Orthography Part 8

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4. _Frater._ A _brother_; especially a monk.

5. _Friar._ A _brother_ of any religious order, but especially one of certain monastic orders of the Roman Catholic church.

6. _Friary._ A home for friars (_brothers_); a monastery.


#mono# = one, single, alone, solitary.

1. mon _arch_, rule 2. mono _gam_ ist, marriage 3. mono _gram_, write 4. mono _logue_, speak 5. mono _mania_, mind 6. mo _nomi_ al, term 7. mono _poly_, sell 8. mono _syllable_, syllable 9. mono _the_ ism, G.o.d 10. mono _tone_, tone, sound

1. A _monarch_ is a _sole_ or supreme _ruler_.

2. A _monogamist_ is _one who_ believes in _marriage_ with _one_ person only.

3. A _monogram_ is a single character formed of two or more letters interwoven (as if done at _one writing_).

4. A _speak_ing by _one_ person.

5. _Monomania_ is a derangement of _mind_ in regard to a _single_ subject only.

6. A _monomial_ in algebra is a quant.i.ty which consists of a _single term_.

7. A _monopoly_ is the sole (or _single_) right to _sell_ a certain article, or to sell it at a given place.

9. _Monotheism_ is the doctrine of belief that there is but _one G.o.d_.

10. A _monotone_ is a _single tone_ without harmony or variation in pitch.

#para# = aside, beside, similar

1. para _ble_ (ballo), throw 2. para _graph_, write 3. par _allel_, one another 4. para _phrase_, speak 5. para _site_, feed 6. par en _thesis_, put

1. A _parable_ is a short fict.i.tious narrative placed (_thrown_) _beside_ something which it is intended to ill.u.s.trate.

2. A _paragraph_ was originally a mark or note of comment _written beside_ the line or place where a division should be made; now a distinct part of a discourse or writing.

3. _Parallel_ lines extend _beside one another_.

4. _Paraphrasing_ is telling (_speaking_) the _same_ thing in other words.

5. A _parasite_ is an animal or plant which lives _beside_ or in another organism on which it _feeds_.

6. Marks of _parenthesis_ are often used for a word, phrase, clause, or sentence _put in_ by way of explanation to what it stands _beside_.

#peri# = around.

1. peri _anth_, flower 2. peri _cardium_, heart 3. peri _meter_, measure 4. peri _tone_ um, stretch 5. peri _oste_ um

1. The _perianth_ is the floral envelope _around_ the _flower_.

2. The _pericardium_ is the membrane which _surrounds_ the _heart_.

3. The _perimeter_ of a figure is the outer boundary or _measure around_ it.

4. The _peritoneum_ is the membrane which is _stretched around_ the abdomen.

5. The _periosteum_ is the membrane _around_ the _bones_.

#syn (syl, sym)# = with, together.

1. syl _lable_, take 2. sym _pathy_, feel 3. sym _phony_, sound 4. syn _chron_ ous, time 5. syn _onym_, name 6. syn _ops_ is, view 7. syn _thesis_, put, place

1. Literally, a _syllable_ is two or more sounds _taken together_, or uttered by one impulse of the voice. Many syllables, however, comprise but one sound.

2. _Sympathy_ is _feeling with_ another, especially his sorrows and misfortunes.

3. A _symphony_ is a _sounding together_; a harmony of sounds.

4. _Synchronous._ Happening or existing at the _same time_.

5. _Synonym._ Literally, a word having the _same name_. But it is applied to words of like or kindred meaning.

6. A _synopsis_ is a _view_ of the whole _together_. A summary giving a general view of some subject.

7. The _putting_ of two or more things _together_. _Synthesis_ is the opposite of a.n.a.lysis.

#tele# = far (distance).

1. tele _gram_, write 2. tele _graph_, write 3. tele _pathy_, feel 4. tele _meter_, measure 5. tele _phone_, sound 6. tele _scope_, view

1. A _telegram_ is a message transmitted (_written_) from _afar_.

3. _Telepathy_ is the sympathetic communication at a _distance_ of one mind with another; not by the ordinary methods, but through _feeling_.

4. _Telemeter._ An instrument for _measuring distances_ in surveying.

#liber# = free.

1. liber _al_, relating to 2. _il_ liberal, not 3. liberal _ity_, quality of 4. liber _ate_, act of 5. liberat _or_, one who 6. liber _ty_, state of being 7. liberal _ize_, make 8. _de_ liver, from 9. deliver _er_, one who 10. deliver _y_, act of

1. _Liberal._ Relating to or possessing a _free_ and generous heart.

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Orthography Part 8 summary

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