Orthography Part 11

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16. _Pedigree_ means, literally, _crane's foot_. Why so called is uncertain, but supposed to be on account of a fancied resemblance of the lines of a pedigree, as drawn out on paper, to a crane's foot.

(Compare _crow's foot_, applied to the lines of age about the eyes.)

#pon, pos# = place, put.

1. _ap_ position, to 2. _com_ pose, together 3. compos _ite_, being 4. composit _ion_, act of 5. compon _ent_, that which 6. _com_ pound, together 7. _de_ pose, down 8. _de_ posit, down (away) 9. deposit _ory_, place where 10. _dis_ pose, apart 11. _ex_ pose, out 12. _im_ pose, upon 13. _inter_ pose, between 14. _im_ post, upon 15. im post _or_, one who 16. _op_ pose, (ob.) against 17. oppos _ite_, being 18. posit _ion_, state of being 19. _pro_ pose, before 20. _trans_ pose, across

1. One word is in _apposition_ to another when it is _placed_ near _to_ it, by way of explanation.

3. _Being_ made by _putting together_ separate parts or elements; as, a _composite_ flower.

5. One of the several parts or elements _which_, when _placed together_, form the whole, is a _component_ part.

6. To _compound_ is to _put_ or mix _together_ two or more elements or ingredients.

8. To _put away_ for safe keeping; as, to _deposit_ money in a bank.

10. To _dispose_ of anything is to _put_ it _apart_ from one; to get rid of it.

11. To _place out_ where all may see; to uncover; as, to _expose_ fraud.

15. An _impostor_ is _one who puts_ burdens _on_ others; commonly applied to one who a.s.sumes a character for the purpose of deceiving others.

18. _Position._ The manner in which a thing is _placed_; the _state of being placed_.

20. To _transpose_ a quant.i.ty from one side of an equation to another is to _place_ it _across_.


#ic# = pertaining to.

1. _arct_ ic, bear 2. _aromat_ ic, spice 3. _civ_ ic, citizen 4. _cla.s.s_ ic, first cla.s.s 5. _com_ ic, revelry 6. _democrat_ ic, rule of the people 7. _despot_ ic, master 8. _domest_ ic, house 9. _empir_ ic, experience 10. _metr_ ic, measure 11. _numer_ ic, number 12. _phon_ ic, sound 13. _prosa_ ic, prose 14. _plast_ ic, form 15. _graph_ ic, write

1. _Arctic_ literally means _pertaining to_ the _Bear_; i. e. the northern constellations called the Great and Little Bears; hence, pertaining to the northern polar regions.

2. _Aromatic._ _Pertaining to_ an agreeable or _spicy_ odor; fragrant.

3. One's _civic_ duties are those _pertaining to_ him as a _citizen_, in distinction from those as a soldier.

4. _Cla.s.sic pertains to_ what is _first cla.s.s_ in literature or art, especially that of the Greeks and Romans.

5. _Comic pertains to revelry_; to what provokes mirth; as a _comic_ song.

9. _Empiric pertains to experience_, or what is founded on experience; relying on or guided by practical experience rather than scientific knowledge.

13. _Prosaic_ means _pertaining to prose_; especially to that which lacks animation or interest.

14. _Plastic_ means _pertaining to_ the process of _forming_ or modeling; capable of being moulded into a desired form.

15. _Graphic_ means _pertaining to_ the art of _writing_ or drawing. A _graphic_ ill.u.s.tration is generally in the form of a drawing.

#id# = (ness) quality, condition.

1. _ac_ id, sour 2. _flor_ id, flower 3. _flu_ id, flow 4. _frig_ id, cold 5. in _sip_ id, taste 6. in _trep_ id, tremble 7. _luc_ id, light 8. _morb_ id, disease 9. _pal_(l) id, pale 10. _splend_ id, s.h.i.+ne 11. _tep_ id, warm 12. _torr_ id, parch 13. _torp_ id, numb 14. _viv_ id, life

1. The distinguis.h.i.+ng _quality_ of _acid_ is its _sour_ness.

2. Having the _quality_ or appearance of _flowers_; specifically, flushed with red; as a _florid_ countenance.

5. That which is _insipid_ has _not_ those _qualities_ which affect the _taste_; tasteless.

6. An _intrepid_ person is brave and daring; he does _not tremble_ with _fear_.

13. _Torpid._ _Benumbed_; insensible; inactive; as an animal in hibernation, when it its time in sleep.

#ity# = state or quality of being.

1. _alacr_ ity, lively 2. _brev_ ity, short 3. _enm_ ity, enemy 4. _fidel_ ity, faith 5. _mortal_ ity, death 6. _rotund_ ity, wheel 7. _sanct_ ity, holy 8. _seren_ ity, calm 9. _tranquil_ (l)ity, quiet 10. _un_ ity, one 11. _util_ ity, use 12. _veloc_ ity, swift

5. _Mortality._ _State of being_ subject to _death_; frequency of death; hence the death-rate.

#ive# = one who, that which.

1. ad _ject_ ive, throw 2. _alter_ native, other 3. _capt_ ive, take 4. con _nect_ ive, bind 5. ex _ecut_ ive, follow 6. ex _plet_ ive, fill 7. _fugit_ ive, flee 8. in _finit_ ive, limit 9. loco_mot_ive, move 10. _nat_ ive, born 11. _negat_ ive, deny 12. _posit_ ive, place

1. (_ad_, to) An _adjective_ is a word _which_ is added (_thrown_) _to_ a noun to qualify its meaning.

2. _Alternative_ in the plural means two things of _which one_ or the _other_ may be taken as a choice.

5. The _executive_ of a state or nation is the _one whose_ duty it is to _follow out_ the decrees of the law making bodies; i. e. to see that the laws are obeyed.

6. An _expletive_ is _that_ word _which fills out_ the sentence that contains it; as an _expletive_ adverb.

8. (_in_, not) An _infinitive_ is _that_ verb _which_ is _not limited_ by person and number.

9. (_loco_, place) A _locomotive_ is _that which_ can _move_ cars from _place_ to place.

12. The _positive_ is _that which_ has a real standing _place_. Not admitting of doubt; definitely laid down; clearly stated.

#ment# = act of, that which.

1. com _ple_ ment, fill 2. _fila_ ment, thread 3. _frag_ment, break 4. _gar_ment, protect 5. im_pedi_ ment, foot 6. in_duce_ment, lead 7. _liga_ ment, bind 8. _monu_ ment, remind 9. _orna_ ment, deck 10. re_fresh_ ment, new

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Orthography Part 11 summary

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