The Age of the Reformation Part 71

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K. G. Jayne: _Vasco da Gama and his Successors_. (1910).

K. Waliszewski: _Ivan le Terrible_. 1904.

_The Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation_, by R. Hakluyt. 12 vols. 1903.

_Purchas His Pilgrimes_, by S. Purchas. 20 vols. 1905.

F. G. Davenport: _European Treaties bearing on the History of the United States and its Dependencies_. 1917.

W. C. Abbott: _The Expansion of Europe_. 2 vols. 1918.



As the sources for this chapter would include all the extant literature and doc.u.ments of the period, it is impossible to do more than mention a few of those particularly referred to. Moreover, as most political histories now have chapters on social and economic conditions, a great deal on the subject will be found in the previous bibliographies.



Wm. Harrison's _Description of England_ (1577, revised and enlarged 1586) ed. F. J. Furnivall. 1877 ff. 7 parts.

_Social Tracts_, ed. A. Lang from Arber's _English Garner_. 1904.


_Handworterbuch der Staatswissenschaften_,[3] ed. J. Conrad, W. A.

Lexis, E. Loening. 8 vols. 1909-11. (Standard).

_Worterbuch der Volkswirtschaft_,[3] hg. von L. Elster. 2 vols. 1911.

_Social England_, ed. by H. D. Traill and J. S. Mann. Vol. 3. Henry VIII to Elizabeth. 1902. (Standard work, originally published 1894).

S. B. Fay: _The Hohenzollern Household_. 1916.

_A Catalogue of French Economic Doc.u.ments from the 16th, 17th and 18th Centuries_, published by the John Crerar Library, Chicago, 1918.

H. van Houtte: _Doc.u.ments pour servir a l' histoire des prix de 1387 a 1794_. 1902.

Cavaignac: "La Population de l'Espagne vers 1500." _Seances et Travaux de l'Academie des Sciences morales et politiques, 79e Annee_, 1919, pp.

491 ff. (puts the population at ten to twelve millions).

J. Culevier: _Les denombrements de foyers en Brabant (XVIe et XVIIe siecles.)_ 1912.

W. Cunningham: _Essay on Western Civilization in its Economic Aspect_.

Vol. 2. 1900.

J. Beloch: "Die Bevolkerung Europas zur Zeit der Renaissance."

_Zeitschrift fur Sozialwissenschaft_, iii, 1900, pp. 765-86.

D. J. Hill: _A History of Diplomacy in the International Development of Europe_. Vol. 2. 1910.

C. H. Haring: "American Gold and Silver Production in the first half of the Sixteenth Century," _Quarterly Journal of Economics_, May, 1915.

C. H. Haring: _Trade and Navigation between Spain and the Indies in the Time of the Hapsburgs_. 1918.

L. Felix: Der Einfluss von Staat und Recht auf die Entwicklung des Eigenthums. 2te Halfte, 2te Abteilung. 1903.

G. Wiebe: _Zur Geschichte der Preisrevolution der 16. und 17.

Jahrhunderten_, in Von Miaskowski: _Staats und sozialwissenschaftliche Beitrage_, II, 2. 1895. (Important.)

G. d' Avenel: _Histoire economique de la propriete, des salaires, des denrees et de tous les prix en general 1200-1800_. 6 vols. 1894 ff.

(Wonderfully interesting work).

G. d' Avenel: _Decouvertes d'Histoire Sociale_. 1910. (Brief summary of his larger work).

W. Naude: _Die Getreidehandelspolitik der Europaischen Staaten von 13ten bis zum 18ten Jahrhundert_. 1896.

N. S. B. Gras: _The Evolution of the English Corn Market_. 1915.

A. P. Usher: _The History of the Grain Trade in France_. 1400-1710.


K. Habler: _Die wirtschaftliche Blute Spaniens im 16. Jahrhundert und ihr Verfall_. 1888.

B. Moses: "The Economic Condition of Spain in the 16th Century."

_American Historical a.s.sociation Reports_. 1893.

E. P. Cheyney: _Social Changes in England in the Sixteenth Century as Reflected in Contemporary Literature_. Part I, Rural Changes. 1895.

A. Luschin von Ebengreuth: _Allgemeine Munzkunde und Geldgeschichte des Mittelalters und der neueren Zeit_. 1904.

SECTION 4. _Life of the People_


_Das Zimmersche Chronik_,[2] hg. v. K. A. Barack. 4 vols. 1861-2.

_Social Germany in Luther's Time_, the Memoirs of Bartholomew Sastrow, translated by A. D. Vandam. 1902.

T. Tusser: _A Hundred Points of Good Husbandrie_. 1558. (Later expanded as: Five Hundred Points of Good Husbandry united to as many of Good Huswifery. 1573).

L. von Pastor; _Die Reise Kardinals Luigi d'Aragona 1517-8_. 1905.

(Erganzungen und Erlauterungen zu Janssens Geschichte des deutschen Volkes. Band IV, Teil 4).

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