Double Montana Treats Part 2

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"I'm heading to bed. Breakfast is at six in the morning. I'll see you guys then." She nodded at their good-nights and headed up the stairs to her room. She had the master suite with a newly remodeled master bath. She'd used her first share of the profits to have it and the walk-in closet made out of the fourth bedroom.

Drew stripped almost as soon as she shut her bedroom door and dropped her clothes in the hamper by the bathroom. Then she turned on the shower with its multiple heads and adjusted the water to suit her. She loved a hot shower before slipping into a warm bath. She couldn't stand to sit in a tub full of dirty water. Most people would think she was crazy, but then, they didn't work outside in the dust and dirt like she did.

It was tricky getting clean without getting her arm wet, but she managed. As soon as she was clean, Drew turned off the water and ran a bath with some of her favorite bath salts. She didn't always indulge in a bath, but tonight she felt like she needed it, with everything that had happened.

The subtle scent of honeydew filled the air as she slid into the deliciously warm water and leaned back with both arms on the side of the tub. It didn't take long for the warm water to relax her enough to daydream. Naturally, she pulled her new ranch hand and foreman into her dream. In a perfect world, she would have them both as her lovers, and Kenny and Robert would live on the ranch in their own house. She'd have a house full of children, and her ranch would thrive with new ranch hands to manage it for her.

Her chin, then her mouth sank below the water. She sputtered, sitting up again. Well, it wasn't a perfect world, and she sure as h.e.l.l couldn't have two men at one time. It just wasn't done.

Drew dried off after her bath and climbed into bed nude. She'd been sleeping that way ever since she'd married Mark and had never changed. She kept her jeans and a s.h.i.+rt on the chair by the bed in case of an emergency. She could slip into them in an instant and had on more than one occasion. The soft sheets and comfortable mattress soon lulled her into sleep.

Chapter Three.

The dream seemed so real. She knew she was dreaming, but she couldn't wake up. After a few seconds of Jeb's and Marshall's mouths on her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, she didn't want to. They each took a nipple and sucked until she moaned at the pleasure. Jeb nipped and licked on one as Marshall molded her breast before trying to stuff it all inside his mouth. They switched tactics and Jeb ate at her b.r.e.a.s.t.s while Marshall bit and sucked his side.

They each eased a hand down her body until they came to her c.u.n.t, wet and needy. They used their fingers to tease and cajole more of her juices to flow from her p.u.s.s.y. One of them teased her c.l.i.t by tapping on it while the other teased her slit by sliding around the edge without entering her. Jeb eased his mouth from her breast up her chest to lick and kiss his way around her neck. Marshall scooted down in the bed to settle between her legs where he laid kisses along her pelvis until he reached her p.u.s.s.y.

Marshall blew his hot breath across her c.u.n.t before taking short licks up and down her slit. He curved his tongue and scooped up her p.u.s.s.y juices, humming his approval as he did. Drew wasn't sure she could stand the double a.s.sault now.

Jeb sucked down her neck then nipped at her chin and along her jawline until he reached her ear. There he stopped long enough to suck it into his mouth and tease with his tongue. He nipped it, causing her to shudder with need as he licked to sooth the sting. When he reached her mouth with his, she sighed into it. He licked along the seam of her mouth then dove inside the minute she opened to him.

Drew soon began to thrust her pelvis up into Marshall's face as he licked and sucked his way around her p.u.s.s.y. She couldn't handle them both at the same time. They took her higher than she'd ever been. Her p.u.s.s.y ached for more, and her b.r.e.a.s.t.s tingled, missing their mouths.

As if knowing what she wanted, Jeb began pulling and twisting her nipples. He ate at her mouth as if he couldn't get enough of her.

Marshall stiffened his tongue and stabbed her slit over and over. Drew bucked up into his mouth needing a deeper penetration than his tongue could give her. She groaned and reached down to grab his head and hold him to her, but with Jeb's mouth marauding hers, she was helpless to reach him. She cried out in desperation around Jeb's kiss.

Jeb sucked on her lower lip, then bit it and licked it as she hummed her approval. He licked the roof of her mouth then explored her tongue with his. When she eased it alongside his playfully, he sucked on it, pulling it into his mouth. He sucked her tongue until she was grabbing at his head, holding it to her. He pulled back to lick along it then left her tongue to tease her lips with sucking kisses around her mouth.

She couldn't concentrate on her p.u.s.s.y for Jeb's mouth and couldn't concentrate on Jeb's kisses for Marshall tongue-f.u.c.king her c.u.n.t.

Marshall licked her from her a.s.s to her c.l.i.t and around her c.l.i.t back down to her back hole. He took long, slow laps of her p.u.s.s.y juices as they flowed for him. Then he brought a finger into play, teasing her opening. When he finally pushed it inside of her, she cried out around Jeb's kisses.

He took the cry into his mouth.

Her lovers teased and pleased her until she wasn't sure she would live through the pleasure of their individual kisses.

When Marshall added another finger to her p.u.s.s.y, she jerked from Jeb's mouth. She looked down the line of her body to focus on Marshall's head at her p.u.s.s.y.

Jeb scooted down the bed some to suck in a nipple and tease it with his tongue. The combined sensations bombarded her with feeling. She thrashed her head from side to side. When she tried to wrap one leg around Marshall to hold him at her c.l.i.t, he used both hands and forced her legs apart and down on the bed. Now she was helpless to his careful ministrations.

Jeb nipped at one of her nipples while pinching the other one, then rubbing his thumb over the top of it, even as he licked its twin.

Marshall began finger-f.u.c.king her deep and hard. She bucked against his fingers, wanting, needing more, and needing it deeper. He added a third finger and found that hot spot at her core and stroked it even as he sucked on her c.l.i.t. She screamed as she came, bucking and jerking between her two lovers.

Her screams woke her up, and evidently, Jeb and Marshall as well. They burst into her room, buck naked, only to find her alone, panting and embarra.s.sed. She had her hand between her legs with the other at her breast. The sheets were pooled at her feet.

"Um, are you okay?" Jeb asked, studiously avoiding the obvious.

"Yes, I'm fine. I'm sorry I woke you." Drew pulled the covers back up to cover her nude body, all the while trying not to look at theirs.

Marshall wasn't as understanding. Jeb wanted to hit him when he opened his mouth, because by the way his nostrils flared, Jeb knew he was going to embarra.s.s her further.

"If you needed relief, Jeb and I would have been more than happy to have helped you."

"IaI," she stuttered.

"Come on, Marshall. Give her some privacy, you idiot." He pulled Marshall out of the room, but not before the other man winked at Drew.

"What is your problem? You don't embarra.s.s her like that," Jeb fussed. He led the way back to their room, closing the door behind them.

"She needs to know we're interested and not dance around it. It's obvious she's attracted to us, which is probably why she was masturbating," Marshall pointed out.

"Still, that was rude," Jeb said.

"Well, you were thinking the same thing."

"But I had enough sense not to say it."

Jeb looked at the clock. "It's already a quarter to five. I'm going down to start the coffee."

"I'm going back to bed. I'll see you in an hour." Marshall climbed back into bed and was almost immediately asleep.

Jeb walked down stairs after pulling on a pair of jeans and zipping them. He didn't bother with a s.h.i.+rt. He'd come back up after starting the coffee and take a shower. Not long after he had the coffee going, Drew walked into the kitchen.

"I started the coffee. Thought you might like a cup when you got downstairs," he told her.

"Thanks." She avoided looking at him.


"Yeah," she said as she gathered pans and utensils to start breakfast.

"Men jack off, women m.a.s.t.u.r.b.a.t.e. It's a natural way to take care of a basic need. Don't let Marshall embarra.s.s you. But he's right. You have a need. We'll be pleased to help you." Jeb took his cup of coffee upstairs to shower and get dressed.

When he turned on the water and stepped under the spray, he couldn't help but think about Drew in her bed, fingering her c.u.n.t while they were next door. Had she been thinking about them? Did they figure into her dreams? He was sure she had been dreaming. She would never have allowed herself to scream like that had she been awake.

He rubbed on his c.o.c.k, thinking about what it would feel like to be buried b.a.l.l.s-deep inside of her with Marshall in her a.s.s. He could feel their c.o.c.ks rubbing alongside each other as he f.u.c.ked her. They could more than please her, of that he was sure. Would she balk at taking two ex-cons to her bed?

Jeb began pulling on his d.i.c.k as he imagined her mouth around his c.o.c.k, sucking it deep into her hot, wet mouth. Then she would turn and do the same to Marshall, back and forth between the two of them. She would tease him around the rim of his c.o.c.khead until he rose on his toes at the feel of her tongue. He could almost feel that tongue lapping at his b.a.l.l.s as they drew up tight with his c.u.m.

His d.i.c.k ached with the need for release. He pumped it harder and gave it a twist at the end to catch that spot that was so sensitive under the mushroom-shaped head. Faster and faster, he tugged until he felt the c.u.m boiling up from his b.a.l.l.s. He exploded ribbons of c.u.m into his waiting hand, wis.h.i.+ng it were Drew's mouth instead. Jeb leaned against the back of the shower, catching his breath, when the door opened and Marshall walked in.

"You about finished in here?"

"Yeah, getting out now. I'll leave the water on for you," Jeb said and stepped out of the shower, snagging a towel as Marshall stepped in.

"You know she wants us," Marshall said.

"I know, but you embarra.s.sing her isn't helping our cause none. Lay off her." He wrapped the towel around his waist and opened the door.

"I'll be down in a few minutes. Don't start anything without me." Marshall stuck his head around the shower curtain. "I don't want to miss anything."

Jeb shook his head and closed the door behind him. Sometimes Marshall acted more like a teenager than a grown man. Then, Marshall had been the one who'd suffered the most in prison. Jeb did what he could to protect him, but in the end, Marshall had been the one to always pay.

He finished dressing and loped down the stairs to find Kenny already in the kitchen with Drew. He stood by the sink with a cup of coffee in his hand and a biscuit in the other.

"Starting without us?" Jeb asked.

"Naw, just sneaking one before everyone got to the table."

"What are the main needs for today?" Jeb asked, refilling his coffee cup.

"Need to bring the herd up closer to the house while we check the back fencers." Kenny took another bite of his biscuit.

"How well can you handle a gun?" Jeb asked.

Kenny looked serious. "I'm a pretty good shot. I don't hesitate."

"Good." Jeb sipped his coffee, waiting on Marshall to make it down stairs.

When the other man finally showed up, Drew had breakfast on the table.

"Marshall, I want you to stick close to the house today. You can work the barn and the horses. Kenny, take me around the land, and we'll also move the herd a little closer since we have someone messing around the place," Jeb said.

"What do I need to do today?" Drew asked.

"Stick close to Marshall and the house. You need to rest that arm anyway. You pull those st.i.tches, and you're going to have a mess.

"I've got plenty of paperwork to keep me busy for a month."

Jeb noticed she didn't look any of them in the face. If Kenny noticed anything, he didn't let on. He'd find out more about Drew while they were out riding.

"Anything I need to know about the horses?" Marshall asked Kenny.

"No, nothing special about any of them. They all are good horses. You might want to be careful of the roan one. It likes to bite sometimes. Don't know where he picked up that bad habit, but started about the time we had the fire in the other barn.

"I'll keep my body parts away from his mouth, then," Marshall said with a chuckle.

"He went after my hair the other day. I thought I lost an inch off of it before I finally got it out of his mouth," Drew said.

When they had all finished breakfast, they sc.r.a.ped their plates into the sc.r.a.p bucket and stacked the plates by the sink. Jeb, Marshall, and Kenny walked outside to the barn where Jeb selected a spirited black horse by the name of Lightning, and Kenny saddled his horse, a pretty bay by the name of Gracie.

They left Marshall talking to the roan from a safe distance about not biting the hand that fed him. Jeb just shook his head as he and Kenny set out to ride the property.

"How many acres does she have?" Jeb asked.

"Close to a thousand, but part of it is in mountainous terrain. The good part of it is it has natural water and has a good pa.s.sage to get to some really good grazing land that the government leases on a yearly basis." Kenny led him around a fence line they both checked as they rode by.

"She have to do that?"

"Nope, not so far, but it's there if she has to. They let you lease if you can drive your cattle there. Only two other farms have access."

"How many head she run?" Jeb asked.

"Normally around four fifty. This year we ended up with some good breeding and have close to five hundred. I think she needs to increase the heard, but she says as long as we don't have enough help, we're wasting money 'cause we'll end up losing them. I guess she's right."

"No doubt." Jeb looked around them and liked what he saw. Good grazing land and the stream that ran right through the property.

"Water ever dry up in the summer?" Jeb asked.

"Never has. Gotten low a time or two, but never has completely run out. If it does, we have the water barrels we can cart water out to with the truck, but I sure don't want to do that if we don't have to." Kenny stopped and slid off his horse. "Well, s.h.i.+t."

"What is it?"

"d.a.m.n cut fence again. Can you help me pull it back and tack it?" Kenny asked.

Jeb dismounted and grabbed the puller off his saddle and handed it to Kenny. The other man lifted an eyebrow.

"You were prepared. I don't normally bring it with me if I'm not doing fence duty. Should have thought about it."

They worked together to fix the break in the fence, then Jeb looked around on both sides of it for anything to tell him who might have cut the wire.

"Find anything?" Kenny asked when Jeb swung back into the saddle again.

"Nope. Too dry for prints of any kind, and evidently the cattle have been through here. Do you think we lost any to that side?"

"Naw, I moved them yesterday while I was out there. That's why I know that wasn't like that."

"When does it start to snow around here?"

"Most any day now. I know it seems sort of warm today, but weather report this morning called for a cooling off and some chance of snow by the weekend." Kenny nudged his horse forward.

"How much snow we talking about?" Jeb asked.

"Start off around a foot or two. Before it's over with, we get close to six or eight feet. It thaws and refreezes until we have solid ice in some places. Once winter sets in, it never thaws it all away. Just builds on top of it."

Jeb nodded and continued riding beside Kenny.

"You and Marshall partners?" Kenny finally asked.

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Double Montana Treats Part 2 summary

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