The Age of the Reformation Part 70

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E. N. Adler: _Auto de Fe and the Jew_. 1908.

E. Schafer: _Beitrage zur Geschichte des spanischen Protestantismus und der Inquisition_. 3 vols. 1902.

G. Bushbell: _Reformation und Inquisition in Italien um die Mitte des XVI Jahrhunderts_. 1910.

F. H. Reusch: _Der Index der verbotenen Bucher_. 2 vols. 1883.


J. Hilgers: _Der Index der verbotenen Bucher_. 1904. (Apologetic).

H. C. Lea: _Chapters from the Religious History of Spain connected with the Inquisition_. 1890. (Chiefly on the Index).

Articles: "Inquisition," "Holy Office," &c. in the _Encylopaedia of Religion and Ethics, Protestantische Realencyclopadie, Catholic Encyclopedia_, &c.

G. H. Putnam: _The Censors.h.i.+p of the Church of Rome_. 2 vols. 1906.



SECTION 1. _Spain_


_Coleccion de doc.u.mentos ineditos para la historia de Espana_. 112 vols. 1842 ff.

_Nueva Coleccion de doc.u.mentos ineditos &c_. 6 vols. 1892-6.

_Calendar of Letters, Despatches and State Papers, Spanish_, &c., 15 vols. covering 1509-1603, except 1555-8. 1862 to date.

A. Morel-Fatio: _Historiographie de Charles Quint_. 1913. (Contains a new French version of the Commentaries of Charles V).

F. L. de Gomara: _Annals of the Emperor Charles V_, ed. by R. B.

Merriman. 1912.


Rafael Altamira y Crevea: _Historia de Espana_, Tomo III,[3] 1913.

(The best general history, very largely social, written in easy, popular style).

C. E. Chapman: _The History of Spain_. 1918. (Based on Altamira).

E. B. Merriman: _The Rise of the Spanish Empire_. 2 vols., to 1516.

1918. (Doubtless the future volumes of the excellent work will be even more valuable for our present purpose).

K. Habler: _Geschichte Spaniens unter den Habsburgern_, Band 1, 1907.

(Standard work for the period of Charles V).

Martin A. S. Hume: _Spain, its Greatness and Decay 1479-1788_. 1898.


M. A. S. Hume: _Philip II of Spain_. 1897.

E. Gossart: _Charles V et Philip II_. 1930.

E. A. Armstrong: _Charles V_. Second ed. 1910. 2 vols.

W. H. Prescott: _History of the Reign of Philip II, King of Spain_.

1855-74. (Unfinished, a cla.s.sic).

H. C. Lea: _The Moriscos in Spain: their Conversion and Expulsion_.


Bratli: _Philippe II, roi d'Espagne_, 1912. (An unhappy attempt to whitewash Philip; uses some new material).

M. Philippson: _Westeuropa im Zeitalter von Philip II, Elizabeth und Heinrich IV_. 1882.

SECTION 2. _The Expansion of Europe_

W. H. Prescott: _History of the Conquest of Mexico_. 1843. (A cla.s.sic).

W. H. Prescott: _History of the Conquest of Peru_. 1847.

H. Vander Linden: "Alexander VI and the Bulls of Demarcation,"

_American Historical Review_, xxii, 1916, pp 1 ff.

I. A. Wright: _Early History of Cuba_, 1492-1586. 1916.

C. de Lannoy et H. Van der Linden: _L'Expansion coloniale des Peuples Europeens_. Vol. 1. Portugal et Espagne. 1907.

E. G. Bourne: _Spain in America_. 1904. (Excellent).

S. Ruge: _Geschichte des Zeitalters der Entdeckungen_. 1881. (Oncken: Allgemeine Geschichte).

P. Leroy-Beaulieu: _De la Colonisation chez les peuples modernes_. 1st ed. 1874. 6th ed. 1908. 2 vols.

J. Winsor: _Narrative and Critical History of America_, vols. 1, 2, 1889, 1886.

H. Morse Stephens: _The Story of Portugal_. 1891.

G. Young: _Portugal Old and Young_. 1917.

_The Commentaries of the great Afonso Dalboquerque_, ed. by W. de G.

Birch. 4 vols. 1875-84.

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