The Age of the Reformation Part 61

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_J. Taulers Predigten_, ubertragen von W. Lehmann. 2 vols. 1914.

Thomas a Kempis: _imitatio Christi_. (So many editions and translations of this celebrated work that it is hardly necessary to specify one).

_The German Theology_, translated by Susannah Winkworth. 1854.


Kuno Francke: "_Medieval German Mysticism_." _Harvard Theological Review_, Jan., 1912.

G. Siedel: _Die Mystik Taulers_. 1911.

M. Windst.o.s.s.e.r: _etude sur la 'Theologie germanique.'_ 1912.

W. Preger: _Geschichte der deutschen Mystik im Mittelalter_. 3 vols.


_History and Life of the Rev. John Tauler, with 25 sermons_, translated by Susannah Winkworth. 1858.

M. Maeterlinck: _Ruysbroeck and the Mystics_, with selections from Ruysbroeck, translated by J. T. Stoddard. 1894.

J. E. G. de Montmorency: _Thomas a Kempis, his Age and his Book_. 1906.

A. R. Burr: _Religious Confessions and Confessants_. 1914. (The best psychological study of mysticism).

SECTION 5. _Pre-Reformers_


_J. Wyclif's Select English Works_, ed. by T. Arnold. 1869-71. 3 vols.

_J. Wyclif's English Works. .h.i.therto unprinted_, ed. F. Matthew. 1880.

F. Palacky: _Doc.u.menta Magistri J. Hus_. 1869.

_The Letters of John Huss_, translated by H. B. Workman and R. M. Pope.


Wyclif's Latin Works have been edited in many volumes by the Wyclif Society of London, the last volume being the _Opera minora_, 1913.

John Huss: _The Church_, translated by D. S. Schaff. 1915.


H. C. Lea: _A History of the Inquisition in the Middle Ages_. 3 vols.


G. M. Trevelyan: _England in the Age of Wyclif_[2]. 1899.

F. A. Gasquet: _The Eve of the Reformation_[2]. 1905.

F. Palacky: Geschichte von Bohmen.[3] 1864 ff. 5 vols.

J. H. Wylie: _The Council of Constance to the Death of John Hus_. 1900.

H. B. Workman: _The Dawn of the Reformation_. The Age of Hus. 1902.

Count F. Lutzow: _The Hussite Wars_. 1914.

Count F. Lutzow: _The Life and Times of Master John Hus_. 1909.

D. S. Schaff: _The Life of John Hus_. 1915.

SECTION 6. _Nationalizing the Churches_

Most of the bibliography in this chapter is given below, in the chapters on Germany, England and France.

Freher et Struvius. _Rerum German icarum Scriptores_. (1717.) pp.

676-1704: "Gravamina Germanicae Nationis . . . ad Caesarem Maximilianum contra Sedem Romanam."

C. G. F. Walch: _Monumenta medii aevi_. (1757.) pp. 101-110.

"Gravamina nationis Germanicae adversus curiam Romanam, tempore Nicolai V Papae."

B. Gebhardt: _Die Gravamina der deutschen Nation gegen den romischen Hof_. 1895.

_Doc.u.ments ill.u.s.trative of English Church History_, compiled by Henry Gee and W. J. Hardy. 1896.

A. Werminghoff: _Geschichte der Kirchenverfa.s.sung Deutschlands im Mittelalter_. Band I.[2] 1913.

A. Stormann: _Die Stadtischen Gravamina gegen den Klerus_. 1916.

SECTION 7. _The Humanists_


_The Utopia of Sir Thomas More_. Ralph Robinson's translation, with Roper's Life of More and some of his letters. Edited by G. Sampson and A. Guthkelch. With Latin Text of the Utopia. 1910. (Bohn's Libraries).

_Der Briefwechsel des Mutia.n.u.s Rufus_, bearbeitet von C. Krause. 1885.

_J. Reuchlins Briefwechsel_, hg. von L. Geiger. 1875.

E. Bocking: _Hutteni Opera_. 1859-66. 5 vols.

_Epistolae Obscurorum Virorum_: The Latin Text with an English translation, Notes and an Historical Introduction by F. G. Stokes.


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