Orthography Part 23

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9. A _scribe_, in Jewish history, was a custodian and _writer_ of the official records of the nation.

10. To _scribble_ is to do hasty or careless _writing_.

11. _Script_ consists of characters _written_ by hand.

12. _Scripture._ The sacred _writings_ of any people.

#spec, spect# = look, see, view.

1. _a_ spect, (ad) toward 2. _circ.u.m_ spect, around 3. _ex_ pect, out 4. _in_ spect, into 5. _per_ spective, through 6. _pro_ spect, before 7. _retro_ spect, backward 8. spectat _or_, one who 9. _sus_ pect, under 10. spectacle 11. spectacles

1. The appearance of a thing as _viewed_ (looked _toward_ or at) by the eye or mind; as, a stern _aspect_; the southern _aspect_ of a house.

2. _Looking around_ in all directions, as against danger or error. "Of all these circ.u.mstances, the slow, _circ.u.mspect_ eye of the master took cognizance one by one."

5. _Perspective._ That which is _seen through_ an opening or vista.

The effect of distance upon the appearance of objects.

9. _Suspect._ To _underlook_; to imagine or infer that appearances misrepresent; hence one who _suspects_ is inclined to _look beneath_ the surface.

10. _Spectacle._ Something exhibited to be _looked_ at, especially if it be held worthy of unusual notice.


#ory# = place where.

1. _arm_ ory, arms 2. _deposit_ ory, put away 3. _dorm_ itory, sleep 4. _fact_ ory, make 5. _laborat_ ory, work 6. _manufact_ ory, hand made 7. _observ_ atory, observe 8. _prepar_ atory, to make ready 9. _reform_ atory, form again 10. _terr_ itory, land

1. An _armory_ is a _place where arms_ and other instruments of war are kept.

2. A _depository_ is a _place where_ things are or may be _put away_ for safe keeping.

5. A _laboratory_ is, literally, a _place_ for _labor_; particularly a place for scientific experimentation.

6. A _manufactory_ was formerly so called because it named a _place where_ things were _made_ by _hand_. The first part of the word is now generally omitted, and appropriately so, because a small part of the work in a factory is done by hand.

10. _Territory_ is extent of _land_ belonging to or ruled by the government. Literally it means a _place where_ there is _land_.

#ous# = having, consisting of, full of, pertaining to.

1. _amphi bi_ ous, double + life 2. _aque_ ous, water 3. _bili_ ous, bile 4. _clamor_ ous, to cry out 5. _decidu_ ous, fall 6. _furi_ ous, rage 7. _greg_ arious, flock 8. _hetero gene_ ous, other + kind 9. _h.o.m.o gene_ ous, like + kind 10. _im per vi_ ous, no + through + way 11. _numer_ ous, number 12. _preci_ ous, price, value 13. _pre coci_ ous, early + ripe 14. _ponder_ ous, weigh 15. _pre poster_ ous, before + after 16. _viv_ acious, life

1. _Living both_ on land and in water. "Seals of _amphibious_ nature, are either for the land or water."

2. _Pertaining to_, or containing _water_; as, an _aqueous_ vapor.

3. A _state of_ ill health due to a disordered condition of the liver, the gland which secretes _bile_.

4. _Consisting of_ loud and repeated _outcries_ or noise; as, a _clamorous_ crowd.

5. The leaves of _deciduous_ trees _fall_ once a year.

8. _Consisting_ of unlike elements or ingredients of different (_other_) _kinds_.

13. _Having_ the mental faculties _prematurely_ developed; as, a _precocious_ child.

15. Contrary to nature, reason, or common sense. Originally, _preposterous_ meant _having_ the _after_ part _before_.

#ulent# = full of.

1. _corp_ ulent, body 2. _fraud_ ulent, fraud 3. _op_ ulent, wealth 4. _succ_ ulent, juice 5. _esc_ ulent, food 6. _vir_ ulent, poison

1. A _corpulent_ person is one who has an excess of fat; hence, literally speaking, is _full of body_.

4. _Succulent_ plants are _full of juice_; as, the stalk of the sugar cane.

5. _Esculent_ plants are those suitable for _food_ (literally, _full of food_).

"Every lover of that invaluable _esculent_ (the potato) has reason to remember with grat.i.tude the settlers of Londonderry."-_Whittier._

#ure# = act or state of, that which.

1. _capt_ ure, take 2. _depart_ ure, from + part 3. _en clos_ ure, within + shut 4. _fixt_ ure, fasten 5. _fract_ ure, break 6. _gest_ ure, act, do 7. _junct_ ure, join 8. _manu fact_ ure, hand + make 9. _overt_ ure, open 10. _past_ ure, feed 11. _pict_ ure, paint 12. _pleas_ ure, please 13 _post_ ure, place 14. _pro ced_ ure, forward + go 15. _rapt_ ure, carry away 16. _script_ ure, write 17. _signat_ ure, mark or sign 18. _sut_ ure, sew 19. _text_ ure, weave 20. _verd_ ure, green

#y# = state of being, full of, consisting or made of.

1. b.l.o.o.d.y 2. dewy 3. dressy 4. curly 5. faulty 6. filthy 7. fleshy 8. frosty 9. fussy 10. gaudy 11. gloomy 12. 13. guilty 14. hardy 15. h.o.a.ry 16. lofty 17. marshy 18. rainy 19. rosy 20. sandy 21. shady 22. 23. thirsty 24. wealthy

While the above words serve to ill.u.s.trate the use of _y_ as a suffix, to a.n.a.lyze them would not be profitable. On account of their simplicity no ill.u.s.trations are needed to show their use, and no definitions; in fact, there are no words simpler on which to base definitions.

The eight words following, which end in _y_, can, however, be a.n.a.lyzed with profit:

1. _an arch_ y, without + rule 2. _a path_ y, without + feel 3. _aut ops_ y, self + see 4. _col loqu_ y, together + speak 5. _ob loqu_ y, against + speak 6. _poly gam_ y, many + marriage 7. _sym path_ y, together + feel 8. _sym phon_ y, together + sound

#tort, tors# = twist, wring, wrest.

1. _con_ tort, together 2. _dis_ tort, aside 3. _ex_ tort, out 4. _re_ tort, back 5. torch 6. tor _ment_, that which 7. tortoise 8. tort _ure_, that which

1. To _twist together_; to turn awry. "A form _contorted_ and misshapen from that which nature gave."

2. To _twist aside_; to twist out of shape; to wrest from the true meaning. "For gold the hireling judge _distorts_ the laws."

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Orthography Part 23 summary

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