The Vicious Deep Part 10

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Then there's a guy with the body of a man and the head of a gray and blue fish. A tiny light hovers over his face, and I realize it's part of him-like a s.h.i.+ny flashlight dangling out of his forehead. He wears a traveling salesman kind of suit, and the slits on his nose wiggle against the salty wind. When his s.h.i.+ny black eyes catch me staring, I'm afraid he'll flip me off, or worse. Instead he bows.

Here we go again with the bowing.

A boy runs past me; a woman with curling brown hair chases after him. She picks him up, and he struggles against her until she reprimands him in his ear. He looks like he's wearing a turtle backpack, but as we pa.s.s them I can see the hard sh.e.l.l is part of him. She picks a spot with an excellent view of the sh.o.r.e. Then I notice her arms. They have no bone in them. Where there should be fingers are tiny suction cups that s.h.i.+ft back and forth from fingers to tentacles.

And then there's a guy. Just an average guy, a little older than me with dark jeans, black leather boots with archaic crosses on the s.h.i.+ns, a long-sleeved black T-s.h.i.+rt, and disheveled brown hair. He wears a baseball cap to the side and chews on a coffee straw. He's leaning against the side of the boat, watching and holding a small cardboard box with MTA stickers on it. He winks at me as we walk past, which is weird, but finally someone who doesn't bow.

"Let's go meet the captain," Thalia says. In her ballerina skirt, she looks more like a regular girl than a sea creature. She leads us to the mast of the s.h.i.+p. Out here is just the horizon. Kurt knocks on the mast. There's a series of squeaks, like rope and metal being pulled. A deep voice comes out of the darkness and says, "Kurtomathetis, I was wondering when you would make it."

Thalia puts her hands on her hips and looks up at him. "But we're ahead of schedule!"

I follow their stare up and over the front of the s.h.i.+p. Where there would be some carving, like a dragon on the Viking s.h.i.+ps they had at the Met, is a merman. From the waist up he has the V shape of a football player. His hair seems to be alive in full black curls. His shoulders have splotches of golden freckles where the sun hits the most. He bows his head with a kind smile.

Arion grabs the conch strung over his chest and blows it. The sails expand, and even though there is no strong wind just now, we start moving. The s.h.i.+p is alive with excited whispers. I hold on to the front of the s.h.i.+p, my legs feeling wobbly as we start moving. I'm really doing this. Oh, G.o.d, I'm really doing this.

"Lord Sea-" the captain says to me.

"You don't have to call me that," I shout over the small wave that crashes against us.

Arion looks taken aback. His dark eyebrows knit together, and his black eyes look over his shoulder at me. "What shall I call you?"

"Tristan is fine."

"Tristan." He tastes my name on his tongue, p.r.o.nouncing it a few times before he's confident about addressing me so informally. "Son of?"

"David Hart?"

"Tristan Hart, son of David Hart. Welcome aboard."

I'm too stunned. "What are you?"

"A merman like yourself."

"But you're, like, attached to the s.h.i.+p."

We make a sudden turn to the left. "Whoa," he says. He raises his hand and makes a pulling motion. A sail drops. He uses his left hand to slap at the air, like he's trying to parallel park. Behind me the s.h.i.+p's steering wheel mimics his hand movement.

"How are you part of this s.h.i.+p?" I ask.

"I have carried my father's debt to the king," he says. No big deal.

"What do you mean? What did he do?"

"I was a boy. It is so long ago I cannot remember. My father had the choice of being executed or indentured to the king. He was to serve millennia guiding the s.h.i.+p between Toliss and whatever coasts the Sea Court happens to visit. But my father grew old, and his sentence was carried over to me."

"That doesn't seem fair."

"That is the way it is, Tristan Hart."

Arion's baritone laugh sounds like the conch strapped to his chest. He touches the tip of his bushy black beard. He finds something in it, a tiny crab, and pops it into his mouth like a grape.

"Guess you never go hungry," I go. "But how do you sleep?"

"The sails, they're quite soft."

"Way to look on the bright side." I wonder what other kinds of punishments my grandfather has given out, and if I were king, whether I could ever do the same.

There's another bang, and this time the rain breaks. It isn't cold, thunderstorm rain. It's soft, like pa.s.sing through a warm curtain. "We've crossed the wall!" Arion calls out.

"Should we go below deck?" I instantly regret asking.

"We are of the sea, Tristan. No one objects to getting a little wet."

Thalia's laughter is contagious. Here the clouds break up. This is the first stretch of sky I've seen in weeks. Around me, the other pa.s.sengers lift their noses to the sky or reach their hands over the side of the s.h.i.+p, where water will splash and lick their fingertips. Or tentacles, whatever the case may be. The only one I don't see in the crowd is the human guy with the cardboard box. Surely he did oppose getting a bit wet.

"Hang on tight, Lord Tristan!"

My stomach plummets with that tickling roller-coaster feel. I even let myself scream. A small wave pushes us past the wall.

"There's that," Kurt says.

And yeah, there is that. Behind us, the wall of warm rain stands still. It marks the last of the ugly rain clouds that have latched on to the sky for the past few days. I can see the horizon ahead, and it is grand. The sun has begun to rise on this side of the wall. It's been so long since I've seen the sky. I'm about to tell Thalia as much, but then- That's when I hear her.

No. No, no, no, no.

"Let me go! Get your slimy hands off me."


The sound of feet hitting wood.

People shoving.

The pulling and pulling of limbs.

"Intruder!" someone yells.

"Get off me!"

It's coming from the main deck. The crowd gathered there reminds me of when fights break out in school. Everyone gathers around in a circle watching the brawl. Layla is being dragged across the deck by two guys who are stronger than they look. Their bodies are wire thin, with mostly human faces, and the scalps of sea urchins. They hold her wrists and ankles and sling her onto the center of the deck.

I've never seen Layla's eyes this wide. One by one she stares at the faces on the s.h.i.+p until she finds me in the crowd. Tiny gasps of air leave her lips, like she's trying to breathe and hiccup at the same time.

A second set of footsteps rushes up to the deck. The guy and his cardboard box.

"Arion," one of the urchin guys says. "She is an intruder."

The black ropes that bind Arion to the front of the s.h.i.+p stretch, pus.h.i.+ng him up so he can turn around and look down at the scene. He glances back at the island. The speck of land is getting bigger by the second. "State your name and how you managed to get on board."

"Layla," I blurt out. "Her name is Layla. She's my friend."



She pushes herself up, standing with her hands down and out to create a barrier between herself and us. When did I become the us?

The urchin boy stands with his hands at his sides. Now I can see his face. His nose is like a b.u.t.ton pushed down on his face, which from the temples up to the top of his hair is dark blue. He points to her without smiling. "It is against the king's wishes that humans enter the island. Unless, of course, they're for play."

The other boy, almost a replica, only more purple, smiles wickedly.

"P-play?" Layla's eyes remind me of the insides of a Magic 8 Ball, moving around dizzily, trying to predict what might just be unpredictable.

"She must be sequestered until the king can decide her fate."

The crowd gasps. The only human guy chews on his toothpick and scratches the back of his head, then puts his cap back on. He cranes his head to peek at the horizon. We are very, very close.

The urchin guys grab her, one by each hand. She kicks and screams, her eyes burning holes through me.

"Wait, wait a minute." I jump from the top deck, where I've been standing, to land on my feet. "She's off limits. Didn't you hear me before?"

The blue one puffs his skinny, nonexistent chest at me. "Yeah, I heard you. What of it? Rules is rules."

"You've got no authority, half-breed," the purple one says.

Half-breed? No one's ever called me that.

"Even though I am not your king, I'm still the king's grandson. I'm of the royal-royal f-family." I catch Kurt's eyes and take his small nod as a sign that I'm on the right track. "Unless you want to explain to the king how you let a human best you and board your s.h.i.+p."

The urchin brothers back down, but not without showing how deeply they'd probably want to ram their spiky little heads into my gut. The crowd looks pretty bored with us, and the group breaks up little by little. Some of them bow to me before turning away to mind their business, and others look down their noses-or the equivalent-at me, cursing me in grunts. Some are just completely disinterested and continue to stare out at the water.

Arion clears his throat. "Lord Sea is right. She can stay with him. The Sea King will decide her penalty-"

"Penalty?" Layla and I blurt out the word at the same time.

"Outcome," Kurt corrects, but that doesn't make it any better. My dream of her drowning flashes in my mind.

"Come with me." I shove the two urchin boys off her and pull her with me, tripping down the stairs and landing below deck. "What. Are. You. Doing. Here?"

She's shaking. She lets go of my hand and wraps her arms around herself. Her wrists are red where the urchin boys were holding her. Something in me is on fire. I want to hold on to her and tell her that it's going to be okay, even though I don't even know what we're going to see when we reach the sh.o.r.e.

"What am I doing here? What are you doing here? Where is here?"

"A s.h.i.+p? The water?" I reply.

"Do not mess with me right now, Tristan!" The low light of the gas lamps around us casts shadows over her face so that all I can see are cheeks, lips, eyes. She looks away, sniffling.

"Is this what you couldn't tell me? You joined a-circus?"

Wow, I wish I'd thought of that one.

"How did you even get on board? Why would you even get on board is probably the better question."

"To help you, duh? I thought you were involved in some Sharks versus Jets kinda c.r.a.p."

I rub my palms on my face. "Well, there are sharks."

I lean against a stack of barrels. How did I even get here? I'm the worst at protecting the people around me.

The stairs creak under Kurt's weight. I recognize his sneakers as he makes his way down. He stands like a soldier, stone faced, arms behind his back. His stance totally clashes with the outfit and his windblown hair. His eyes scan Layla's face. "I can't promise that you will be completely safe. But, as you are important to Tristan, you are important to me. We will do all we can to keep you safe."

She takes a step forward, and the light from upstairs shows the red corners of her eyes, the dry trails of dirty tears. "I hate you," she tells me. "Who the h.e.l.l are you?" she asks Kurt. "His Canadian-Irish-Italian cousin?" She turns back to me. "How long have you been lying to me?"

Seven days, six hours, and forty-five minutes, I want to say.

The s.h.i.+p shakes, and a barrel falls out of place, knocking me to the side. Layla falls forward and Kurt catches her. He helps her to her feet. Don't worry about me, guys, I'm fine. Just almost got flattened by whatever is in those barrels.

"We're almost there," Kurt says.

"No s.h.i.+t, Legolas," Layla snaps.

Kurt stares at her. I don't know if he's going to kill her or let my grandfather do it. "How much does she know?"

"Sharks," I answer.

He nods, even though it shouldn't make sense. "Very well, keep it that way for now. She needs to see for herself. Perhaps we can interest the king in her."

"Eww, no way!"

"Not like that, stupid." I try not to picture Layla in a metal bikini being offered as a trophy bride to the King of the Seas. "Wait, it's not like that, right?"

"Hmm? Oh, of course not." Kurt shakes his head in that way he does when he sighs humans. "Do you have anything to offer the king, besides your virtue?"

I don't know whose jaw drops lower, mine or Layla's. I can smell her anger like lit kerosene. She b.a.l.l.s up her fists and steeps in her own fury. Upstairs the footsteps have faded. Thalia sticks her head into the opening. "We're here. Hurry up. Vamos!" She quotes my dad, and I can hear her scamper around on the deck.

Kurt grabs onto the ladder and stops halfway up. He bends down so he is face-to-face with Layla, their noses just shy of touching. For a moment, I think he's going to hit her. But then he says, "Whatever you do, do not leave Tristan's side."

I can practically hear her roll her eyes. Up on deck, the sun s.h.i.+nes so brightly that I have to s.h.i.+eld my eyes against it.

"Where did this come from?" I hold my arms out and welcome the sun against my face. My body is buzzing with excitement, like the first time I rode a wave, when I changed into my fins in the pool earlier, or when Layla gave me CPR the day I washed up from the storm.

"Welcome, young Tristan," Arion says. The s.h.i.+p bops in the still, crystal-blue water. I stand on the ledge of the s.h.i.+p to jump off. I fall on my a.s.s in the water. The water is the Goldilocks kind of perfect. I want to splash around in it.

Layla and Kurt are already on the beach. The sand is white with black freckles. My flip-flops have come off, and they float on the surface. I grab them and make my way to my friends. Layla is staring at the golden specks on Arion's shoulders. Or maybe she's just staring at his shoulders. Everything looks too vivid here. His skin is more bronze than an hour ago, his hair slick and black, his onyx eyes like inky pools. Under the live black ropes that wrap around his tail, the scales glisten in black and white flecks.

"Holy-s.h.i.+take mother-flower mushrooms," she says.

I turn to Kurt and Thalia, who stand in their wet clothes holding on to their shoes. They also look more radiant. This is what they look without their glamours, like the raw colors of a prism. Thalia is greener than before, her hair no longer a subtle black-green. She spins on the sand, the bottom of her dress puffing out in a circle. Kurt's tanned skin has a slight golden tinge. His violet eyes look more like crystal. I wonder if I look any different.

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The Vicious Deep Part 10 summary

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