Double Montana Treats Part 4

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"Nope, I think I'll save that for another time. You rest now. I've got more work to do outside. It won't hurt you to take a nap." He bent and kissed her again.

She yawned as if suggesting a nap had brought the yawn on.

"Maybe a short one." She yawned again and closed her eyes.

He smiled and picked up her clothes. He laid them across the foot of the bed and eased from her room. Then he walked back down to the kitchen to pour out his coffee and get another cup. He finished it and the cookies then returned to the front porch to work on the railing. He felt a lot less stressed since he'd felt her come on his face. He could hardly wait to tell Jeb. For now, he had work to do.

Jeb and Kenny rode back up at dusk. Both of them were worn out and dirty from head to foot. Jeb hadn't worked this hard in a long time. Actual work was a lot different than lifting weights in prison. Marshall met them at the barn and took the two horses.

"I'll see to them. You two need to go shower and get ready for dinner," Marshall told them.

"Go on ahead, Kenny. I'll be right behind you."

Kenny nodded and walked over to the back door where they washroom was.

"Trouble?" Jeb asked.

"Yeah, you too?" Marshall asked.

"Yep. Someone had cut some fence lines and run the cattle until they'd separated. We got them all back together and repaired the fence, but it's going to take going out there every day to keep it under control, I think. Kenny said he'd been repairing fences nonstop for the last two or three weeks."

"That Brett Gunnison showed up to warn her about us. Then when he realized we were already here, he threatened to bring the sheriff out to run us off. She stood her ground and told him to leave. He's obviously after her land. Wanted her to marry him then wanted her to sell to him."

"We're going to have to watch the house and barn real close from now on. My money is on him being behind all the problems she's had."

"I'll add my two dollars to that bet, as well," Marshall said.

"What else? I can see it in your eyes," Jeb said. He had an idea already from the grin on his friend's face.

"She let me taste that sweet p.u.s.s.y of hers. She's hurting for pleasing, Jeb. But she's a screamer."

"I think Kenny understands we're going to be seeing to her needs. He's okay with it. I honestly think he was more concerned about his partner than he was for Drew. He thinks she can take care of herself."

"f.u.c.k," Marshall said, frowning.

Jeb knew he was thinking about their relations.h.i.+p back in prison.

"So you think she's going to be receptive to both of us?" Jeb asked, hoping to pull Marshall's thoughts back from where they'd gone.

"I think so. She wanted me to f.u.c.k her. I told her we'd take care of that later. She didn't say anything."

"Okay, I'm going to go on and take a shower. I'll see you inside." Jeb walked toward the house, leaving Marshall to care for the horses.

The minute he stepped inside, he could smell her. Honeysuckle. He'd never be able to forget that scent for as long as he lived. He cleaned off his boots at the back door, with the wire brush nailed to the porch. Then he walked inside and heard Drew talking to someone.

She must be on the phone. He walked into the kitchen to the scent of a home-cooked meal. It made his mouth water.

Sure enough, when he walked through to the living room to go upstairs, she was on the phone arguing with someone. He hesitated at the stairs, hating to eavesdrop. He didn't want anything to upset her. He remained at the foot of the staircase.

"Sheriff, I'm telling you, I know what I'm doing, and that's the end of it. They told me the truth from the start, and I need the help. If the townsfolk are so d.a.m.n worried about me, then they can come out here and help me with my ranch. Otherwise, they need to b.u.t.t out of my business."

There was silence as she listened to whatever he said.

"I'll tell them. Thank you for your concern, but I'm fine, sheriff. Goodnight."

She hung up the phone and sighed. He decided to make his presence known and find out what that was all about.

"Bad news?" he asked as he walked into the living room behind her.

"That was the sheriff. Brett called and told him you and Marshall were out here on my land."

"I take it he doesn't approve."

"No. I'm a woman alone, and I don't need to be trusting a couple of ex-cons."

"If we're going to be more trouble than we're worth..." he started to say they'd leave, but she interrupted him.

"No, you're not leaving. I need you here. I trust you, and I believe you did what had to be done about those boys. You've paid your debt as far as I'm concerned, if you even owed it." She ran her hand over her face. "He said he'll make it so that you can report to him once a week until the snow comes, then I'm to report to him by phone once it gets too hard to get anywhere in the snow.

"Do you trust him? He won't lie and say we aren't checking in?"

"No, you can trust him. He's helped me out when I've had trouble. He doesn't like Brett, so he's a good man in my books." Drew sighed.

"I'm going to take a shower and clean up. I'll be down in a little while."

"Dinner will be on the table in thirty minutes," she said.

"I'll be down in twenty," he said and smiled before collecting a quick kiss from her.

He turned and took the stairs two at a time. Marshall had been right. She was in need of some good loving. He and Marshall could give her that in spades. For how long depended on her. If she'd let them stay, they might eventually be able to buy some property of their own and start their own ranch. It all depended on her.

The new development with the sheriff would definitely make things easier on them. By reporting to the sheriff in town instead of having to drive to Billings every week, they wouldn't be leaving her without protection for an entire day. If Brett was behind all the problems, he'd figure out their schedule and use it. He'd talk to the sheriff and see if he would be willing to let them each come on different days so she would have at least one other man there every day besides just Kenny.

The idea of leaving her alone rankled with him now that he knew her. Now that Marshall had had a taste of her, she was theirs to protect. He wouldn't let anything happen to her if he was alive and able to protect her. Marshall would give his life for her just as quickly.

With that thought, Jeb stripped and stepped into the shower. He needed to wash the dirt and sweat from his body in case he could use that body to bring her more pleasure tonight.

Chapter Five.

Drew finished was.h.i.+ng the dishes and leaned against the sink, thinking. Kenny and Jeb had told her about the cut fences and the divided herd. She wanted to think everything was just coincidence, but it had been happening too regularly. Someone was out to drive her out of business. The only person she knew who had anything to gain by that was Brett. She knew he wanted the land awfully badly, but surely, sabotage was beneath him. Besides, why not try and enlarge his land on one of the other sides. Why hers?

She dried her hands and laid the dishcloth over the pots she had in the dish drainer. She scooped soap into the dishwasher and turned it on. She needed to watch the weather, and then she was going to bed. It had been a long day. She smiled. Well, it had been broken up nicely, but still...

She walked into the living room to find the only place left to sit was between Jeb and Marshall on the couch. She sank down onto the couch, glad to be off her feet.

"Weather is just about to come on," Kenny told her from his seat in the rocking chair.

Jeb stretched out his arm along the back of the couch and rested his hand at the nape of her neck. He didn't do anything at first, but once the weather came on, he began a soft kneading there that relaxed her.

"Looks like we have about two more days of decent weather before we get our first snow coming through," Kenny said.

"Best to pull the cattle up closer to the barn then, so we can watch them," Jeb said.

"I'll help out tomorrow then, so it won't take too long," Drew told them.

"Naw, you stick close to the house and watch the horses. The three of us can do it." Jeb continued to knead her shoulder and the back of her neck.

It felt too good. She wanted to lean against him and let him take care of everything. She sighed and stood up, using his muscular thigh to push off of.

"I'm going to call it a night. I'll talk to you guys in the morning." She heard their good-nights as she climbed the stairs to her bedroom.

She needed a shower and then some sleep. The next couple of days were going to be long ones. She needed to make a list of supplies they would need and then make a trip into town to get them. She would also need to check the generator to be sure it was in good working order. They would need plenty of fuel for it.

She quickly showered then let the hot water pound on her tired shoulder and back muscles. Much of the tension she'd suffered almost constantly since she'd taken over the ranch had dissipated with the arrival of Jeb and Marshall. She wasn't sure why, but she trusted them as she'd never trusted anyone else. It both thrilled her and worried her. Not only where they strangers, they were ex-convicts who'd admitted they'd killed a man each.

As soon as she dried off, Drew climbed into bed and tried to relax. Too much kept circling in her head. She was worried about her cows and horses. Maybe she should sleep out in the barn to watch out for them. She'd never get any sleep like that. Why couldn't Brett, if that was who it was, just leave her alone?

She heard when Kenny and the others climbed the stairs to go to bed. She waited for the house to grow quiet and tried once again to get comfortable to go to sleep. Long minutes later, she heard her doork.n.o.b turn. She waited in antic.i.p.ation. Was this why she hadn't been able to sleep? Because she knew they would come for her?

Jeb entered the room, but Marshall was nowhere to be seen.

"What is it, Jeb?" she asked as she settled on her elbows.

"Marshall is taking a shower. I've come to give you a ma.s.sage to help you relax," Jeb told her.

"A ma.s.sage?" she asked.

"Yes, you looked like you could use one earlier. Roll over on your stomach."

Drew smothered a grin and rolled over so that her back was facing him. When she had rolled over, the sheets had slipped low on her back. Now they barely covered her a.s.s.

"Do you have some lotion you like?" Jeb asked.

"There's some in the bathroom on the counter."

The floorboards creaked as he crossed to the bathroom. He returned, and the bed dipped where he sat on the edge of it. She moved over to give him more room. Then he began spreading the lotion all over her shoulders and back. He kneaded her muscles and slowly seduced her with his hands. By the time he'd made it to her a.s.s, the sheets had pulled way down, and nothing was hidden from him. He smoothed his thumbs up her lower back until she moaned. Then he moved lower and began a soft molding of her a.s.s cheeks with his lotion-covered hands.

The bedroom door creaked open, and Marshall walked in. Only he wasn't wearing anything but a towel. This was it, she realized. They were really going to have s.e.x with her. Both of them. Did she want this? Really? h.e.l.l yes. She couldn't wait. It had been too long since she'd had a man to touch her, much less make love to her. Not that she expected that. All she really expected was a good, hard f.u.c.king. Men like them were ride hard and put up wet kind of guys. She didn't mind.

"You've got to taste her, Jeb. She tastes like summer rain, clean and crisp," Marshall told him.

Jeb unb.u.t.toned his s.h.i.+rt and dropped it to the floor before easing out of his jeans. He didn't wear underwear. And he was very aroused.

Drew couldn't help but stare at his ma.s.sive c.o.c.k. Its purple-colored head bobbed out from his body, heavy with need. He climbed between her legs and pushed them apart so he could fit his wide shoulders between them. He didn't bother with teasing her. Jeb got down to business. The first swipe of his tongue drew a gasp from her, the second one a moan. Her c.u.n.t craved his tongue like a drug addict craved heroin. She was lost with each lick. She didn't even notice at first when Marshall dropped his towel and moved to the head of the bed next to her face.

She opened her eyes to see Marshall's giant c.o.c.k bobbing next to her cheek. She licked her lips and a drop of pre-c.u.m leaked from the slit at the top of the head of the monster. She reached out with her tongue and licked the slit, making him gasp.

"That's it, baby. Take my c.o.c.k in your hot little mouth. I want to feel you suck me," Marshall said as he fed his c.o.c.k to her.

She wanted to suck him. She wanted to feel his c.o.c.k throb in her mouth as he came. Drew concentrated on taking him into her mouth and teasing him with her tongue. She slid it around the mushroom cap and tongued the slit until he began to hiss. Then she took all of him she could manage down her throat and swallowed around him.

"f.u.c.k yeah, that's it, baby."

She continued to suck on him, but Jeb had found his rhythm and was quickly distracting her from Marshall.

Jeb tongued her c.l.i.t just enough to quickly distract her from Marshall, then set in to eat her from a.s.s to c.l.i.t until she was wild with need. When he finally pushed a finger inside her c.u.n.t, Drew hissed out a ayes' and pumped her hips up to meet his shallow thrusts.

"Take care of Marshall up there, Drew, and I'll take care of you," Jeb told her.

He continued licking her creaming p.u.s.s.y, but kept his finger-f.u.c.king shallow. It was just enough to keep her edgy and needy but not enough to send her over the edge into o.r.g.a.s.m.

Drew renewed her ministrations on Marshall's c.o.c.k. She grazed her teeth gently up his stalk then licked around beneath the rim of his d.i.c.k before sucking on the edge of the crown. He jerked in her mouth, but she applied enough suction that he couldn't just plop out. She took his b.a.l.l.s in one hand and gently manipulated them, squeezing then rolling them over and over. She bobbed up and down on his thick c.o.c.k.

Marshall took one of her hands and wrapped it around the base of his d.i.c.k, then held her head, using her hair to keep her still as he slowly began to face f.u.c.k her. She held on for dear life as he shoved his c.o.c.k in an out of her mouth, holding her steady. When she loosened her hold to take more of him, he stopped then wrapped her hand around him again and squeezed.

"Don't move it, baby. I don't want to choke you. I just want to shove my d.i.c.k in as far as I can with your hand like it is. Believe me, it's far enough to drive me crazy, baby." Marshall brushed her hair aside and leaned in to kiss her.

Jeb took that opportunity to lick over her c.l.i.t with the flat of his tongue, and she yelled out. Marshall then took that opportunity to shove his c.o.c.k down her throat, once again f.u.c.king her face, holding on to her hair as he did it.

Jeb added a second finger and began f.u.c.king her in earnest now. He soon had her pumping her hips in rhythm to his fingers, trying to take more of them. She moaned as he lapped at her p.u.s.s.y. When he finally curled his fingers inside of her and found that spot that drove her crazy, she began groaning loudly. He latched hold of her c.l.i.t and sucked hard as he stroked her G-spot in earnest. She screamed around Marshall's c.o.c.k, sending him into o.r.g.a.s.m as well.

Drew swallowed convulsively as she tried to ride out her own o.r.g.a.s.m. Marshall held her tight against him as he pulsed inside of her mouth. When he was finished, he let go of her and leaned against the wall above the headboard, trying to catch his breath. Drew smiled as she licked her lips of his c.u.m.

"How was that, Drew? Feel up to another o.r.g.a.s.m? I want in that hot p.u.s.s.y of yours." Jeb ran a finger up and down her slit, teasing her and setting off another mild s.h.i.+mmy inside her c.u.n.t.

"Give me what you've got, cowboy. I can take it." Drew watched him ease back from between her legs and stand up.

"On all fours, Drew," he demanded as he rolled on a condom.

Drew rolled over and got to all fours. She wiggled her a.s.s at him, and he slapped it hard enough to bring tears to her eyes. He slapped the other side, heating them both up before he rubbed them, spreading the heat around.

"I'm going to pump you full of c.o.c.k, Drew," he said.

Jeb pulled her over to the edge of the bed and lined his d.i.c.k up with her p.u.s.s.y. He spread her a.s.s cheeks wide and slowly fed his c.o.c.k in her c.u.n.t. She wiggled, trying to hurry him along, but he spanked her again and told her to be still. d.a.m.n, she needed it fast and hard if she was going to come again. The spanks turned her on. He tapped both sides of her a.s.s again, and she rose on her tip toes, presenting her a.s.s to him.

Jeb slowly began shoving his thick c.o.c.k in and out of her p.u.s.s.y. He didn't hurry, which irked Drew, but she wasn't going to complain. He would get h.o.r.n.y enough eventually and speed up. She could wait. She didn't have to wait long. Soon he was shuttling his c.o.c.k in and out of her c.u.n.t fast enough to begin her slow crawl upward to an o.r.g.a.s.m. He jerked his head at Marshall, and his friend walked over to stand next to him.

Drew looked over her shoulder wondering why he wanted Marshall. Curiosity had her watching as Marshall used his fingers to drag copious amounts of her dripping c.u.m up to her back hole. He circled it, then pushed a finger past her tight ring and began f.u.c.king her a.s.s with his finger. He smiled at her as she looked back over her shoulder. She had winced at the sudden invasion, but it hadn't been as bad as she'd expected.

Marshall pumped in and out of her a.s.s to the same rhythm that Jeb was pus.h.i.+ng in and out of her p.u.s.s.y. Drew began meeting them halfway by pus.h.i.+ng back against them. Jeb started to speed up about the same time that Marshall added a second finger to her a.s.s. It stung like h.e.l.l, but as he continued pumping in and out of her a.s.s, she was already winding up the road to a full-fledged o.r.g.a.s.m. He slowly wrapped an arm around her side and found her c.l.i.t. He teased at it as Jeb pumped harder and deeper into her p.u.s.s.y. She groaned as his fingers griped her hips.

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Double Montana Treats Part 4 summary

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