Orthography Part 9

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3. _Liberality_ is the quality of being _free_ or generous.

7. To _liberalize_ is to _make free_, as to free from narrow views or prejudices.

8. To _deliver_ means to set _free from_ bondage or restraint.

#liter# = letter.

1. letter 2. letters 3. liter _ary_, pert. to 4. liter _ate_, condition of 5. _il_ literate, not 6. _al_ literation, (ad) to 7. liter _al_, relating to 8. _ob_ literate, against

1. _Letter_ (from L. linere, to besmear); so called because smeared on parchment and not cut on wood.

2. _Letters_ usually means literature in general; hence knowledge gained from books; literary culture.

6. _Alliteration_ is a repet.i.tion of the same letter or sound at the beginning of two or more words in close succession. Examples: "A whole fleet of _b_ulky _b_ottomed _b_oats." "What a _t_ale of _t_error now _t_heir _t_urbulency _t_ells." Literally, _letter to letter_.

8. In _obliterate_, _ob_ means _against_ or the reverse. The reverse of _besmear_ is to rub off; hence to _obliterate_ means to rub out, to erase.

NOTE.-Other words from the same root are, literally, illiteracy, literati, literature, literalize, literalist.

#man (ma.n.u.s)# = hand.

1. _bi_ mana, two 2. e man _cip_ ate, take 3. man _acle_, cuff 4. man _euver_, work 5. man (n) _er_, relating to 6. manu _al_, pert. to 7. manu _fact_ ory, make 8. manu _script_, write

1. _Bimana_ is a term applied to man as a special order of mammalia.

Animals having _two hands_.

2. To _emanc.i.p.ate_ a slave is to _take_ him _out_ of the _hands_ of his master.

3. The word _manacle_ comes from _manicula_, which means _handcuff_.

4. Literally, _maneuver_ means a _working_ with the _hands_. To make adroit and artful moves; as, of an army.

5. _Manner relates to_ the way of _handling_ or doing things.

6. _Manual._ Performed, made, or used by the _hands_; as manual labor, manual arts.

#mater# = mother.

1. _alma_ mater, foster 2. matern _al_, pert. to 3. matern _ity_, state of being 4. matri _cide_, kill 5. metro _polis_, city 6. metropolit _an_, relating to 7. matron 8. matron _ly_, like

1. Literally, _alma mater_ means _foster mother_. It is applied by students to the university or college in which they have been trained.

5. _Metropolis_ means _mother city_; the chief city of a state or country. Chicago is the metropolis of Illinois.

6. _Metropolitan._ _Relating to_ the metropolis; as, a metropolitan newspaper.

7. A _matron_ is a woman with _motherly_ duties; as the _matron_ of a school or hospital.


#able# = capable of, fit to be.

1. _ar_ able, plow 2. _cap_ able, take, hold 3. _dur_ able, last, hard 4. _lia_ ble, bind 5. _mut_ able, change 6. _laud_ able, praise 7. _port_ able, carry 8. _soci_ able, companion 9. _ten_ able, hold 10. _us_ able, use.

1. _Arable_ land is _capable_ of being _plowed_.

2. A _capable_ mind can _take_ and _hold_ ideas (understand and remember).

4. One is _liable_ for a debt when legally _bound_ to pay it.

7. A _portable_ library is one fitted for being _carried_ from place to place.

9. _Tenable_ ground for argument is ground which is _capable of_ being _held_ or maintained.

#acy# = state of being, office of.

1. _celib_ acy, unmarried 2. _delic_ acy, pleasing 3. _magistr_ acy, master 4. _obdur_ acy, hard 5. _obstin_ acy, firmly set 6. _pap_ acy, pope 7. _intim_ acy, inmost 8. _intric_ acy, entangle

1. _Celibacy_ is the _state of being unmarried_; especially that of a bachelor or of one bound by vows not to marry.

3. _Magistracy._ The _office of master_; of one clothed with power, as a civil officer.

4. _Obduracy_ is the _state of being hardened_, especially against moral influences; hard-hearted; stubbornly wicked.

6. The _papacy_ is the _office of_ the _pope_.

7. _Intimacy_ is the _state of being inmost_ or near in relations.h.i.+p.

#an# = pertaining to.

This suffix is seldom used except with names of countries and states.

It means, _pertaining to_ what is of that country or state; as, American history, American products, American people.

1. African 2. Alaskan 3. Armenian 4. Australian 5. Bolivian 6. Bulgarian 7. Corsican 8. European 9. Georgian 10. Hawaiian 11. Indian 12. Mexican 13. Ohioan 14. Persian 15. Russian 16. amphibian 17. republican 18. metropolitan

16. _Amphibian_: _amphi_, both (two); _bi_, life; _an_, pertaining to: _pertaining to two_ kinds of _life_; i. e. life on the land and in the water. Frogs, turtles, crocodiles, seals, walruses, otters, beavers, etc., are _amphibians_, because they can live in water (for a time at least) and on land.

18. _Metropolitan._ _Pertaining to_ the _mother city_. (See fifth month's work, page 32.)

#ary# = one who, that which.

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Orthography Part 9 summary

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