Orthography Part 20

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1. a _byss_, bottom 2. a _cephal_ ous, head 3. a _chrom_ atic, color 4. a _gnostic_ ism, knowledge 5. an _archy_, rule 6. an _ecdote_, given out 7. an _esthetic_, feeling 8. an _onym_ ous, name 9. a _pathy_, suffer, feel 10. a _sylum_, right of seizure 11. a _the_ ist, G.o.d 12. a _tom_, cut

4. _Agnosticism._ The doctrine or theory that man has _not_ any real or absolute _knowledge_ of anything, but can know only "impressions".

5. _Anarchy._ A state of society in which there is _no_ authority or _ruling_ power.

6. _Anecdote_ [ec (ex) = out]. Originally a personal or biographical incident _not given out_ for publication.

7. That which causes a loss of sensation; hence, one who has taken an _anesthetic_ is _without_ the _feeling_ of pain.

10. _Asylum._ Originally a place of refuge where criminals or debtors were free from (_without_) the _right of seizure_.

11. _Atheist._ _One who_ is _without_ belief in the existence of a _G.o.d_.

12. _Atom._ The smallest particle of matter; hence a particle which _cannot_ be further _cut_ or divided.

#auto# = self.

1. auto _crat_, rule 2. auto _graph_, write 3. auto _bio_ graphy, life 4. auto _maton_, strive 5. auto _mobile_, move 6. aut _ops_ y, see

1. _Autocrat._ An absolute sovereign, one who has the _ruling_ power all in him_self_.

3. _Autobiography._ A _writing_ of one's _life_ by him_self_.

4. _Automaton._ A _self_ acting (_striving_) machine; one having its motive power within itself.

6. _Autopsy._ _Seeing_ by one's _self_; personal observation or examination.

#epi# = upon.

1. epi _cycle_, circle 2. epi _demic_, people 3. epi _dermis_, skin 4. epi _gram_, write 5. epi _sode_, way 6. epi _taph_, tomb 7. epi _thet_, place 8. epi _zootic_, animal

1. _Epicycle._ A circle whose center moves around _upon_, or in, the circ.u.mference of another _circle_; as the orbit of the moon in its motion with the earth around the sun.

4. _Epigram._ Literally, to _write upon_. A short, pointed poem, or a bright thought concisely and sharply expressed.

5. _Episode._ Something which happens _upon_ the _way_, or comes in incidentally to the main enterprise.

7. _Epithet._ An adjective or term _placed upon_ a person or thing and expressing some quality especially appropriate to that person or thing.

8. _Epizootic._ A disease _upon_ many _animals_ in a community.

#micro# = little.

micro _be_, life; micro _cosm_, world; micro _scope_, see, view.

#grat (grac)# = pleasing, favor, thankful.

1. grati _tude_, ness 2. grate _ful_, full of 3. grati _fy_, make 4. _in_ grati ate, into 5. _in_ grate, not 6. _un_ grateful, not 7. _dis_ grace, from 8. grac _ious_, having 9. _a_ gree, (ad) according to 10. gratis 11. grace

4. To become _ingratiated_ with another is to get _into_ his _favor_.

"The pigmy had contrived to _ingratiate_ himself into every man's affection."-_Stanley._

5. An _ingrate_ is _not thankful_ for benefits received.

7. One in _disgrace_ is out of (away _from_) _favor_ with others.

9. An _agreement_ is entered into _according to_ the _pleasure_ of both parties.

10. _Gratis._ Out of, or because of, _favor_; without recompense.

11. _Grace._ Literally, _pleasing_; beloved.

#greg# = flock, herd.

1. _ag_ gregate, (ad) to 2. _con_ gregate, together 3. gregari _ous_, quality 4. _se_ gregate, aside

3. _Gregarious._ _Quality_ or characteristic of animals which tend to gather in _flocks_; as, sheep, geese, deer.

4. _Segregate._ To separate (_aside_) from others and form into an isolated group (_flock_).

#ject# = cast, throw.

1. _ab_ ject, away 2. _de_ jected, down 3. _e_ ject, out 4. _in_ ject, in 5. _ob_ ject, against 6. _pro_ ject, forth 7. _re_ ject, back 8. _ad_ jective, to 9. _inter_ jection, between 10. _sub_ ject, under

#leg# = law.

1. leg _al_, pertaining to 2. _il_ legal, not 3. legal _ity_, state of 4. legal _ize_, make 5. legis _late_, bring forth 6. _privi_ lege, private

6. A _private law_, a peculiar benefit, right, or favor not enjoyed by others or by all, is a _privilege_.


#aceous# = having the quality of.

[In defining words of this ending, combine the meaning of the suffix with the meaning of the root; thus, _cretaceous_ means having the quality of _chalk_.]

1. _creta_ ceous, chalk 2. _crust_ aceous, sh.e.l.l 3. _carbon_ aceous, coal 4. _farin_ aceous, grain 5. _herb_ aceous, herb 6. _sapon_ aceous, soap

#al# = pertaining to.

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Orthography Part 20 summary

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