The Age of the Reformation Part 69

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_The Cathechism of the Council of Trent_, translated into English by J.

Donovan. 1829.


J. A. Froude: _Lectures on the Council of Trent_. 1899.

P. Sarpi: _The historie of the Councel of Trent_. 1620. (Translation from the Italian, which first appeared 1619).

A. Harnack: _Lehrbuch der Dogmengeschichte_,[4] 1910, vol. iii, pp. 692 ff. English translation, vol. vii, pp. 35-117.

Ranke's remark that there was no good history of the Council of Trent holds good today. The best, as far as it goes, is in Pastor.

SECTION 4. _The Jesuits_


Bibliotheque de la Compagnie de Jesus. I ere partie: Bibliographie par les peres De Backer. 2eme partie par A. Carayan. Nouvelle ed. par C.

Sommervogel. 10 vols. 1890-1909. Corrections et Additions par E. M.

Riviere. 1911.

_Monumenta historica Societatis Jesu_, edita a Patribus ejusdem Societatis. Madrid, 1894-1913. 46 volumes.

_Cartas de San Ignacio de Loyola_, 6 vols. 1874-89.

_Acta Sanctorum_, July 7. 1731.

_The Autobiography of St. Ignatius_, English translation ed. by J. F.

X. O'Connor. 1900.

_Letters and Instructions of St. Ignatius Loyola_, translated by D. F.

O'Leary and ed. by A. Goodier. 1914.

_The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius Loyola_. Spanish and English, by J. Rickaby, S. J. 1915.

_Beati Petri Canisii, S. J., Epistulae et Acta_, ed. O. Braunsberger.

6 vols. as yet. 1896-1913.


H. Boehmer: _Les Jesuites_. Ouvrage traduit de l'allemand avec une Introduction et des Notes par G. Monod. 1910. (Standard work though very concise).

E. Gothein: _Ignatius von Loyola und die Gegenreformation_. 1895.

A. McCabe: _A Candid History of the Jesuits_. 1913. (Hostile but not unveracious).

B. Duhr: Geschichte der Jesuiten in den Landern deutscher Zunge im 16ten Jahrhundert. Band I. 1907.

H. Fouqueray: _Histoire de la Compagnie de Jesus en France_. 2 vols.


E. L. Taunton: _The Jesuits in England_. 1901.

Francis Thompson: _Saint Ignatius Loyola_. 1913. (I mention this book by "a seventeenth century poet born into the nineteenth century" on account of the author's fame).

S. Brou: _St. Francois Xavier_. 2 vols. Paris, 1912.

J. M. Cros: _St. Francois de Xavier_, 2 vols. Toulouse, 1900.

On Xavier see also Mirbt, _op cit._, no. 350, A. D. White: Warfare of Science and Theology, 1896, ii, 5-22, and Pastor.

_Life of St. Francis Xavier_ by Edith A. Stewart, with translations from his letters by D. Macdonald. 1917. (Popular and sympathetic).

W. G. Jayne: _Vasco da Gama and his successors_ (1910), On Xavier, pp.

188 ff.

SECTION 5. _The Inquisition and the Index_


P. Fredericq: _Corpus Doc.u.mentorum Inquisitionis Neerlandicae_, vols.

4, 5., 1900 ff.

L. von Pastor: _Allegemeine Dekrete der romischen Inquisition 1555-97_.


_Mandament der Keyserlijcken Maiesteit_, vuytghegeven int Iaer xlvi.

Louvain. 1546. One hundred facsimile copies printed for A. M.

Huntington at the De Vinne Press, New York, 1896.

_Catalogi Librorum reprobatorum & praelegendorum ex iudicio Academiae Louaniensis_, Pinciae. MDLI. Mandato dominorum de consilio sanctae generalis Inquisitionis. One hundred facsimile copies printed for A.

M. Huntington at the De Vinne Press, New York, 1895.

_Catalogus librorum qui prohibentur mandato Ill.u.s.trissimi & Rev. D. D.

Ferdinand de Valdes_, Hispalen. Archiepiscopi, Inquisitoris Generalis Hispaniae, 1559. One hundred facsimile copies printed at De Vinne Press, 1895.


H. C. Lea: _A History of the Inquisition in Spain_. 4 vols. 1906-7.

Characterized by wide reading and the use of many ma.n.u.scripts which Lea had copied from all European archives. A really wonderful work. The ma.n.u.scripts on which it is based are still in his library in Philadelphia. I have been kindly allowed by his son and daughter to look over those on Spanish Protestantism.

H. C. Lea: _The Inquisition in the Spanish Dependencies_. 1908.

P. Fredericq: "Les recents historiens catholiques de l'Inquisition en France," _Revue Historique_, cix, 1912, pp. 307 ff. (A scathing criticism of the apologists of the Inquisition who have written against Lea).

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