Orthography Part 12

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1. _That which fills_ or _completes_.

2. A _filament_ is _that which_ is _thread_like; as, the filament of silk, or flax.

5. Literally, an _impediment_ is _that which_ entangles the _feet_; hence, that which hinders or interferes.

10. _Refreshments_ consist of _that which_ makes one fresh or _new again_.

#tang, tact, tig# = touch.

1. _con_ tact, together 2. contag_ion_, act of 3. contag _ious_, quality of 4. contamin _ate_, to make 5. contigu _ity_, state of being 6. contigu_ous_, quality of 7. _en_ tire, not 8. _in_ teger, not 9. integr _al_, relating to 10. integr _ity_, state of being 11. tact 12. _in_ tact, not 13. tact _ile_, relating to 14. tang_ent_, that which 15. tang _ible_, capable of 16. _in_ tangible, not

1. The coming _together_ of two bodies; _touching_.

2. The _act of_ communicating disease by the _touch_.

3. Having the _quality of_ being imparted by _touch_; catching; as, _contagious_ diseases.

4. To _contaminate_ is to make impure by mixture (_touching together_).

5. _Contiguity_ is the _state of being_ within _touching_ distance.

7. _Entire._ Whole or complete; _not touched_.

8. An _integer_ is a complete or _not touched_ whole; a whole number.

10. _State_ of _being untouched_ or unimpaired; freedom from corruption or impurity; as, _integrity_ of character.

11. _Tact_ is skill in _touching_; nice perception or discernment in dealing with others.

12. _Intact._ _Not touched_, especially by anything that misplaces, harms, or defiles.

13. _Tactile._ _Relating to_ the sense of _touch_.

14. A _tangent_ is a line _which touches_ a curve.

15. Anything is _tangible_ when it is _capable of_ being _touched_, or perceived by senses.

#tempor# = time.

1. contempor _ary_, one who 2. contemporane_ous_, quality of 3. _ex_ tempore, out 4. tempor _al_, relating to 5. tempor _ary_, that which 6. temporari _ly_, state of being 7. tempor _ize_, do 8. tense 9. tempus _fugit_, flies

1. (_con_, together) _One who_ lives at the same _time together_ with another is his _contemporary_; occurring or existing at the same time.

3. _Extempore_ means, literally, _out_ of the _moment_. On the spur of the moment; without previous study or preparation.

4. _Relating to time_ as opposed to eternity; earthly, transient; as, our _temporal_ affairs.

5. _That which_ lasts for a brief _time_ only; not permanent; as, a _temporary_ scaffolding.

7. To _temporize_ is to comply with the _time_ or occasion; to yield to the current of opinion or circ.u.mstances; to "_do_ as the _times_ do".

8. The modification of verbs to indicate _time_, is called _tense_.

9. _Tempus fugit_ is a Latin phrase frequently met with in English. It means, literally, _time flies_.

#ten, tent, tain# = hold.

1. _abs_ tain, from 2. _con_ tain, together 3. _de_ tain, from 4. detent _ion_, act of 5. _main_ tain, hand 6. _re_ tain, back 7. _sus_ tain, (sub) under 8. ten _ant_, one who 9. tenet 10. ten _able_, capable of 11. ten_acious_, quality of 12. ten_ure_, that which

1. To _abstain_ from drink is to _hold from_ it, to refrain voluntarily.

2. A vessel _contains_ a liquid when it _holds_ its particles _together_.

3. To _detain_ the wages of a laborer is to _hold_ them _from_ him after they are due.

5. _Maintain_ literally means to _hold_ by the _hand_; to preserve from falling. To hold fast; to keep in possession; as, to _maintain_ one's ground in battle.

7. _Sustain._ To _hold_ up from _beneath_; to uphold; to support; to endure.

8. A _tenant_ is _one who holds_ land under another.

9. A _tenet_ is an opinion or doctrine _held_ as true.

10. _Tenable._ _Capable of_ being _held_; as ground taken for argument.

11. _Tenacious._ Having the _quality_ of _holding_ fast.

12. One's _tenure_ of office is _that_ time during _which_ he _holds_ office.

#terr# = earth.

1. _in_ ter, in 2. inter _ment_, act of 3. _sub_ terranean, under 4. terr _ace_, that which 5. terra _cotta_, baked 6. terrestri _al_, relating to 7. terr _ier_, that which 8. territ _ory_, relating to 9. _Medi_ terranean, middle 10. Terra del _Fuego_, fire 11. Terre _Haute_, high 12. terra _firma_, firm

1. To bury _in_ the _earth_; as a dead body.

3. Situated or occurring _under_ the surface of the _earth_; as _subterranean_ forests-buried forests.

4. A _terrace_ is a long mound or raised portion of _earth_.

5. _Terra cotta_ is literally _baked earth_. A species of hard pottery used in building; ornamentation.

6. _Terrestrial._ _Relating to_ the _earth_, earthly.

7. A _terrier_ is one of a small breed of dogs, named from their propensity to scratch the ground or _earth_ in pursuit of prey.

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Orthography Part 12 summary

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