The Age of the Reformation Part 62

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_Des. Erasmi Roterodami Opera Omnia_, curavit J. Clericus. 1703-6. 10 vols.

_Des. Erasmi Roterodami Opus Epistolarum_, ed. P. S. Allen. 1906 ff.

(A wonderful edition of the letters, in course of publication. As yet 3 vols).

_The Colloquies of Des. Erasmus_, translated by N. Bailey, ed. by E.

Johnson. 1900. 3 vols.

_The Praise of Folly_. Written by Erasmus 1509 and translated by John Wilson 1668, edited by Mrs. P. S. Allen. 1913.

_The Epistles of Erasmus_, translated by F. M. Nichols. 1901-18. 3 vols. (To 1519).

_The s.h.i.+p of Fools_, translated by Alexander Barclay. 2 vols. 1874.

(Sebastian Brandt's _Narrenschiff_ in the old translation).


P. Monnier: _Le Quattrocento_. 2 vols. 1908. (Work of a high order).

L. Geiger: _Renaissance und Humanismus in Italien und Deutschland_.

1882. (In Oncken's Series). 2d ed. 1899.

J. Burckhardt: _Die Cultur der Renaissance in Italien_. 20. Auflage von L. Geiger. Berlin. 1919. (Almost a cla.s.sic).

P. Villari: _Niccol Machiavelli and His Times_, translated by Mrs.

Villari[2]. 4 vols. 1891.

W. H. Hutten: _Sir Thomas More_. 1900.

J. A. Froude: _The Life and Letters of Erasmus_. London. 1895.

(Charmingly written, but marred by gross carelessness).

E. Emerton: _Erasmus_. New York. 1900.

G. V. Jourdan: _The Movement towards Catholic Reform in the early XVI Century_. 1914.

A. Humbert: _Les Origines de la Theologie moderne_. Paris. 1911.


A. Renaudet: _Prereforme et Humanisme a Paris 1494-1517_. 1916.



_List of References on the History of the Reformation in Germany_, ed.

by G. L. Kieffer, W. W. Rockwell and O. H. Pannkoke, 1917.

Dahlmann-Waitz: _Quellenkunde der deutschen Geschichte_.[8] 1912.

G. Wolf: _Quellenkunde der deutschen Reformationsgeschichte_. 2 vols.


A. Morel-Fatio: _Historiographie de Charles-Quint_. Pt. 1 1913.

B. J. Kidd: _Doc.u.ments ill.u.s.trative of the Continental Reformation_.


T. M. Lindsay: _A History of the Reformation_. Vol. 1, In Germany.


J. Janssen: _op. cit._

K. Lamprecht: Deutsche Geschichte, vols. 4 and 5. 1894.

T. Brieger: _Die Reformation_. (In Pflugk-Harttung's _Weltgeschichte: Das religiose Zeitalter 1300-1650_. 1907; also printed separately in enlarged form).

G. Mentz: _Deutsche Geschichte 1493-1648_. 1913. (The best purely political summary).

M. de Foronda y Aguilera: _Estancias y viajes del Emperador Carlos V, desde el dia de su nacimiento hasta el de su muerte_. 1914.

SECTION 1. _Luther_

Bibliography in Catalogue of the British Museum.

_Dr. Martin Luther's Werke_. Kritische Gesamtausgabe, von Knaake und Andern. Weimar. 1883 ff. (The standard edition of the Reformer's writings, in course of publication, approaching completion. As yet have appeared more than fifty volumes of the Works, and, separately numbered: Die Deutsche Bibel, 4 vols., and Tischreden, 4 vols.).

_Dr. Martin Luther's Briefwechsel_, bearbeitet von E. L. Enders (vols.

12 ff. fortgesetzt von G. Kawerau). 1884 ff. (In course of publication; as yet 17 volumes).

_Luther's Briefe_, herausgegeben von W. L. M. de Wette. 6 vols.


_Luther's Primary Works_, translated by H. Wace and C. A. Buchheim.


_The Works of Martin Luther_, translated and edited by W. A. Lambert, T. J. Schindel, A. T. W. Steinhaeuser, A. L. Steimle and C. M. Jacobs.

1915 ff. (To be complete in ten volumes; as yet 2).

_Luther's Correspondence and other Contemporary Letters_, translated and edited by Preserved Smith. Vol. 1, 1913. Vol. II, in collaboration with C. M. Jacobs, 1918.

_Conversations with Luther, Selections from the Table Talk_, translated and edited by Preserved Smith and H. P. Gallinger. 1915.

_Melanchthonis Opera_, ed. Bretschneider und Bindseil. 1834 ff. In Corpus Reformatorum vols. i-xxviii.

J. Kostlin: _Martin Luther_, funfte Auflage besorgt von G. Kawerau. 2 vols. 1903. (The standard biography. The English translation made from the edition of 1883 in no wise represents the scholars.h.i.+p of the last edition).

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