Play By Play: Taking a Shot Part 6

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So why wasn't she tingling?

Likely because she was starving. She'd had a busy day, had run into the bar to see to a few things, do some bookwork, make sure everything was set up for tonight with her a.s.sistant manager before rus.h.i.+ng home to clean the house and get ready for her date. And she might have forgotten to eat lunch.

So she was stressed. And really hungry.

She put the flowers in a vase of water, then came out. Joe was standing in her living room, looking around. Grateful she'd cleaned up the mess, she wandered over to him. He was examining the art on the wall.

"This is nice."

"Thanks. It's one of my favorite pieces."


"You could say that. Shall we go?"


He took her coat and helped her with it. The drive downtown didn't take long. They'd had a dusting of snow earlier in the day, so it was cold. Thankfully he used the available valet parking the restaurant provided, so she wouldn't have to worry about maneuvering the snow in her heels. They dashed inside where it was warm and cozy.

He led her to the bar and they ordered drinks.

For once it was nice to be on the other side of the bar, receiving rather than serving.

She sipped a martini and tried to settle in for a night of fun. It was time to relax and enjoy her gorgeous date, who turned his panty-melting brown eyes on her.

"So tell me what there is to do in your fine city."

"Everything. There's art, music, and theater, if you enjoy those things. There's also sports as you probably noticed from Riley's. We have a football and baseball team as well as a hockey team."

"Not much into sports, but I could get into the art museums."

Not into sports and good looking? She should be swooning by now.

"Do you like music?"

He shrugged. "Not much time to listen to music, so I'm not a big fan."

Her heart crumbled. Still, she decided to keep an open mind.

"So what do you do for fun?"

He laughed. "I've been in medical school for the past twelve years. I haven't had any fun. When I haven't been working or studying, I've slept."

"You're right. You haven't had any fun. What's your specialty?"


"Big undertaking."

"Yes, but I'm excited about it. It's all I've ever wanted to do. Being a doctor has been my dream since I was a kid."

"A family dynasty thing?"

He laughed. "Not at all. My father worked in construction his whole life. My mom worked as a secretary."

He was so interesting, so vast, so smart. He was dedicated, motivated, friendly, and definitely not at all bad on the eyes.

They moved into the restaurant for dinner, and he captivated her with his conversation, made her laugh with his stories about medical school and the horrors of life as an intern. He didn't just talk about himself, though, but engaged her and asked her about herself and her family and her goals and dreams for her own future.

He was almost the perfect man.

After dinner she drove him around and told him about her favorite places. He seemed fascinated with the history of the city, then told her what he was interested in doing.

"Will you settle here?"

"I'll be here for a few years. I don't know where I want to end up."

"Probably somewhere near your family, don't you think?"

He pulled up in front of her condo, shut off the engine. "I'm a big boy. I don't need to live so close to home anymore."

She laughed. "I guess to me family is so important. I can't imagine ever being far away from them."

"That's what makes people so different, Jenna. I like the freedom to live my own life. You like being close to those you love."

"I guess you're right."

Then the conversation was over, and he leaned in.

She waited for the swell of heat, the explosion of sensation.

His lips brushed hers and he enveloped her in his arms. She went willingly into the kiss, tangled her fingers in his hair.

His tongue swept across hers.

It was...nice.

Dammit. It was nice. Pleasant. No fireworks. Nothing in her body was going off like a rocket.

This guy was gorgeous, successful, funny, and she'd just had a great night with him.

And there wasn't a single hormone in her body that wanted to jump his bones.

How disappointing.

He broke the kiss and smiled at her. "Who's the guy?"

She blinked. "What?"

"Who's the guy you were thinking about when you were kissing me?"

"There is no other guy."

He gave her a look that told her he wasn't buying it. "I'm a doctor, Jenna. I might not know everything, but what I do know is biology and basic chemistry. You and I got along great."

"We did."

"But when I kissed you just now, you didn't feel it."

She looked down at her hands. "I'm sorry."

He tipped her chin with his fingers. "Don't apologize for something you just don't feel. It's either there or it isn't, and you can't manufacture chemistry. I had a great time tonight. Thanks for showing me around."

He opened the car door and went around to open hers, then walked her to her front door.

She turned to face him. "I really wish there'd been something, Joe."

"Me, too." He kissed her cheek. "I'll see you at the bar."

She watched him walk away and knew Joe would never step foot in Riley's again.

Even worse, she still didn't have a d.a.m.n date for the wedding.

She turned around and went inside.


THE WEDDING CEREMONY HAD BEEN BEAUTIFUL. THE church had been decorated with white calla lilies and ruby roses with baby's breath and a.s.sorted greenery Jenna knew nothing about. It was beautiful. Seeing Tara walk down the white-carpeted aisle in her dress had made her breath catch. She'd looked stunning. Mick had tears in his eyes. Her big, tough-as-nails brother had shed a tear.

Her brother Mick was a married man now. Jenna still found that hard to believe. Her big brother, who had teased and tackled her and looked out for her when they were kids, had found the woman of his dreams and married her. And he had a teenaged son who he was going to officially adopt. Nathan was going to become a Riley.

Sometimes the world moved at such a fast pace it made her head spin.

Jenna had stood on the altar and listened to the priest perform the ceremony, truly listened to the words as Father Abrams told them about love and faith and finding that one person you were meant to be with. As she watched her brother and Tara look at each other, she knew for a fact that two people couldn't possibly love each other more.

Shockingly, she'd cried. She'd never thought it would happen. Strong and stoic were her fortes. But she'd stood on the altar with tears rolling down her cheeks as Mick and Tara recited their vows.

She'd have to work harder at her intestinal fort.i.tude before Gavin and Liz's wedding.

After the ceremony the wedding party hung behind at the church to take pictures in multiple shots. Jenna had to admit that had been fun. Sometimes family could be overwhelming. Today, she couldn't get enough of them.

When there was a spare moment in between photographer shots, she hugged her brother.

"I'm so happy for you."

Mick grinned and put his arm around her. "Thank you. I'm a lucky guy."

"You are. Take good care of her. She's special."

He squeezed Jenna's arm. "I know."

The day turned out glorious. Cold, but bright and sunny. A perfect day, without a cloud or raindrop in the sky.

The bride and groom were happy, Jenna's parents were beaming with joy, and that's all she could ask for.

And the bridesmaid dresses didn't suck-thank you, Tara-so Jenna would survive the day.

She'd given up on finding a date for the wedding after that disastrous episode with Joe. The poor guy. She'd felt awful about it. No more dating for her. Not until she found someone who knocked her socks off.

Correction. Someone who didn't play sports who knocked her socks off.

That might be a tall order, but she knew he was out there somewhere. And right now she just didn't care. She had enough to deal with today, and a man wasn't even on her radar.

Okay, one man was.


She'd noticed him sitting in one of the pews at the church when she walked down the aisle, couldn't help but catch sight of his dark hair as he stood and watched her, his gaze riveted to hers.

b.u.t.terflies. Giant b.u.t.terflies in her stomach when she looked at him.

She'd quickly looked away, focusing on the altar instead. Today was about Mick and Tara, not her conflicted feelings about Tyler Anderson.

The wedding had been smooth and beautiful and had gone off without a hitch, allaying Tara's last-minute jitters.

Now if she could get some food and a drink, this day would be perfect.

They piled into the limos and made their way to the reception hall. The guests were already gathered there, so the wedding party was introduced, then the bride and groom to thunderous applause.

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Riley. Jenna still couldn't get used to that, but she already loved Tara like a sister, and Tara's son Nathan like a blood nephew. It didn't matter that Mick wasn't Nathan's real father. He was family to the Rileys and always would be, from now until forever.

Nathan looked so handsome in his tux. Nearly seventeen, he was going to be one serious lady-killer someday. He definitely fit in with all the Riley men. Both her brothers looked gorgeous as did her dad. Jenna couldn't help but grin. She was going to have to order a lot of pictures from the photographer.

As the bride and groom took to the floor to have their first dance, Jenna's ridiculous waterworks started up again.

Good Lord, was she a basket case today or what?

"I see you're full of tears today, too."

Her mother wrapped her arm around her. Jenna leaned against her and laughed.

"I can't seem to help myself. They're so happy, Mom."

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Play By Play: Taking a Shot Part 6 summary

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