Orthography Part 16

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18. _Corroborate._ To _strengthen_; to make more certain; to confirm.

Two statements _corroborate_ when one agrees _with_ the other; each thus _strengthens_ the other.

#de# = down, from.

1. de _capi_ tate, head 2. de _cid_ uous, fall 3. de _fine_, end, limit 4. de _grade_, step, degree 5. de _ject_ ed, cast 6. de _pose_, place put 7. de _preci_ ate, price 8. de _scend_, climb 9. de _spic_ able, look 10. de _tract_, draw

1. _Decapitate._ To take the _head from_ the body; to behead.

2. The leaves of _deciduous_ trees _fall_ (_down_) once a year.

3. _Define._ To put _down_, or mark out the bounds or _limit_; to fence _from_; to determine the precise meaning; to describe accurately.

4. _Degrade._ To reduce from a higher (_down_) to a lower rank or _degree_.

5. _Dejected._ _Cast down_ in spirit; discouraged.

6. _Depose._ To _put down_; especially to remove from a throne or high station.

7. _Depreciate._ To put _down_ the _price_; to reduce the value of.

8. _Descend._ To _climb down_.

9. _Despicable._ Deserving to be _looked down_ upon; low, mean, contemptible.

10. _Detract._ To _draw from_; to take away; as, to take credit or reputation from.

#capt (caput)# = head.

1. _bi_ ceps, two 2. capit _al_, pertaining to 3. capt _ain_, one who 4. capit ul _ate_, act of 5. _de_ capitate, from 6. cab(b) _age_, that which 7. _per_ capita, by 8. cap.

9. cape

1. _Biceps._ A large muscle of the upper arm, so called because it has _two heads_ or origins.

2. _Pertaining to_ the _head_; chief;; as the _capital_ city.

3. _One who_ is at the _head_; a leader; as the _captain_ of a vessel, or a company of soldiers.

4. _Capitulate._ To surrender on stipulated terms or conditions; to draw up items under _heads_ or chapters.

5. _Decapitate._ To take the _head from_ the body.

6. _Cabbage._ A vegetable _which_ has a _head_.

7. _By_ the _head_; as a _per capita_ tax.

8. A _cap_ is a covering for the _head_.

9. A _cape_ is a _head_ of land.

#cede, ced, cess# = go, yield.

1. _ac_cede, to 2. _ante_cedent, before 3. _ex_ceed, out, beyond 4. _inter_cede, between 5. _pre_cede, before 6. _pro_ceed, forward 7. _re_cede, back 8. _se_cede, aside 9. _suc_ceed, (sub) after, under 10. access 11. an (te) cestor 12. excess 13. intercessor 14. predecessor 15. process 16. recess 17. secession 18. successor

1. _Accede._ To _yield to_; to agree; consent, concur; go to.

2. The _antecedent_ of a p.r.o.noun is the noun which _goes before_ it, and for which the p.r.o.noun stands.

3. _Exceed._ To _go beyond_ what is needed or expected.

4. To _go between_ two persons as a mediator; especially to plead with the person who has some advantage over the other.

5. _Precede._ To _go before_ in order of time.

6. To _go_ on or _forward_; as _proceed_ with your work.

7. _Recede._ To _go back_ from a given position.

8. To _go aside_; to separate; as to _secede_ from the church.

9. To _go_ or follow _after_ in order of time; as, one shock _succeeded_ another with great rapidity.

NOTE 1.-The parts of the Latin verb are _cedo_, _cedere_, _cessi_, _cessum_. From this it appears that words 10-18 above are kindred in meaning and correspond to words 1-9.

NOTE 2.-Observe that in three of these words the root is spelled _ceed_, in the others _cede_.

#cent# = hundred.

1. cent _enni_ al, year 2. centi _grade_, step, degree 3. centi _meter_, measure 4. centi _ped_, foot 5. _per_ cent, by

1. Happening once in a _hundred years_. The _Centennial_ Exposition was held in Philadelphia in 1876, one hundred years after the signing of the Declaration of Independence.

2. Divided into one _hundred degrees_. On the _centigrade_ thermometer there are one hundred degrees between the freezing point and the boiling point.

3. _Centimeter._ The _hundredth_ part of a meter (standard of _measure_).

4. _Centiped._ A segmented invertebrate animal of the cla.s.s nyrapod (Greek for _many feet_), so called because it has a great many (indefinitely one _hundred_) _feet_.

5. _By_ the _hundred_; as, six _per cent_; that is, six cents on the dollar.

#civ# = citizen.

1. _civ_ic, pertaining to 2. civ _il_, quality of 3. civil _ize_, to make 4. civil _ian_, one who

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Orthography Part 16 summary

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