Orthography Part 18

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1. A _dent_ is an impression like that made by a _tooth_.

5. _Edentate_ animals, such as the sloth, are _without teeth_, or at least are without the incisors.

6. The _dandelion_ has yellow compound flowers which resemble the _tooth of_ the _lion_.

#dict# = speak, say, tell.

1. _bene_ dict ion, well 2. _contra_ dict, against 3. diction _ary_, that which 4. dict _ate_, act of 5. _e_ dict, out 6. _pre_ dict, before 7. _ver_ dict, truth 8. _male_ dict ion, bad

1. A _benediction_ is a blessing (a _speech_ to the effect that it may be _well_ with thee).

3. A _dictionary_ is a book in _which_ we may learn about words, the elements of _speech_.

4. To _dictate_ is to _speak_ or _say_ what another shall _write_ or do.

7. The _verdict_ of a jury is what they _say_ to be the _truth_ in the case.

#doc, doct# = teach.

1. doc _ile_, capable of 2. doct _or_, one who 3. doct _rine_, that which 4. docu _ment_, that which

1. _Docile._ Capable of being easily _taught_.

2. A _doctor_ is _one who_, by virtue of his master's degree, is qualified to _teach_.

3. Doctrine is _that which_ is _taught_; a principle taught as a part of a system of belief.

4. A _doc.u.ment_ is _that which teaches_ by means of the evidence it gives.


#pro# = for, forth, forward, before.

1. pro _bat_ ion, try, prove 2. pro _bosc_ is, feed 3. pro _crastin_ ate, tomorrow 4. pro _duce_, lead 5. pro (f) _fer_, bear, bring 6. pro _fuse_, pour 7. pro _gnostic_ ate, know 8. pro _gram_, write 9. pro _gress_, step 10. pro _ject_, cast 11. pro _logue_, speech 12. pro _mise_, send 13. pro _mote_, move 14. pro _noun_, noun 15. pro _pel_, drive 16. pro _pose_, put 17. pro _spect_, look 18. pro _trude_, thrust 19. pro _vide_, see 20. pro _voke_, call

1. One who joins a church on _probation_ is given a _trial_ to _prove_ his worthiness _before_ being fully admitted.

2. A hollow organ attached to the head or mouth (the _forward_ portion) of the animal with which he _feeds_.

3. To put _forward_ till _tomorrow_, or to put off from time to time.

"Procrastination is the thief of time."

6. A _profuse_ speaker _pours forth_ ideas freely.

12. One's _promise_ is his word, spoken or written, _sent forth_ as evidence of something more substantial to follow.

16. When a young man _proposes_ he _puts_ the question _before_ his lady.

19. A good _provider sees_ necessities _before_hand and prepares to meet them.

20. To _provoke_ laughter is to _call_ it _forth_.

#retro# = backward.

1. retro _grade_, step 2. retro _spect_, look

#se (sed)# = aside.

1. se _cede_, go 2. se _clude_, shut 3. se _cure_, care 4. se _duce_, lead 5. se _greg_ ate, flock 6. se _lect_, gather

3. _Secure._ Free (_aside_) from _care_, as to danger or risk; as, _secure_ from attack, or _secure_ against loss by fire.

4. _Seduce._ To _lead_ or draw _aside_; especially from a path of rect.i.tude. To lead into evil.

5. _Segregate._ To place or group (_flock_) _aside_ from others or the rest. In science, to put into a new or separate cla.s.s.

#sub# = under, after, near.

(_suc_, _suf_, _sug_, _sup_, _sur_, are euphonic variations of _sub_.)

1. sub _due_ lead 2. sub _jug_ ate, yoke 3. sub _lunar_, moon 4. sub _merge_, plunge 5. sub _ordin_ ate, rank 6. sub _poena_, penalty 7. sub _scribe_, write 8. sub _side_, sit 9. sub _soil_, ground 10. sub _stance_, stand 11. sub _terr_ anean, earth 12. sub _trahe_ nd, draw 13. sub _urbs_, city 14. sub _way_, way 15. suc _cess_ or, go 16. suc _c.u.mb_, lie 17. suf _fer_, bear 18. suf _fix_, fasten 19. suf _focate_, throat 20. sup _port_, carry

1. _Subdue._ To _lead_ or bring _under_ authority; to conquer.

2. _Subjugate._ To bring _under_ the _yoke_ of power or dominion.

3. _Sublunar._ Situated _under_neath the _moon_; hence earthly.

6. _Subpoena._ A writ commanding attendance _under penalty_.

7. _Subscribe._ To bind one's self to, by _writing_ one's name _under_neath; as to _subscribe_ to the terms of a contract.

8. _Subside._ To _sit_ (or settle) _under_ (down).

10. _Substance._ That which underlies (_stands under_) all outward manifestation.

11. _Subterranean._ Situated or occurring _under_ the surface of the _earth_.

12. The _subtrahend_ is placed _under_ the minuend to be _drawn_ from it.

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Orthography Part 18 summary

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