Orthography Part 13

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8. _Territory._ _Relating to_ the _earth_; a large extent or tract of land.

9. The Mediterranean Sea is so called because situated in the _middle_ of the _land_. In the middle of the ancient known world.

10. Terra del _Fuego_ means literally the land of fire (_del_, of).

11. _Terre Haute_ means _high land_. A city in Indiana situated on high land.

12. _Terra firma_ is a Latin phrase, frequently met in English. It means _firm land_.


#ac# = pertaining to.

1. _cardi_ ac, heart 2. _demoni_ ac, demon 3. _mani_ ac, mad 4. _zodi_ ac, animal

1. _Cardiac._ _Pertaining to_ or resembling the _heart_; exciting action in the heart.

2. _Demoniac._ _Pertaining to demons_; one possessed of an evil spirit; a lunatic.

3. _Maniac._ Raving with _madness_; crazy; insane.

4. _Zodiac._ _Pertaining to_ the imaginary _animals_ figured in the twelve constellations forming a circle around the sun.

#ics# = science of.

1. _civ_ ics, citizen 2. _eth_ ics, character 3. _econom_ ics, (see below) 4. _mechan_ ics, machine 5. _opt_ ics, see 6. _phys_ ics, nature 7. _phon_ ics, sound 8. _polit_ ics, city

1. _Civics._ The _Science_ which treats of _citizen_s.h.i.+p.

2. _Ethics._ The _science_ of right conduct-of _character_-building.

3. _Economics_ literally means, the science of _managing_ the _household_; the science of the production and distribution of wealth, or the means of living well.

4. _Mechanics._ The _science of machinery_, or the theory of machines.

5. _Optics._ The _science_ which treats of light and _vision_, and all that is connected with the phenomena of sight.

6. _Physics._ The _science_ which treats _of_ the forces of _nature_; as, gravitation, light, heat, electricity.

7. _Phonics._ The _science of sound_; especially of sounds produced by the human voice.

8. _Politics._ The _science_ which treats of the government of states and _cities_.

#ism# = state of being, theory of.

1. _altru_ ism, other 2. _barbar_ ism, foreign 3. _ego_ tism, self, I 4. _commun_ ism, common 5. _hero_ ism, hero 6. _hypnot_ ism, sleep 7. _organ_ ism, organ 8. _sensual_ ism, sense

1. _Altruism._ The _theory_ that devotion to the interests of _others_ is the highest good.

2. _Barbarism._ The _state_ of _being foreign_; rude in point of manners, arts and literature.

3. _Egotism._ The _state of being self_-centered, self-conceited, and unduly self-confident; selfish as opposed to altruistic.

4. _Communism._ A _theory of_ government and social order according to which property is held in _common_, and the profits of all labor devoted to the general good.

5. The _state of being_ a _hero_ or having heroic qualities; as, lofty aim, fearlessness, fort.i.tude.

6. _Hypnotism._ An artificially induced _state of sleep_, in which the mind becomes pa.s.sive, but acts readily upon suggestion or direction.

7. _Organism._ The _state of being_ composed of different _organs_ or parts, working together and each necessary to the whole.

8. _Sensual_ism. The _state_ which regards the gratification of the _senses_ as the highest good.

#y# = state of being.

1. a _path_ y, feel 2. _anti_ pathy, against 3. an _arch_ y, rule 4. bi _gam_ y, marriage 5. eu _phon_ y, sound 6. melan _chol_ y, bile 7. mis _anthrop_ y, mankind 8. _phil_ anthrop y, love 9. mono _pol_y, sell 10. _poly_ gam y, many 11. _sym_ path y, with

1. _Apathy_ (a = without). _State of being without feeling_; lack of interest; mental indifference; sluggishness.

2. _Antipathy._ A _state of feeling against_ or antagonistic to a person or thing; as, _antipathy_ to spiders.

3. _Anarchy_ (an = without). _State of being without rule_; social and political disorder.

4. _Bigamy_ (bi = two). _State of being married twice_; having two wives or two husbands at the same time.

5. _Euphony_ (eu = well). _State of being_ agreeable in _sound_; _well_-sounding.

6. _Melancholy_ (melan = black). _State of having black bile_; gloomy state of mind arising from grief or natural indisposition.

7. _Misanthropy_ (mis = hatred). _State of having hatred_ for _mankind_; ill will for people in general.

9. _Monopoly_ (mono = one). _State of having_ the exclusive (_sole_) privilege or power to _sell_ an article at a certain place and time.

11. _Sympathy._ _State of feeling with_ another (as he feels) on account of his sufferings, misfortune, or joy.

NOTE.-The suffix _y_ has the same meaning in the following words.

They are, however, too simple to need defining; in fact, there are no simpler words on which to base definitions: airy, balky, bony, briny, chunky, downy, dusty, healthy, hearty, miry, musty, rusty, scaly, showy, sinewy, wealthy, worthy.

#chron# = time.

1. chron _ic_, pertaining to 2. chronicl _er_, one who 3. chron _ology_, science of 4. chrono _meter_, measure 5. _syn_ chron ous, together 6. ana chron _ism_, state of

1. _Pertaining to time_; continuing a long time, as a _chronic_ disease; hence mild as to intensity and slow as to progress.

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Orthography Part 13 summary

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