The History Of Painting In Italy Volume Vi Part 30

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Galanino, otherwise Balda.s.sare Aloisi, a Bolognese, d. 1638, aged 60.

_Baglione._ ii. 241.

Galeotti, Sebast., a Florentine, d. 1746, at Piedmont, aged about 70.

_Ratti._ i. 347.

---- Giuseppe and Gio. Batista, his sons, were living in 1769. _Ratti._ v.


Galizia, Fede, di Trento, was still a young unmarried lady in 1595.

_Morizia._ She painted in 1616. _Guida di Milano._ iv. 296.

Galli, Gio. Antonio, a Roman, called Spadarino. _Orlandi._ A painter of the seventeenth century. ii. 234.

Galli, _see_ Bibiena.

Galliari, Bernardino, di Cacciorna, in the Piedmontese, d. 1794, aged 87.

_Della Valle._ v. 492.

Gallinari, Pietro, called Pierino del Sig. Guido, d. 1664. _Crespi._ v.


Gambara, Lattanzio, a Brescian, d. aged 32. _Ridolfi._ Or in 1573 or 1574.

_Zamboni._ iii. 177.

Gambarini, Gioseffo, a Bolognese, b. 1680, d. 1725. _Zanotti._ v. 235.

Gamberati, Girol., a Venetian, d. old in 1628. _Ridolfi._ iii. 271.

Gamberucci, Cosimo, a Florentine, painted in 1610. _Moreni._ i. 261.

Gandini, or del Grano, Giorgio, a native of Parma, d. 1538. _Aff._ iv.


---- Antonio, a Brescian, d. 1630. _Orlandi_ and _Zamboni_. iii. 326.

---- Bernardino, his son, d. 1651. _MS._ _ib._

Gandolfi, Gaetano, b. at St. Matteo della Decima in the Bolognese, 30th August, 1734, d. suddenly 30th June, 1802. _Elogio del Sig. Grilli._ v.


---- Ubaldo, his brother, d. 1781, aged 53. _Guida di Bologna._ _ib._

Gandolfino, Maestro, was living in 1493. _Della Valle._ v. 452.

Garbieri, Lorenzo, a Bolognese, d. 1654, aged 74. _Malvasia._ Or aged 75.

_Oretti_, from the _Registry_ of S. Gio. in Monte. v. 184.

---- Carlo, his son and pupil. _Malvasia._ v. 186.

Garbo, del, Raffaellino, a Florentine, d. 1524, aged 58. _Vasari._ i. 93.

Gargiuoli, Domenico, called Micco Spadaro, a Neapolitan, b. 1612, d. 1679.

_Dominici._ ii. 421.

Garofolini, Giacinto, a Bolognese, b. 1666, d. 1725. _Zanotti._ v. 247.

Garofolo, Carlo, a Neapolitan, scholar of Giordano, d. a few years after his master. _Dominici._ i. 228.

---- da, otherwise Benvenuto Tisio, or Tisi, b. 1481, in the Ferrarese, d.

1559. _Vasari._ ii. 117, v. 299, 310.

Garoli, Pierfrancesco, b. at Turin in 1638, d. 1716. _Pascoli._ ii. 339, v.


Garzi, Luigi, b. at Pistoia in 1638, d. 1721. _Pascoli._ Or b. 1640, June 23d. _Orlandi_ and _Carte Oretti_. ii. 276.

---- Mario, his son, d. young. _Pascoli._ ii. 277.

Garzoni, Giovanna, of Ascoli, d. 1683, at an advanced age. _Orlandi._ ii.


Gasparini, Gaspare, a Maceratese, lived about 1585. _MS._ ii. 166.

Gatta, della, D. Bartolommeo, a Camaldolese, d. 1461, aged 83. _Vasari._ More probably in 1491. i. 99.

Gatti, Bernardo, or Bernardino, called Il Soiaro, a Cremonese; according to others a Vercellese, or Pavese; was employed in 1522, d. 1575. _Zaist._ iv.

120, 165.

---- Gervasio, his nephew. His works from 1578 up to 1631. iv. 167.

---- Uriele, painted in 1601. _Guida di Piacenza._ iv. 168.

---- Fortunato, Parmig., employed in 1648. _Aff._ iv. 139.

---- Girolamo, a Bolognese, b. 1662, d. 1726. _Crespi._ v. 247.

---- Tommaso, b. at Pavia in 1642, lived in 1718. _Orlandi._ iv. 325.

Gavasio, Agostino, a Bergamese, painted in 1527. iii. 84.

---- Gio. Giacomo, a Bergamese, was employed in 1511. _ib._

Gava.s.setti, Camillo, da Modena, d. young in 1628. _Tiraboschi._ iv. 59.

Gavignani, Gio., di Carpi, b. 1615, living in 1676. _Tiraboschi._ iv. 72.

Gaulli, Gio. Batista, called Baciccio, b. at Genoa in 1639, d. 1709.

_Pascoli._ ii. 298, v. 425.

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