Orthography Part 22

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3. _Out_ of the ordinary; not conforming to the usual _rule_; as the death rate was _enormous_.

4. The _state_ or quality _of_ being enormous; especially the quality of being extremely bad; as, the _enormity_ of his crime.

#pater# = father.

1. patern _al_, pertaining to 2. patri _arch_, rule 3. patron _ize_, act of 4. patri _cide_, kill 5. patri _ot_, one who 6. patrimony

1. Pertaining to a _father_; fatherly; as, _paternal_ love.

2. _Patriarch._ One of the _fathers_ and _rulers_ of a tribe or race; particularly applied to the early tribes of mankind.

3. _Patronize._ To _act_ like a patron, or one who protects, fosters, or supports some enterprise, as a _father_ looks after those under his care.

4. _Patricide._ The _killing_ of a _father_.

5. _Patriot._ _One who_ loves and supports the inst.i.tutions of his country somewhat as a _father_ cares for the interests of his family.

6. _Patrimony._ An inheritance from an ancestor; especially from one's _father_.


#fy# = to make.

1. _ampli_ fy, large 2. _certi_ fy, certain 3. _clari_ fy, clear 4. _dei_ fy, G.o.d 5. _exempli_ fy, example 6. _falsi_ fy, false 7. _forti_ fy, strong 8. _horri_ fy, horror 9. _identi_ fy, the same 10. _justi_ fy, right 11. _lique_ fy, liquid 12. _magni_ fy, large 13. _puri_ fy, pure 14. _rare_ fy, rare 15. _recti_ fy, right 16. _terri_ fy, frighten 17. _testi_ fy, witness 18. _typi_ fy, type 19. _veri_ fy, true 20. _vivi_ fy, life

#ile# = pertaining to, belonging to, capable of, like.

1. _ag_ ile, act 2. _duct_ ile, draw 3. _frag_ ile, break 4. _fert_ ile, bear 5. _host_ ile, enemy 6. _juven_ ile, young 7. _puer_ ile, child 8. _serv_ ile, serve 9. _vers_ atile, turn 10. _vir_ ile, man

2. A _ductile_ substance is one which is _capable of_ being _drawn_ into wire.

9. A _versatile_ person is _capable of turning_ readily from one thing to another; manysided.

#ine# = belonging to, like.

1. _aquil_ ine, eagle 2. _bov_ ine, cow 3. _can_ ine, dog 4. _dent_ ine, tooth 5. _div_ ine, deity 6. _fel_ ine, cat 7. _femin_ ine, woman 8. _mar_ ine, sea 9. _mascul_ ine, male 10. _sal_ ine, salt

1. An _aquiline_ nose is one hooked like the beak which _belongs_ to an _eagle_.

3. The _canine_ teeth are so called because they correspond to those best developed in the _dog_.

#ion# = the act of, ing. (In many words _ion_ means _that which_.)

1. _ablut_ ion, was.h.i.+ng away 2. _bisect_ ion, cutting in two 3. _expans_ ion, spreading out 4. _expuls_ ion, driving out 5. _inspect_ ion, looking into 6. _intercess_ ion, going between 7. _collect_ ion, gathering together 8. _combust_ ion, burn 9. _commot_ ion, move 10. _frict_ ion, rub 11. _junct_ ion, join 12. _opt_ ion, choose 13. _resurrect_ ion, rising again 14. _secess_ ion, going aside 15. _stat_ ion, stand 16. _tens_ ion, stretch

1. An _ablution_ is the _act of was.h.i.+ng away_, or cleansing.

15. A _station_ is a _standing_ place for the train.

#ite# = one who.

1. A _Canaanite_ is _one who_ dwelt in the land of _Canaan_.

2. A _Dowieite_ is _one who_ is a follower of _Dowie_.

3. A _favorite_ is _one who_ receives special _favor_.

4. A _hypocrite_ is _one who pretends_ to be what he is not.

5. An _Israelite_ is _one who_ is a descendant of _Israel_, or Jacob.

6. A _Levite_ is _one who_ is a descendant of _Levi_.

#port# = carry.

1. port _able_, capable of 2. port _folio_, leaf 3. port _er_, one who 4. _ex_ port, out 5. _im_ port, into 6. _re_ port, back 7. _sup_ port, under 8. _trans_ port, across 9. port

1. _Capable of_ being _carried_ or moved without difficulty; as, a _portable_ engine.

2. _Portfolio._ A case or folder in which _leaves_ of loose paper or other stationery may be _carried_.

3. _Porter._ Literally, _one who carries_ burdens.

7. _Support._ To _carry_ or uphold from beneath (_under_).

9. _Port._ The manner in which one _carries_ himself.

#rupt# = break.

1. _ab_ rupt, away 2. _bank_ rupt, bench 3. _dis_ rupt, apart 4. _e_ ruption, out 5. _inter_ rupt, between 6. rupt _ure_, ing 7. rout 8. route

2. At Florence, it is said, a trader or money changer who failed in business had his _banca_, or money _bench, broken_; hence, one who is unable to pay his debts is _bankrupt_.

6. A _rupture_ is a _breaking_ apart; as the _rupture_ of a blood vessel.

7. To _break_ the ranks of, and throw into confusion; as to _rout_ an enemy.

8. _Route_ originally meant a road _broken_ through a new and untraveled section of country. After thus _broken_ it became a way or _route_ for travel.

#scribe, script# = write.

1. _circ.u.m_ scribe, around 2. _de_ scribe, down 3. _in_ scribe, in, upon 4. _pre_ scribe, before 5. _sub_ scribe, under 6. _tran_ scribe, across 7. _post_ script, after 8. _in_ scription, upon 9. scribe 10. scribble 11. script 12. scripture

1. _Circ.u.mscribe._ To draw (_write_) a bounding line _around_; hence, to lay down the limits or restrict the action of.

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Orthography Part 22 summary

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