Orthography Part 15

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12. To _advertise_ goods is to cause the public to _turn_ their attention _to_ them.

13. To _aggregate_ is to collect _into_ a _flock_; to collect into a ma.s.s or sum.

14. To _allure_ is to attempt to _entice_ or draw (_to_) by the offer of some good, real or apparent.

15. To _annex_ is to _bind_, join or add _to_, as a smaller thing to a greater.

16. _Append_ means to _hang_ or attach _to_, as by a string.

17. _Affix._ To _fasten to_; to add at the close or end.

18. _Arrive_ literally means to come _to_ the _bank_ or sh.o.r.e (from out on the water). In present usage it means to reach any object or result.

19. _a.s.sail._ To _leap toward_; to attack with violence.

20. _Attach._ To _fasten to_; to affix or connect.

#ante# = before.

1. ante _ced_ ent, go 2. ante di _luv_ ian, wash 3. ante _meridi_ an, midday 4. ante pen _ult_, last

1. _Antecedent._ That which _goes before_ in time.

2. _Antediluvian_ (di = away) (ian = one who). _One who_ lived _before_ the flood (_wash away_).

3. _Antemeridian._ _Before_ the _middle_ of the _day_. Generally abbreviated to A. M.

4. _Antepenult_ (pen = almost). _Before almost_ the _last_. The last syllable of a word but two.

#bi (bis)# = two (twice).

1. bi _ceps_, head 2. bi _cuspid_, point 3. bi _cycle_, circle.

4. bi _ennial_, year 5. bi _gamy_, marriage 6. bi _mana_, hand 7. bi _nomi_al, name or term 8. bi _ped_, foot 9. bis _cuit_, cook 10. bi _sect_, cut 11. bi _valve_, door 12. ba _lance_, plate

1. The _biceps_ is a muscle which draws up the forearm; so called because it has _two heads_ or origins.

2. The _bicuspid_ teeth have _two points_.

3. A _bicycle_ has _two_ wheels or _circles_.

4. _Biennial_ means lasting _two years_ or occurring once in two years.

5. A _bigamist_ is one who has been _married twice_, and who has two wives or two husbands at the same time.

6. The _bimana_ are animals having _two hands_; as man.

7. A _binomial_ in algebra is a quant.i.ty consisting of _two terms_.

8. A _biped_ is an animal having but _two feet_; as man.

9. _Biscuit_ were so called because formerly baked or _cooked twice_.

10. To _bisect_ a line is to _cut_ it into _two_ equal parts.

11. _Bivalve._ Having _two doors_; as the clam. (Each side or sh.e.l.l is comparable to a door, opening and shutting on a hinge.)

12. _Balances_ are so called because they consist of _two plates_ or pans suspended from the balance beam.

#con (col com cor)# = with, together.

1. col _lapse_, slip, fall 2. col _lect_, choose, gather 3. col _lide_, strike 4. col _loquy_, talk 5. com _mingle_, mix 6. com _miser_ate, pity 7. com _motion_, move 8. com _mute_, change 9. com _pany_, bread 10. com _posit_ion, put 11. com _peer_ (_par_), equal 12. con _cur_, run 13. con _fide_, faith 14. con _cord_, heart 15. con _flict_, strike 16. con _greg_ate, flock 17. con _tact_, touch 18. cor _robor_ ate, strength

1. A building _collapses_ when its sides _fall together_; when it tumbles down.

2. To _collect_ botanical specimens is to _gather_ them _together_.

3. Two objects _collide_ when they _strike together_.

4. A _colloquy_ is a _talking together_ of two or more people.

5. _Commingle_ means to _mix together_; as people in society.

6. _Commiserate._ To feel sorrow, pain or _pity_ (_with_ another).

7. A _commotion_ is a _moving together_; a tumult.

8. _Commute._ To _change_ one thing (_with_) for another; to exchange.

To subst.i.tute a less thing for a greater.

9. _Company_ formerly meant an a.s.sembly of people eating _bread together_.

10. _Composition._ The act of _putting_ parts _together_ to produce a harmonious whole.

11. One's _compeer_ is the _equal with_ himself in rank, age, prowess, etc.

12. Two people _concur_ in regard to a matter when their minds _run together_; when they agree.

13. To _confide_ in one is to have _faith_ in him; to intrust secrets _with_ him.

14. _Concord_ means literally _heart with_ heart; agreement; harmony.

15. _Conflict._ A _striking together_; hostile contest.

16. To _congregate_ means to _flock_ or a.s.semble _together_.

17. _Contact._ A _touching together_; a close union of bodies.

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Orthography Part 15 summary

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