Orthography Part 21

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1. _capit_ al, head 2. _corpor_ al, body 3. _cymb_ al, cup 4. _dent_ al, tooth 5. _di_ al, day 6. _fest_ al, feast 7. _fili_ al, son, daughter 8. _fin_ al, end 9. _flor_ al, flower 10. _frug_ al, fruit 11. _jovi_ al, merry 12. _leg_ al, law 13. _miner_ al, mine 14. _nas_ al, nose 15. _nat_ al, born 16. _nomin_ al, name 17. _norm_ al, rule 18. _pen_ al, punishment 19. _plur_ al, more 20. _reg_ al, king 21. _roy_ al, king 22. _rur_ al, country 23. _vit_ al, life 24. _voc_ al, voice

1. _Pertaining to_ the _head_, as, _capital_ punishment, which involves the forfeiture of the _head_.

10. A _frugal_ person is economical with his means, hence _fruitful_ in saving.

16. _Pertaining to_ the _name_ only, not real; as, a _nominal_ Christian.

17. _Pertaining to_ the standard or _rule_; as, the _normal_ color of the crow is black.

#ence#, as a suffix to nouns like the following, means _state of being_.

1. abs _tin_ ence, hold 2. af _flu_ ence, flow 3. bene _vol_ ence, wish 4. con _dol_ ence, grief 5. con _fid_ ence, faith 6. de _pend_ ence, hang 7. im _pot_ ence, power 8. _omni_ pot ence, all 9. re _tic_ ence, silent 10. _sequ_ ence, follow

1. _State of holding from_ something which tempts and entices; as, _abstinence_ from strong drink.

2. (See third month, page 63.)

3. _State of being_ actively desirous (_wis.h.i.+ng_) for the _well_-being of others. "The laws of social _benevolence_ require that every man should try to a.s.sist others by his experience."

4. _Condolence._ _State of being_ in _grief_ or sympathy _with_ others on account of their afflictions.

5. _Confidence._ _State of being_ confident (of having _faith_ in others or in one's self).

6. _Dependence._ _State of being_ dependent (of _hanging_ [relying] on others for support).

7. _Impotence._ _State of being_ impotent (of having no _power_; weak; feeble).

8. _Omnipotence._ _State of being all powerful._

9. _Reticence_. _State_ or quality _of being silent_; refraining from speech.

10. _Sequence._ _State of being_ sequent (_following_); order of following.

#ance#, as a suffix to nouns like the following, means _state of being_.

1. con _cord_ ance, heart 2. con _son_ ance, sound 3. dis _cord_ ance, heart 4. dis _son_ ance, sound 5. _domin_ ance, master 6. ex _pect_ ance, look 7. _fragr_ ance, scent 8. re _pugn_ ance, fist 9. _sembl_ ance, similar 10. _temper_ ance, time

1. _Concordance._ _State of being heart with heart_; harmony; agreement.

2. _Consonance._ _State of_ agreement of _sound with sound_; tones in unison.

8. _Repugnance._ Literally, the _state of being_ disposed to fight (strike) _back_ (with the _fist_) [obsolete]. Opposition; aversion; dislike.

10. _Temperance._ _State of being_ well _timed_ (regular in habits) in eating, drinking, sleeping, exercising, etc.

#ent# = one who, that which.

1. ad _her_ ent, stick 2. ante _ced_ ent, go 3. _belliger_ ent, wage war 4. de _pend_ ent, hang 5. equi _val_ ent, power 6. in _solv_ ent, loosen 7. pre _ced_ ent, go 8. op _pon_ ent, place 9. re _pell_ ent, drive 10. _tang_ ent, touch

NOTE.-The meanings of the above prefixes have frequently been given.

Combine the meaning of suffix, root, and prefix, adding other words when necessary, to make definitions. The only word in the list which can give any difficulty is number four, which is explained in the work of seventh year, sixth month, page 35.

#ment# = mind.

1. mental 2. comments 3. mention 4. memento 5. demented

1. One's _mental_ powers are the powers of his _mind_, including intellect, feeling, and will.

2. One's _comments_ on a topic generally reveal to some degree the state of his _mind_ in regard to it.

3. The _mention_ of a thing calls it to _mind_.

4. A _memento_ is a _reminder_.

5. A _demented_ person has the powers of his _mind_ impaired.

#mit, mitt# = send, let go.

1. _ad_ mit, to 2. _com_ mit, with 3. _e_ mit, out 4. _o_ mit, (ob) by 5. _per_ mit, through 6. _re_ mit, back 7. _sub_ mit, under 8. _trans_ mit, across

1. A ticket will _admit_ you (_let_ you _go_) to the entertainment.

2. To place in custody; to entrust _with_; as to _commit_ a fund to the care of trustees; to _commit_ (_send_) a prisoner to jail.

3. To _send_ or give _out_; as, the fountain _emits_ water.

4. To _let go by_; to neglect; to overlook; as, to _omit_ a fact.

5. A _permit_ will _let_ you _go through_ the factory.

6. To _remit_ is to _send_ (_back_) value for value received.

7. To give up or _let_ one's self _go under_ the government of another; to yield, or surrender. "Do not _submit_ yourself to insult."

8. To _send_ (_across_) from one to another; as, to _transmit_ a message.

#norm# = rule.

1. norm _al_, pertaining to 2. _ab_ normal, from 3. _e_ normous, out 4. enorm _ity_, state of

1. _Pertaining to_ the usual _rule_ or type; as, his pulse is _normal_.

2. Deviating _from_ the natural condition, course, or _rule_; as, an _abnormal_ appet.i.te.

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Orthography Part 21 summary

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