 1682.

_Pascoli._ ii. 247.

Generoli, Andrea, called, from his birth-place, Il Sabinese. _Orlandi._ Called Generelli in the _Guida di Roma_. Flourished in the seventeenth century. ii. 268.

Genga, Girolamo, of Urbino, d. 1551, aged 75. _Vasari._ i. 408, ii. 34.

Gennari, Benedetto, da Cento, lived about 1610. _Malvasia._ v. 165.

---- Gio. Bat., painted in 1607. _Guida di Bologna._ _ib._

---- Ercole, a son of Benedetto, b. 1597, d. aged 61. _Crespi_ in the _Giunte al Baruffaldi_. v. 170.

---- Bartolommeo, another son of Benedetto. _Crespi._ d. 1658, aged 67.

_Oretti, Mem._ _ib._

Gennari, Benedetto, the younger son of Ercole, b. 1633, d. 1715. _Crespi._ _ib._

---- Cesare, another son, b. 1641, d. 1688. _Crespi._ v. 171.

---- Lorenzo, di Rimino, was living in 1650. _Guida di Rimino._ v. 172.

Genova, da, Lucchetto, _see_ Cambiasi.

Genovese, Il Prete, or Il Cappuccino, _see_ Strozzi.

Genovesini, by Orlandi called Marco, by others Bartolommeo, a Milanese, painted in 1628. _MS._ In the _Mem. Oretti_ the mistake into which many, as well as myself, had fallen, is detected: the above was supposed to be his surname, whereas this writer found in the church of the Certosa of Garignano, _Bartol. Roverio D. Genovesino_, 1626; and also in the refectory one of his Crucifixions with the year 1614. iv. 317, v. 478.

Genovesino, il, _see_ Miradoro, _see_ Calcia.

Gentile, Luigi, of Brussels, an academician of St. Luke in 1650. _Orlandi._ d. 1657, at Brussels, aged 60. _Pa.s.seri._ ii. 236.

---- di, Maestro Bartolommeo, d'Urbino. His painting of 1497. _MS._ ii. 21.

Gentileschi, or Lomi Orazio, b. 1563, d. 1646. _Morrona._ i. 316.

---- Artemisia, his daughter, b. 1590, d. 1642. _Morrona._ i. 317.

Gentiloni, Lucilio, da Filatrava, perhaps Filattrano, and Belladonna, whose designs are extolled by Marini in the _Gallery_, lived about 1610. v. 469.

Gera, a Pisan, an old painter. _Morrona._ i. 66.

Gessi, Franc., a Bolognese, b. 1588, d. 1649. _Oretti, Mem._ ii. 397, v.


---- del, _see_ Ruggieri., Francesco, of the Bolognese territory, lived in 1680. _Crespi._ Born at Medicina, 8th Jan. 1637, d. at Bologna, 3d May, 1703. _Oretti_ from _MS._ accounts of artists of that place. v. 204.

Gherardi, Antonio, da Rieti, b. 1644, d. 1702. _Pascoli._ ii. 217.

Gherardi, Cristofano, di Borgo S. Sepolcro, called Doceno, d. 1556, aged 56. _Vasari._ i. 271.

---- Filippo, a Lucchese, d. soon after 1681. _MS._ i. 358.

Gherardini, or Ghilardini, Alessandro, a Florentine, b. 1655, d. 1723. _R.

Gall. of Flor._ i. 347.

---- Gio. a Bolognese, pupil of Colonna. _Crespi._ d. 1685, aged 75.

_Oretti, Mem._ v. 212.

---- Stefano, a Bolognese, scholar of Gambarini, d. 1755. _Guida di Bologna._ v. 235.

---- Tommaso, a Florentine, b. 1715, d. 1797. _MS._ i. 365.

Gherardo, a Florentine, lived towards the end of the fifteenth century.

_Vasari._ i. 100.

---- dalle Notti, _see_ Hundhorst.

Ghezzi, Cav. Sebastiano, of the Commune in the Ascolano, lived some years after 1634. _Guida di Ascoli._ ii. 294.

---- Cav. Giuseppe, his son, b. in the Commune in 1634, d. at Rome in 1721.

_Guida di Ascoli._ _ib._

---- Cav. Pierleone, son of Giuseppe, b. at Rome in 1674, d. 1755. _R.

Gall. of Florence._ ii. 295.

Ghiberti, Lorenzo, a Florentine, d. 1455, aged 77 and upwards.

_Baldinucci._ i. 7, 225.

---- Vittorio, a Florentine, lived in 1829. _Varchi presso il Moreni._ i.


Ghidone, Galeazzo, a Cremonese, lived in 1598. _Zaist._ iv. 184.

Ghigi, Teodoro, or Teodoro, a Mantuan, a pupil of Giulio. _Orlandi_ calls him a Roman. iv. 19.

Ghirardoni, Gio. Andrea, a Ferrarese, lived in 1620. _Baruffaldi._ v. 327.

Ghirlandaio, del, Domenico (Corradi) a Florentine; in some books also commonly written Del Grillandaio; b. 1451, d. 1495. _Vasari._ i. 94, 163.

---- Davide, his brother, b. 1451, d. 1525. _Vasari._ i. 96.

---- Benedetto, another brother, d. aged 50. _Vasari._ _ib._

---- Ridolfo, son of Domenico, d. 1560, aged 75. _Vasari._ i. 209.

---- Ghisi, Giorgio, called Giorgio, a Mantuan, an engraver in the time of Giulio Romano. _Orlandi._ iv. 23.

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