Orthography Part 10

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1. ad _vers_ ary, turn 2. _anni_ vers ary, year 3. _antiqu_ ary, ancient 4. _drom_ ed ary, run 5. _miss_ ion ary, send 6. _e_ miss ary, out 7. _not_ ary, note 8. _sal_ ary, salt 9. _secret_ ary, secret

1. Literally, an _adversary_ is _one who turns toward_ another (to oppose him); hence, one who turns against another.

2. _That_ day _which returns_ each _year_ commemorating some event is an _anniversary_.

3. An _antiquary_ is _one who_ collects and examines old (_ancient_) things; as, coins, medals, weapons.

4. A _dromedary_ is a thorough-bred Arabian camel of more than ordinary speed and bottom; hence well adapted for _running_.

5. A _missionary_ is _one who_ is _sent_ on a mission; especially one sent to propagate religion.

6. An _emissary_ is _one who_ is _sent out_; especially one sent on secret business, as a spy. "I am charged with being an _emissary_ to France."-_Robert Emmet._

7. A _notary_ was formerly _one whose_ vocation was to make _notes_ or memoranda of acts of others. Now, a public officer usually spoken of as notary public.

8. A _salary_ was formerly an allowance (_that which_ was) given to soldiers with which to buy _salt_.

9. A _secretary_ was formerly _one who_ was intrusted with the private or _secret_ matters of his chief. One employed to do clerical work.

_Ary_ is also a suffix of adjectives, meaning _relating to_; as in, arbitrary, contrary, culinary, exemplary, antiquary, hereditary, military, primary, revolutionary, solitary, secondary, visionary.

_Ary_ also means _place where_; as in, granary, infirmary, library, seminary, sanctuary.

#ate# = having.

1. _corpor_ ate, body 2. de _sper_ ate, hope 3. ef _femin_ ate, woman 4. _fortun_ ate, luck 5. in _anim_ ate, breath 6. _cord_ ate, heart 7. _cruci_ ate, cross 8. _cuspid_ ate, point 9. _dent_ ate, tooth 10. _glomer_ ate, ball 11. _labi_ ate, lip 12. _lun_ ate, moon 13. _pin_ (n) ate, feather 14. _serr_ ate, saw 15. _sagitt_ ate, arrow 16. _stell_ ate, star

1. _Corporate_ means _having_ a _body_. (See incorporate, second month, page 18.)

2. _Having_ no _hope_; as, "Continued misfortune had rendered him _desperate_."

3. _Effeminate._ _Having_ the qualities of a _woman_; soft, delicate, to an unmanly degree. Applied to men.

5. _Inanimate._ _Not having breath_; without life.

6. _Cordate._ _Having_ the shape of a _heart_; as a cordate leaf.

#pel, puls# = drive.

1. _com_ pel, together 2. compuls _ion_, act of 3. _dis_ pel, apart 4. _ex_ pel, out 5. expuls _ion_, act of 6. _im_ pel, on 7. _im_ pulse, on 8. pulse 9. _pro_ pel, forward 10. _re_ pel, back 11. _re_ pulse, back 12. repuls _ive_, quality

1. To _compel_, literally means to _drive together_; as a herd (a Latinism and rare). To _drive_ or urge with force.

8. The _pulse_ is caused by _driving_ the blood through the arteries.

12. A person is _repulsive_ when he has _qualities_ which tend to _drive_ others _back_ or away.

#pend, pens# = hang.

1. _ap_ pend, to 2. append _age_, that which 3. _de_ pend, from 4. depend _ent_, one who 5. depend _ence_, state or quality of 6. _in_ dependence, not 7. independ_ent_, one who 8. _im_ pend, over 9. pend _ant_, that which 10. pendulum 11. _per_ pendicular, through 12. _sus_ pend, under 13. suspend _ers_, that which 14. suspens _ion_, state of

1. _Append._ To _hang_ or attach _to_.

2. An _appendage_ is _that which hangs to_ something as a part of it.

"This little pensive _appendage_ or tender (the moon) to our fuming engine of an earth."-_De Quincey._

3. _Depend._ To _hang from_; to be fastened or attached to something above; to rely upon.

4. A _dependent_ is _one who hangs_ (figuratively), or relies on another for support.

8. _Impend._ To _hang over_, be ready to fall; threaten. "We seriously consider the dreadful judgments that now _impend_ the nation."-_Penn._

9. A _pendant_ is _that which hangs_ from something else; as, an earring or a ta.s.sel.

10. The _pendulum_ of a clock _hangs_ and swings to and fro.

11. A plumb line is a line _perpendicular_ to the horizon, _hanging_ (_through_ the air).

12. _Suspend._ To _hang under_ or from beneath.

13. _Suspenders_ are _that_ from _which_ trousers are _hung_.

#ped (pod)# = foot.

1. _anti_ podes, against 2. _bi_ ped, two 3. _centi_ ped, hundred 4. _ex_ pedite, out 5. expedi _ent_, that which 6. _im_ pede, in 7. impedi _ment_, that which 8. ped _al_, pertaining to 9. peddl _er_, one who 10. pede _stal_, stand 11. pedestr _ian_, one who 12. pedun _cle_, little 13. _quadru_ ped, four 14. _tri_ pod, three 15. _octo_ pus, eight 16. pedi _gree_, crane

1. See fourth month, page 25.

2. _Biped._ A _two-footed_ animal, as man.

3. _Centiped._ An animal so called from having a great many _feet_ (indefinitely a _hundred_).

4. _Expedite._ Literally, to take the _feet out_ of entanglement; hence, to hasten.

6. _Impede._ Literally, to entangle the _feet_. To obstruct the progress, motion, or effect of.

8. _The pedal_ is something made to be moved by the _feet_.

9. A _peddler_, literally, is a trader _who_ travels on _foot_.

10. _Pedestal._ That which forms the base (_standing_ place for the _feet_) of a statue, column, vase, etc.

12. A _peduncle_ is a (_little_) _foot_stalk of a flower or leaf.

15. An _octopus_ is an _eight-footed_ or armed cuttlefish.

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Orthography Part 10 summary

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