Sappers and Miners Part 87

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"Be quiet, my boy. Very clever and ingenious, Mr Dina.s.s; and we thought you were drowned."

"Me, sir? No, I knew a trick worth two of that."

"But may I ask why you have come to me now after ruining our property?"

"Why, because they've chucked me over, sir. They say I insult them by thinking they would ever do such a thing. That was when I went and asked 'em for my money. Last thing was, when I told 'em it was their doing, and they set me at it, they said I were trying to blackmail 'em-- that they never thought I meant such a thing, and that if I warn't off they'd hand me over to the police."

"Exactly like them," said the Colonel.

"Yes, sir, just like 'em. I call it mean, and I told 'em so, and that if they threatened me I'd speak out and let people know the truth. And I says at last, 'I give you a month to think over it; and if you don't give me my hundred pounds then, I shall blow the whole business, and how do you like that?'"

"And what did Mr Dix say?"

"'Brownson,' he says, 'send for a policeman at once.'"

"Yes, just what he would say," said the Colonel, while Gwyn wished fervently he had not tied up Grip.

"Yes, sir, that's what he said; but I give 'em rope, and I've been again and again; and last time they let me see that all the blame should be on me and none on them, for no one would believe that loyers like them could do wrong, while everyone would think bad of me. Last of all they ordered me off, and after thinking it over a bit I've come to you, sir."

"What for?" said the Colonel.

"Why, for you to go to law with them for spoiling your mine. You've only got to start it, and I'll come and swear to it all, and you can get them transported. Don't you be afraid, sir; I'll come and speak out, and then--"

"I'm to give you a hundred pounds, I suppose?"

"Well, sir," said the man, grinning, "I must have it out o' some one.

But don't you be afraid; I'll bring it home to 'em sharp. Now what do you say?"

"This," cried the Colonel; "I'm too old, and my son is too young, to horsewhip such a scoundrel as you are. Be off my premises at once, sir; and if you dare to come here again, old as I am, or young as he is, we'll try."

"What?" cried Dina.s.s, in a bullying tone.

"Gwyn, my boy," said the Colonel, calmly, "go and unloose Grip."

The words acted like magic, and they never saw Tom Dina.s.s again, for in consultation with his old partner and friend it was decided that nothing was to be gained by a prosecution. The mining was over, they were as happy without it, and life was not long enough to punish scoundrels who had lost already in their nefarious game.

"But, oh!" cried Gwyn, "I only wish he had stopped till I had let loose Grip."


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Sappers and Miners Part 87 summary

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