Orthography Part 19

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13. _Suburb._ A town or village so _near_ to a _city_ that it may be used for residence by those doing business in the city.

15. _One who goes_ or follows _after_; as, a _successor_ in office.

16. _Succ.u.mb._ To _lie under_ discouragement, rather than to surmount it.

19. Certain fumes or vapors _under_ the mouth (or _throat_), will _suffocate_ one.

20. _Support._ To _carry_ on; keep up; as to _support_ a conversation; to _support_ a war. To bear the weight of, especially by holding up from beneath (_under_).

#trans# = across, over, through.

1. trans _act_, drive 2. trans _alpine_, Alps 3. trans _atlantic_, Atlantic 4. tran _scend_, climb 5. tran _scribe_, write 6. trans _fer_, carry 7. trans _form_, shape 8. trans _fuse_, pour 9. trans _gress_, step 10. trans _it_, go 11. trans _late_, carry 12. trans _lucent_, s.h.i.+ning 13. trans _marine_, sea 14. trans _migration_, moving 15. trans _mit_, send 16. trans _mute_, change 17. trans _parent_, appear 18. trans _port_, carry 19. trans _pose_, put 20. trans _verse_, turn

The literal meanings of the twenty words given above are so apparent as to need no explanation. Ill.u.s.trate each with a sentence.

#fin# = end, limit.

1. _Final._ _Pertaining to_ the _end_; the last.

2. _Finale._ The _end_ of a musical composition.

3. _Finish._ To _make_ an _end_ of.

4. _Fine._ Well _finished_. Also, a penalty a.s.sessed at the _end_ of the case.

5. _Refine._ Finished over (or _again_).

6. _Finite._ Having a _limit_ in power or knowledge.

7. _Infinite._ Having _no limit_ in power or knowledge.

8. _Confine._ To keep _within limits_ or bounds.

9. _Superfine._ _Over_ or extra finish.

#firm# = strong, steadfast.

1. _in_firm, not 2. infirm _ity_, that which 3. infirm _ary_, place where 4. _con_ firm, with 5. farm

1. _Infirm._ _Not strong_, but weak and defective.

2. _Infirmity._ _That_ with _which_ one is afflicted or infirm.

4. The testimony of one witness is made _stronger_ when that of another witness agrees _with_ or _confirms_ it.

5. A _farm_ is a substantial possession, _steadfast_ and immovable.

#flex, flect# = bend, turn.

1. flex _ible_, capable of 2. _in_ flexible, not 3. flexibil _ity_, quality 4. flect _or_, that which 5. _circ.u.m_ flex, around 6. _de_ flect, from 7. _re_ flection, back 8. _re_ flex, back

4. _That which bends_; as, the biceps muscle is the _flector_ which _bends_ the arm.

5. A _circ.u.mflex_ is a _bending around_ of the voice,-a rise and a fall on the same syllable.

7. _Reflection._ A _turning_ of the thoughts _back_ to things of the past.

8. Sensations arrested at the nerve centers and _turned back_ without their reaching the brain results in _reflex_ action.

#flu# = flow.

1. flu _ent_, characteristic of 2. _af_ fluence, (ad) to 3. _con_ fluence, together 4. _in_ fluence, in 5. influenz _a_ 6. _in_ flux, in 7. _super_ fluous, over 8. fluid 9. flush

1. A _fluent_ speaker uses smooth and _flowing_ language.

2. People of _affluence_ have wealth _flowing to_ them.

3. The _confluence_ of two streams is their _flowing together_.

4. _Influence_ literally means _flowing in_. The bringing about a result by a gradual process; gradual because _flowing_.

5. _Influenza._ A disease, somewhat allied to a cold, formerly attributed to the _influence_ of the stars.

8. A _fluid_ is so called because it is capable of _flowing_.

9. _Flush._ To _flow_ swiftly.


#vice# = instead of.

1. vice president 2. vice admiral 3. vice _roy_, king 4. vic _ar_, one who 5. vice _versa_, turn

3. _Viceroy._ A ruler acting with kingly authority _instead of_ the _king_.

4. _Vicar._ In general, _one who_ is authorized to perform functions, especially religious ones, _instead of_ another.

5. _Vice versa._ _Turned_, one _instead of_ the other, interchanged.

#a (an)# = without, not.

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Orthography Part 19 summary

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