The Age of the Reformation Part 60

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SECTION 1. _The World_

On economic changes see bibliography to chapter xi; on exploration, chapter ix; on universities, chapter xiii, 3. On printing:

J. Janssen: _A History of the German People from the Close of the Middle Ages_, transl. by M. A. Mitch.e.l.l and A. M. Christie. 2d English ed. 16 volumes. 1905-10.

A. W. Pollard: _Fine Books_. 1912.

T. L. De Vinne: _The Invention of Printing_. 1878.

Veroffentlichungen der Gutenberg-Gesellschaft. 1901 ff.

H. Meisner und J. Luther: _Die Erfindung der Buchdruckerkunst_. 1900.

Article "Typography" in Encyclopedia Britannica. (The author defends the now untenable thesis that printing originated in Holland, though the numerous and valuable data given by himself point clearly to Mayence as the cradle of the art).

SECTIONS 2 and 3. _The Church, Causes of the Reformation_


C. Mirbt: _Quellen sur Geschichte des Papsttums und der romischen Katholizismus_.[3] 1911. (Convenient and scholarly; indispensable to any one who has not a large library at command).

_The Missal_, compiled from the Missale Romanum. 1913.

_The Priest's New Ritual_, compiled by P. Griffith. 1902. (The rites of the Roman Church, except the Ma.s.s, partly in Latin, partly in English).

_The Catechism of the Council of Trent_, translated into English by J.

Donovan. 1829.

_Corpus Juris Canonici_, post curas A. L. Richteri instruxit Aemilius Friedberg. 2 vols. 1879-81.

_Codex Juris Canonici_, Pii X jussu digestus, Benedicti XV auctoritate promulgatus. 1918.

Thomas Aquinas: _Summa Theologiae_. Many editions; the best, with a commentary by Cardinal Cajetan (1469-1534) in _Opera Omnia, iussu impensaque Leonis XIII PP_. vols. 4-10. 1882 ff.

_The Summa theologica of St. Thomas Aquinas_, translated by the Fathers of the English Dominican Province. 1911 ff. (In course of publication, as yet, 6 vols).

Von der Hardt: _Magnum Oec.u.menic.u.m Constantiense Concilium_. 6 vols.


D. Mansi: _Conciliorum nova et amplissima collectio_. Vols. 27-32.

Venice. 1784 ff. (Identical reprint, Paris, 1902).

Most of the best literature of the 14th and 15th centuries, e.g., the works of Chaucer, Langland, Boccaccio and Petrach [Transcriber's note: Petrarch?].

Special works of ecclesiastical writers, humanists, nationalists and heretics quoted below.

V. Hasak: _Der christliche Glaube des deutschen Volkes beim Schlusse des Mittelalters_. 1868. (A collection of works of popular edification prior to Luther).

G. Berbig: "_Die erste kursachsische Visitation im Ortland Franken_."

_Archiv fur Reformationsgeschichte_, iii. 336-402; iv. 370-408. 1905-6.


E. Friedberg: _Lehrbuch des katholischen und evangelischen Kirchenrechts_.[5] Leipzig. 1903.

L. Pastor: _History of the Popes from the close of the Middle Ages_.

English translation,[2] vols. 1-6 edited by Antrobus, vols. 7-12 edited by R. Kerr. 1899 ff. (Exhaustive, brilliantly written, Catholic, a little one-sided).

Mandel Creighton: _A History of the Papacy 1378-1527_. 6 vols. 1892 ff. (Good, but in large part superseded by Pastor).

F. Gregorovius: _A History of Rome in the Middle Ages_, translated by A. Hamilton. vols 7 and 8. 1900. (Brilliant).

_Schaff's History of the Christian Church_. Vol. 5, part 2. The Middle Ages. 1294-1517, by D. S. Schaff. 1910. (A scholarly summary, warmly Protestant).

J. Schnitzer: _Quellen und Forschungen zur Geschichte Savonarolas_. 3 vols. 1902-4.

J. Schnitzer: _Savonarola im Streite mit seinem Orden und seinem Kloster_. 1914.

H. Lucas: _Fra Girolamo Savonarola_.[2] 1906.

H. C. Lea: _An Historical Sketch of Sacerdotal Celibacy_.[3] 2 vols.

1907. (Lea's valuable works evince a marvelously wide reading in the sources, but are slightly marred by an insufficient use of modern scholars.h.i.+p).

H. C. Lea: _A History of Auricular Confession and Indulgences in the Latin Church_. 3 vols. 1896.

Aloys Schulte: _Die Fugger in Rom, 1495-1523_. 2 vols. Leipzig.

1904. (Describes the financial methods of the church. The second volume consists of doc.u.ments).

E. Rodocanachi: _Rome au temps de Jules II et de Leon X_. 1912.

H. Bohmer: _Luthers Romfahrt_. 1914. (The latter part of this work gives a dark picture of the corruption of Rome at the beginning of the 16th century).

SECTION 4. _The Mystics_


W. R. Inge: _Life, Light and Love_. 1904. (Selections from Eckart, Tauler, Suso, Ruysbroeck, etc.).

H. Denifle: "_M. Eckeharts lateinische Schriften und die Grundanschauung seiner Lehre_." _Archiv fur Literaturund Sprachgeschichte_. ii. 416-652.

_Meister Eckeharts Schriften und Predigten aus dem Mittelhochdeutschen_ ubersetzt von H. b.u.t.tner. 2 vols. 1912.

_H. Seuses Deutsche Schriften_ ubertragen von W. Lehmann. 2 vols.


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