Orthography Part 14

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2. _Chronicler._ _One who_ records events in the order of their occurrence in _time_.

3. _Chronology._ The _science of_ ascertaining the true historic order (in _time_) of past events and their exact dates.

4. _Chronometer._ Any instrument for _measuring time_; as, clock, watch, dial. Specifically, an instrument of great accuracy used on vessels for determining longitude.

5. _Synchronous._ Occurring _together_ in _time_; happening or existing at the same time.

6. _Anachronism_ (ana = back). Any error in respect to dates.

Literally, _state of being_ placed at a wrong _time_. The significance of _ana_ in this word is not clear; the original meaning probably was, the referring of an event to a _time back_ of its correct date.

#ge# = earth.

1. geo _graph_ y, write 2. geo _logy_, science of 3. geo _metr_ y, measure 4. Ge_orge_, (erg) work

1. _Geography._ A description (_writing_) of the _earth_ and its inhabitants.

2. _Geology._ The _science_ which treats of the structure of the _earth_; of its history as regards rocks, minerals, rivers, valleys, mountains, etc.

3. _Geometry._ That branch of mathematics which treats of the measurement of solids, surfaces, lines, and angles. So called because one of its earliest and most important applications was to the _measurement_ of the _earth's_ surface.

4. _George._ A tiller (_worker_) of the _earth_; a farmer.

NOTE 1.-Other words, kindred to the above, containing this root-form are: geometric, geometrical, geometrician, geographic, geologize, geologist.

NOTE 2.-_O_ is no part of the root. It is the "wedding ring" that ties roots of families together.

#graph# = write.

1. _auto_ graph, self 2. _bio_ graphy, life 3. _chiro_ graphy, hand 4. _tri_ graph, three 5. graph_ic_, pertaining to 6. graphite 7. _litho_ graph, stone 8. _mono_ graph, single 9. ortho _graphy_, right 10. _para_ graph, beside 11. _phono_ graph, sound 12. _photo_ graphy, light 13. _steno_ graphy, narrow 14. _topo_ graphy, place

6. _Graphite_ is a mineral used in lead pencils for _writing_.

7. _Lithograph._ A _writing_ on _stone_ [Rare]. Made by printing (_writing_) from _stone_; as a picture.

8. _Monograph._ A _written_ account or description of a _single_ thing, or cla.s.s of things.

9. _Orthography._ The art of _writing_ words correctly (_right_), or according to standard usage.

10. _Paragraph._ (See fifth month, page 29.)

12. A _photograph_ is produced by the action of _light_ (_writing_, as it were,) upon chemically prepared paper.

13. _Stenography_ is short (in a somewhat vague sense _narrow_) hand _writing_.

14. _Topography._ A _written_ description of a particular _place_, town, or tract of land; especially the description of the physical features of a locality.

#log, logy# = speech, reason, science of.

1. logic 2. logic _ian_, one who 3. _apo_ logy, from 4. _chrono_ logy, time 5. _deca_ logue, ten 6. _dia_ logue, between 7. _epi_logue, upon 8. _eu_ logy, well 9. eulog _ize_, act of 10. _geo_ logy, earth 11. _mono_ logue, single 12. _myth_ ology, fable 13. _ornith_ ology, bird 14. _psych_ ology, soul 15. _pro_ logue, before 16. _theo_ logy, G.o.d 17. _dox_ ology, praise 18. _zoo_ logy, animal

1. _Logic._ The science of _reason_.

3. An _apology_ is a _speech_ in defense of what appears to others wrong, the speaker thereby seeking relief _from_ blame.

5. _Decalogue._ The _ten_ commandments (_speeches_) given to Moses on Mount Sinai.

7. _Epilogue._ A _speech_ or poem at the end of an argument or address; a speech _upon_ (on top of, or in addition to) what has been said.

14. _Psychology._ The _science_ which treats of the human _soul_ (mind and spirit included) and its operations.



#ad# = to, toward.

(ac, af, ag, al, an, ap, ar, as, at, denote the same as _ad_. The consonant is changed for the sake of euphony.)

1. ad _dress_, direct 2. ad _equate_, equal 3. ad _here_, stick 4. adher _ent_, one who 5. a _dieu_, G.o.d 6. ad _ject_ ive, throw 7. ad _journ_, day 8. ad _mon_ ish, warning 9. ad _apt_, fit 10. ad _opt_, choose 11. ad _vent_, come 12. ad _vert_ ise, turn 13. ag _greg_ ate, flock 14. al _lure_, entice 15. an _nex_, bind 16. ap _pend_, hang 17. af _fix_, fasten 18. ar _rive_, bank 19. as _sail_, leap 20. at _tach_, fasten

1. To _address_ a letter is to _direct_ it _to_ its destination.

2. One is _adequate_ to a duty or occasion when _equal to_ it.

3. To _adhere_ is to _stick to_; as, a stamp to an envelope.

4. "Every great man has his _adherents_" (_those who stick to_ him).

5. _Adieu._ A farewell; a commendation _to_ the care of _G.o.d_.

6. An _adjective_ is a word added (in a sense _thrown_) _to_ a noun to modify its meaning.

7. _Adjourn._ To put off _to_ another _day_, or indefinitely.

8. To _admonish_ is to give a friendly _warning to_; to give advice.

9. To _adapt_ is to _fit to_ a certain purpose.

10. To _adopt_ is to _choose_ (_to_ one's self); as to _adopt_ a child.

11. _Advent._ The second _coming_ of Christ (_to_ the earth).

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Orthography Part 14 summary

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