Double Montana Treats Part 9

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Chapter Nine.

Drew heard the slam of a door somewhere downstairs and groaned. She stiffly rolled out of the bed. She had been in it too long. She needed to get up and do something, or she'd lose some of her flexibility. It wouldn't matter how much the men fussed, she wasn't going back to sleep until she had done something worthwhile.

She made her way to the shower, cursing her stiff muscles. The hot water in the shower did wonders for her, and she felt almost her old self again afterward. She dressed and walked down the stairs to find Marshall staring at the coffee pot, waiting on it to finish brewing.

"Was that you slamming the door?" she asked.

It startled him, and he jumped a little then turned around.

"s.h.i.+t, sorry. I forgot you were sleeping. Jeb's going to have my hide for waking you up."

"I was already up and getting in the shower, so you didn't bother me," she lied.

He looked relived to be let off the hook.

"Want some coffee?" He pulled a second cup from the cabinet at her nod.

"Shouldn't you be getting into bed instead of drinking coffee?"

"I'm still up for another twenty five, thirty minutes. Besides, it never has affected me that way. I can drink a pot of it before bed and sleep just fine." He grinned at her and poured her some.

She took it from his hands and smiled a little at the touch of his skin along her fingers. While she had loved having Jeb with her in bed once she'd gotten over being mad, she had still missed Marshall being there, too. She would take time to study all of it later but not right now. Right now, she would enjoy it while it lasted.

"Let's go sit on the couch and check the weather." Marshall ushered her into the living room toward the couch.

They sat down and Marshall turned on the TV. He flipped the channels until he came to the weather channel.

"I'm a.s.suming everything is still fine with the ranch. You would tell me if something was wrong, wouldn't you?"

"Everything's fine. The weather is clearing off, and it feels like the temperatures are rising some."

"Shh, here's the weather."

They listened to the promise of sunny skies for the next few days, but the temperatures would remain in the single digits during the day. Some of the snow would melt at those temperatures.

"Great, as soon as we can get out the drive, we need to make a trip into town to load up on things. I guess you and Jeb need to check in with the sheriff as well."

"One of us will go with you, and then the other will go with Kenny the next day. We aren't leaving Kenny here by himself while there is someone out there s.c.r.e.w.i.n.g around." Marshall had draped his arm around the back of the couch, and now he rubbed her shoulder with his hand.

"I guess that sounds like a good idea." She sighed. "I wish we could figure out who it is and put a stop to this."

"We will. It just takes time."

Drew pushed off of Marshall's knee and the couch to stand up. She needed to do something, so she would cook a stew. They could all eat off of it all during the night and the next day. Plus, she was going to talk to Jeb about letting her pair up with one of them and help make rounds. She felt fine, and the on her head was going down. She winced when she felt of it. If it hurts, don't touch it, stupid.

"What are you doing?" Marshall asked when she pulled out a big pot and set it on the stove.

"I'm going to make a stew that we can all eat on as we get hungry. It can warm on the stove for hours before it will get too old to eat."

"Need help?" he asked.

"Nope. Think I can handle this just fine." She grinned at him.

"I'm going to go on up to bed, then. You can join me later if you feel tired." He waggled his brows.

Drew felt the telltale heat of her blush creep up her neck and cheeks. Marshall chuckled and walked out of the kitchen. A few seconds later, she heard him clomp up the stairs.

He had no idea how enticing that sounded to her. She wanted him, and she wanted Jeb, both separately and together. Yep, she was a s.l.u.t. She sighed and concentrated on cooking for the next thirty minutes. About the time she'd finished and put the lid on the pot, Jeb stomped on the back porch then walked into the mudroom and peeled out of his hat, coat, scarf, gloves, and boots. He walked sock-footed into the kitchen.

"d.a.m.n, something smells good." He walked over and sniffed over her shoulder as she set the spoon on the spoon rest.

"It's stew, but it won't be ready for about forty-five minutes. If you're hungry, I can fix a sandwich now." She moved toward the fridge to get out the fixings for a sandwich, but Jeb stopped her.

"No, thanks. I'm not hungry right now. I'll wait for the stew." He sighed and pulled her into his arms. "What are you doing out of bed?"

"Jeb, I can't stay in that bed another minute. I'm fine. The is going down, and I want to help. I can make rounds with one of you, and that way everyone will get at least six hours of sleep."

"Absolutely not!" He pulled back from her and held her by the upper arms. "You could get hurt again. I'm not taking a chance."

"Might I remind you that I'm the owner, and you're the foreman? We had this discussion. I'm boss down here, and you're the boss up there. Remember?" She smiled a wide, fierce smile.

"d.a.m.n it, Drew." He let go of her and made a little circle with his hands, brus.h.i.+ng through his hair in obvious exasperation. "You just won't see reason, will you?"

"I've been taking care of this ranch and myself for four long years without your help. I can handle myself. With one of you with me, I'll be fine." Drew crossed her arms over her b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

Jeb huffed and puffed and finally gave in. She saw it the second he did. His face changed from one of outrage to one of resignation. She smiled but kept it to a bare minimum, not wanting to gloat and p.i.s.s him off again.

"Fine. You'll be with me. Marshall and Kenny will work together. I don't trust that you won't get your way with Marshall, using your feminine wiles on him."

"Great. Do we go out now or later?"

"In about an hour. I just checked everyone. Nothing going on out there. Snow's stopped, and the temperatures have warmed up slightly."

"Marshall and I watched the weather earlier." She repeated the forecast and grabbed Jeb's hand to pull him to the sofa where they could watch TV for a while.

Jeb immediately pulled her into his arms and kissed her. He took what he wanted. He wasn't one to beat around the bush. She opened to him immediately, craving what he had. His tongue slid alongside hers, then brushed against the roof of her mouth and around her teeth before it coaxed hers into his mouth. She sparred with him for dominance, but in the end, he sucked her tongue into his mouth and bit it. Drew yelped but grinned when he let go of it.

"We have plenty of time for more. Let's go upstairs and wake Marshall up." Drew giggled, grabbing his arm.

"Whoa, he needs his sleep. Besides, you don't know how cranky he gets when he doesn't get enough."

"I'll kiss him and make it better," she teased.

"What in the h.e.l.l has gotten into you today?" he asked with the beginnings of a smile.

"You and Marshall."

She all but pulled him up the stairs behind her and burst into her room only to find the bed empty. Marshall wasn't in her bed. He'd gone back to his room. She deflated a little bit and frowned.

"What's wrong, Drew?" Jeb walked in behind her and looked around the room.

"He's not in here."

"He's probably in his bed so he wouldn't be in your way if you wanted to lie back down." Jeb pulled her around to face him. "You still have me. Am I enough for you for now?" he asked, a carefully blank look on his face.

Drew realized he thought she didn't want him without Marshall, which wasn't true at all. She had thought to wake him up with her mouth on his c.o.c.k. She was just as happy with Jeb.

"You're more than enough for me, cowboy." Drew pulled him to her and grabbed a handful of hair to lower his lips to her mouth.

Jeb took over and walked her backward toward the bed. Once her knees. .h.i.t the back of it, she sat down with a bounce and a giggle. He began unb.u.t.toning her s.h.i.+rt and jerked it out of her pants before tossing it aside. Then he did the same with her bra. He immediately began playing with her nipples and knelt in between her legs to reach them with his mouth. Her nipples immediately ached for his touch as he pulled on one and sucked the other one.

There had to be a direct line between her nipples and her c.u.n.t. She burned for him there, already wet with her juices. It wouldn't take much more of his breast play to send her over the edge. She'd never come just from having her b.r.e.a.s.t.s manipulated before. He pressed them together and sucked on both nipples together. It felt amazing. She moaned and pressed them closer to his mouth.

"G.o.d, you are so responsive. I love the way you give yourself to me."

"Please, please don't stop. I'm so close!"

"f.u.c.k, I haven't done anything to you yet, baby."

"I can't help it. You turn me on and make me so hot with how you play with my nipples."

Jeb redoubled his efforts to make her come. He licked and nipped at them while twisting and pinching the opposite one before changing sides. A low keening noise filled the room as she felt the crash come up on her. Tiny electrical shocks pulsed through her p.u.s.s.y and deep within her c.u.n.t as she slowly began to buck. Only Jeb's hands and mouth kept her upright. He licked and petted her until she calmed down.

"G.o.d, that was amazing," she finally got out.

"I've got to have you. Right now," Jeb said in a growl. "Get up and turn around for me."

Drew stood up, a little unsteady on her feet. Jeb grabbed her with one hand and used the other one to pull at her belt and the fastenings on her jeans. In seconds, he had them down around her boots.

"Bend over the bed, Drew. Do it now."

She heard him unbuckle his belt, and then the zipper being lowered. She relaxed when the crinkle of a condom wrapper reached her ears. She hadn't wanted to stop anything and remind him. This was so f.u.c.king hot. She bent over the bed. He placed one hand on her back to keep her there as he stroked his hard c.o.c.k up and down her slit, gathering her juices on his sheathed c.o.c.khead.

"I'm going to f.u.c.k this p.u.s.s.y until you scream, Drew. One day, soon I'm going to f.u.c.k your a.s.s. It was made for f.u.c.king." He pressed forward and just the head of him entered her body. He groaned.

He pushed harder, and his juice-slickened d.i.c.k slipped slowly inside of her. He stopped, taking a deep breath, and then plunged the rest of the way in. She screamed at the sudden invasion. He pulled almost all the way out and drove in again. The force of his shoves sent her farther across the bed until just her a.s.s stood up, and the rest of her body lay on the bed.

Jeb began tunneling in and out of her in earnest now. He rolled his hips until he found her G-spot and brushed over it each time he pulled out. She wiggled her hips when he was fully seated and squeezed her inner muscles to pleasure him that much more. He groaned and swatted her a.s.s.

"Be still, you little minx. I'll paddle your a.s.s for real if you make me come before I'm ready."

A challenge. She loved them. Now she pushed herself up on her hands and began to shove back as he pushed forward, until their flesh slapped against each other. He growled and slapped her a.s.s again a little harder, and she moaned. The sting only made it feel that much better as he b.u.mped up against her cervix with each shove of his thick c.o.c.k inside of her.

"More," she breathed out. "I need more."

"More what, Drew? More a.s.s spankings?" He punctuated it with a series of slaps on her a.s.s that brought tears to her eyes, but they were just what she needed to come. She writhed on the bed as Jeb fought to stay in her. Her spasming muscles soon brought him over as well. He slammed into her one more time then held there as he called out her name.

Drew heard him say her name, but it was the last thing she heard before she pa.s.sed out.

She came to with him lying on top of her and a little to the side. He was rubbing her back as if to wake her up. They were both gasping for breath.

"f.u.c.k, you're hot," Jeb said around gasps.

"That was so good."

"I think you two better get up and make your rounds, or you're going to be late." Marshall stood at the door, leaning against the doorjamb and smiling. "That was quite a show."

"a.s.shole." Jeb laughed as he slowly pulled out of Drew.

Drew groaned. She felt lost without him filling her. She eyed Marshall with a come-hither smile and look in her eyes. He grinned and walked over toward her. Jeb lifted his brows at her but continued on to the bathroom to deal with the condom.

"You look like you could use some one-on-one time," she told him, reaching out to rub his obviously hard c.o.c.k through the denim of his jeans.

"I know just the thing for that. You've got time, too," he said with a grin.

Marshall unfastened his jeans and shoved them down. He grabbed her by the hair and angled her head toward his straining c.o.c.k. Drew licked her lips then licked a long line from his b.a.l.l.s to the crown of his c.o.c.k. He dug his nails into her scalp then released her head but not her hair.

"f.u.c.k, baby. Do that again."

A drop of pre-c.u.m pearled at the top of the slit in his c.o.c.k. She licked it up then repeated the long lick from top to bottom this time. She felt him jerk against her mouth. Instead of repeating it, she sucked in just the mushroom-shaped head of him in a long, hard suck that had him lifting to his tiptoes. She let go with an audible pop before swallowing him down all the way to the back of her throat.

"G.o.d, d.a.m.n you're good at that," he managed to say in a raspy voice.

Drew got down to business. She swirled his c.o.c.k like a lollypop or a favorite sucker. She teased him with her teeth and tongue then swallowed him down. She swallowed around him when she had him as deep as she could take him. He dug his nails into her scalp again, and held on as she tightened her throat muscles around him over and over. It wasn't long before he was cursing and moaning with every lick and suck. She'd managed to pull him to the edge and was holding him there.

She sucked him up against the roof of her mouth and slowly rolled his b.a.l.l.s in her hands. This time, he rewarded her with his c.u.m. It poured into her mouth as he shot off down her throat. She held his tautly muscled a.s.s in her hands as she swallowed his c.u.m in gulps. When he was finished, she gave him one more long lick and then smacked her lips.

"I'd spank her for that if I were you," Jeb said from the door where he now stood fully dressed.

"h.e.l.l, if I had the strength, but I can barely stand up." Marshall didn't bother to zip up. He just lay out on the bed, breathing hard.

"You still have a couple of hours of sleep left. Get undressed and get into bed, cowboy," Drew ordered him.

"Yes, ma'am. Just as soon as I can catch my breath and move my muscles again."

Drew stood up and stretched. She felt wonderful. s.e.x was truly a rejuvenator, she decided. She pulled up her jeans and then pulled on her bra and s.h.i.+rt. She buckled her belt but didn't bother tucking in the s.h.i.+rt. Her coat would cover it, anyway. With one last look at the already snoring Marshall, she followed Jeb down the stairs to where he waited on her, already dressed for outside.

"I'm going on outside. Hurry up and get wrapped up." He opened the door to let in some of the cold air and then closed it behind him.

Drew s.h.i.+vered and began layering on the clothes. She settled her hat on her head last and hurried outside to locate Jeb. She didn't want him outside alone. They still had someone out there wanting to screw around with her and the ranch. She didn't want anything to happen to any of her men. That included Kenny, because, though they weren't lovers, he was still hers to care about and protect.

She caught up with Jeb in the barn checking on the horses. Everyone looked fine. They both inspected the feed then traipsed around behind the barn to look for footprints that weren't theirs. After inspecting all the areas they were watching, they returned to the house and the stew she had simmering on the stove.

Kenny walked in with a frown on his face.

"What's wrong?" Drew asked.

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Double Montana Treats Part 9 summary

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